티스토리 뷰







p.s 영어 대본을 원하시는 분들이 많아서 시즌 1에 1편부터 24편까지 영어대본을 써두었습니다. 필요하신분은 복사하셔서 영어공부 하세요^^





너무나도 유명한 24시! 시즌1부터 정주행할것을 권해드리며,

미드에 입문하실 생각이시라면 무조건 이영화부터 보시길 추천!!


원래는 시즌 8 까지만 진행되었으나 엄청난 성화로 인해 시즌9가 제작되어


시즌 1~현재 9까지 종결이 난 상태이다.


개인적인 평점: ★★★★★

스토리 구성: ★★★★☆



큰 스토리를 이야기하자면 "잭바우어"아저씨가 미국을 구하는 이야기이다.


혼자 다 구한다..




 트웨니포 아우어스는 24시간동안 벌어지는 이야기를 그린것인데

24시간동안 주인공을 비롯한 모두가 한숨도 안잔다.



이 미드의 특징은 1편이 1시간인데

드라마상 1시간이 실제 시간 1시간과 동일하게 간다.




1편:13시~14시 이야기

2편:14시~15시 이야기

3편:15시~16시 이야기






이런식? ㅋㅋ





주인공인 잭바우어가 LA에 있는 대테러전담반 CTU라는 단체에 팀장으로 재직을한다.



당시 미국 역사상 흑인 대통령이 나온다는건 상상할 수 없었는데 2000년도 초반 이 드라마에서 나오는 대통령은 흑인으로 등장한다.



아무튼 흑인대통령 "팔머"씨에 대한 테러가 있다는 정보를 전해들은 CTU는 대테러부대를 조직하여 일이 발생하기전에 저지하는 역할을 맡는다.




그 와중에... 역시 일이 잘풀리면 미드가 아니다..

시즌1에서 거의 주인공급인 잭바우어의 딸!



"킴 벌리"


일진 코스프레를하며 문제아 이면서, 아버지는 나라를 구하기위해 바쁜데

이 딸은 사사건건 아빠의 사건에 본인도 모르게 개입하게 되어 발목을 잡게된다.


아마도 보는내내 저 딸래미 다리를 뿌러트리고싶은 욕구가 나올것이다.ㅋㅋ

아무튼 결론적으로 잭바우어는 딸과 나라 모두 구하기위해 힘쓰기 시작한다.


이정도가 전체적인 줄거리 요약이 되겠다.

정말 줄거리 길게말하기도 미안할 정도로 재밋는 미드!


제가 미드를 꽤 많이 보았다고 자부하지만,

이 미드만큼 플롯이 탄탄하고 짜임새 있는 드라마는 거의 못보았다.



<에피소드1 영어자막> 

24 - [ 1x01 ] 12:00am-01:00am


JACK: The following takes place
between midnight and 1:00 a.m...

...on the day of the California
Presidential Primary.

Events occur in real time.

MAN: Identify.

Victor Rovner,
requesting permission to transmit.

MAN: Log in.

Permission granted.

WALSH: Excuse me a moment.
Let me catch up with you.

-This is Walsh.
-Sir, we just heard from Rovner.

He confirmed there will be
an attempt today.

-Did he find out who the target is?
-Senator David Palmer.

MAN: As soon as the polls open,
we'll be there.

Senator Palmer seems poised for victory.

DAVID: All right.
''On this historic occasion''?

Well, it is an historic occasion, sir.

It's self-serving to say it.

DAVID: I want to stay low-key.
PATTY: Wrong.

PATTY: Play it up, inspire people.

-Honey, what do you think?
-I agree with Patty.

Okay, but not ''occasion.''
lt sounds like we're having brunch.

''On this historic day''?

DAVID: Deal.

-You going to bed?
-How can I sleep?

No, I'm going to write a few thank-yous.
Call me if you need me.

Thank you, angel.

KIM: You're in trouble, Dad.



[Alternative rock music
playing quietly]


...is she still giving you the cold shoulder?

lf by ''she,''
you're referring to your mother...

...I'd appreciate it if
you'd call her by her name, Mom.

JACK: And no, she's just busy.
KIM: She's busy a lot.

And it's a school night for you,
so time for bed.

KIM: Good night.
JACK: I love you.

I'm glad you moved back in, Daddy.

Me, too, sweet.

Have a good sleep.

TERI: Good night, sweet pea.
KIM: Yeah.

JACK: She still giving you a hard time?

I don't know when I became the enemy.

I think she blames me for you moving out.

Well, I never gave her any reason to.

Maybe not.

But I think you let her
manipulate you, Jack.

No, I don't.

Let me guess.

Just now she was
sweetness and light, right?

-Then she said something nasty about me?
-And I just busted her on it.

Why are you taking
this so personally?

It's just that
mother-teenage daughter thing.


Maybe you're right.

Maybe we should talk to her right now.

Tell her not to play us
off each other...

...and that if she's insulting you,
she's insulting me, too.



l really appreciate that.

So, you just said that you appreciate that.

Do you mean you
kind of appreciate it?

TERI: I really appreciate it.

Do you really, really appreciate it?

Do you really appreciate it?

-How much do you appreciate it?




JACK: Kim!

She snuck out.

That's it. She's grounded for two months,
no exceptions.

She can forget about getting
a driver's license.

TERI: Hello?
NINA: Hey, Teri, Is Jack there?

Yeah, he's right here.

It's Nina.


Hey, Nina.

Now? No, I can't.

JACK: Yeah?

Okay, fine.
Get a hold of the others and bring them in.

Yeah, okay. Bye.

It's Walsh. He's coming into the office.
He wants everybody in as soon as possible.

It's only a briefing.
I should be back within an hour.

If she's not here when I get back...

...we'll call all her friends...

...everyone we know until we find out
where she's gone, okay?


JACK: I'm sorry.

JACK: I'll call you from the road.

VlNCENT: What?
JACK: Vincent. Jack Bauer.

Are you planning
on seeing Kimberly tonight?

No, man, we broke up. You know that.

Yeah, I just wanted
to make sure you know that.

Snuck out on you?

-Don't screw with me, Vincent.
-Chill, man, look.

I don't know where she's at.
You got my word.

JACK: That's a real comfort, Vincent,
knowing that I've got your word.

KIM: Why are we meeting
the guys at a furniture store?

JANET: Dan works there.

KIM: When are we supposed to be there?
JANET: Midnight. We're late.

Yeah, they'll wait.

You're sure about that?

Well, you told them I'm hot, right?
And you're hot, so they'll wait.

Dan's a sophomore at San Diego State.

Yeah, you told me that.

And so is Rick.

I mean, they're not just, you know,
a bunch of high-school idiots.

-And your point is?
-They're men, not boys.

-Good, I'm glad to hear it.


NINA: CTU, this is Myers.

-This is Jack. What exactly did Walsh say?
-Just bring everyone in. No details.

JACK: Why does this have to be tonight?
NINA: Problems at home?

I'm almost there. I'll see you in a few.

How long is this going to take?

Why? Are we interrupting your social life?

JAMEY: At least I have one.


-Have you called Langley?
-I sure did. Called the Bureau, too.

Nobody knows anything.
Jack on his way?

Yeah, unfortunately for us,
the mood he's in.


-Did you hear from Kim yet?

JACK: We should try and remember...

...what it was like when we were kids,
you know?

TERI: It's a different world now, Jack.
JACK: Yeah, I know.

GUARD: Evening, Jack.
JACK: Hey, Paul.

Listen, I was talking
to Denise the other day...

...and they took Nicki to
a therapist and they said it helped.

-Maybe we should think about that.
-Yeah, well, maybe.

We can talk about it when I get home.

Honey, I'm already here.

Let me give you a call back
in a little while.

JACK: Who's here?

Everyone. We're just waiting for Walsh.

NINA: I've activated a satellite uplink.
JACK: Good.

Tony, I need detailed background
on everyone on David Palmer's staff, now.


JACK: 'Cause I think this is about him.
l want us to be prepared.

TONY: Bad time to play a hunch.

If it leaks out that we're screening him,
people might think it's 'cause he's black.

JACK: lt is because he's black.

lt makes him the most likely target.

lt might not be interpreted
that way on the outside.

I don't care how it's interpreted.

l just gave you an order
and I'd like you to follow it, please.

Good. Thank you.

Let me know as soon as Walsh gets here.
I've got to make a phone call.

DAN: Hey.

JANET: How are you?
DAN: Good.

DAN: Come on, let's go in.


You must be Rick.

l must be.

Janet said you guys like to party.

As a matter of fact, yeah.

As a matter of fact, me, too.

Glad to hear it.

RICK: Let's get this party started.

Follow me.

JANET: Come on!

No, I'm not going up there.

RICK: You smoke?
JANET: Yeah.

Polls open in less than seven hours
here in California....

JACK: Detective Castolano, please.


ANCHORWOMAN: Senator Palmer arrived
In Los Angeles this morning...

...and showed a young group of fans....

JACK: Frank, it's Jack Bauer, over at CTU.

This is embarrassing, but
my daughter snuck out of the house...

...and she's not back yet.
If we sent her vitals over...

...could you guys keep
an eye out for her?

Yeah, no, I'm sure she's okay.
No, that'd be great.

Thanks a lot. I owe you. Bye.

-Richard. Everybody's inside. Come on.

NINA: Mr. Walsh.
WALSH: Hello, Nina.

-Shall we get started?

WALSH: We believe
that by the end of the day...

...an attempt will be made
on David Palmer's life.

JACK: How's his security?
WALSH: Very good.

WALSH: Maybe not good enough
to handle what's coming today...

...a shooter, well-funded, from overseas.

-What foreign power wants Palmer dead?
-Probably none.

Most likely a domestic hate-group
hired someone from out of the country.

It's harder to trace.

Check the background of everyone
around Palmer.

Cross it with terrorist databases.

WALSH: Start now.
JACK: Okay, we're on it. Let's go.

WALSH: Jack.

JACK: I'll be right with you.

How you doing?

l can't complain.

Can't or won't?

Things better at home?

Yeah. We're trying.

What I'm about to tell you
doesn't leave this room.


There may be an element
inside the agency...

WALSH: ...involved with this hit.
JACK: What?

WALSH: For the next 24 hours,
l want you all over this.

You'll be interfacing
with every division in the region.

l am the last person on this planet
you want to bring something like this to.

-I don't agree.

I built a case against three of our own
agents and busted them for taking bribes.

If there's a conspiracy in the agency
to kill Palmer, I'll never get near it.

Well, you'll have to, Jack...

...'cause you're the only guy
that I can trust.

If Palmer gets hit...

...the first African-American
with a real shot at the White House...

...it'll tear this country apart.

JACK: I'll look into it. I'll do the best I can.
WALSH: Good.

George Mason is coming from Division
to give you a detailed briefing on Palmer.

You think I should trust George Mason?

WALSH: Until we get
a better handle on things...

...don't trust anybody.

Not even your own people.

We got to find the shooter, Jack.

Whatever it takes.

Excuse me.

How much longer till we land
in Los Angeles?

Let's see. It's 12:20. Just over an hour.

Thank you.

RICK: You want to hit the road?
KIM: Yeah, sure.

[Phone ringing]

Brooks here.

Hey, Martin, how you doing?
It's the photographer.

Very well, Patty, I'm landing in one hour.

Are we still on for breakfast?

Meet Secret Service in the lobby at 7:00
and they'll take care of you.

Will Senator Palmer be at the breakfast?

PATTY: You bet.


RICHARD: I'll see you then.
PATTY: Fly safe.

Excuse me.
You know David Palmer?

Not yet.
I am meeting him tomorrow.

We have been sitting here...

...this whole time making small-talk
and you never even mentioned it.

I'm going to be taking
a few pictures of him.

You're a photographer?

Have I ever seen one of your photographs?

What's next?

JACK: George Mason will be here in a few
minutes and then he's going to brief me.

You, not us?

NINA: You can't shut me out, Jack.
Not here.

It's Walsh.
He wants me to meet Mason alone.

-He didn't say.

You're lying.

Yes, I am, but you're still
going to have to trust me.

One of these days
you're going to ask for too much.

I'm terribly afraid
that today's going to be that day.

-Hi, it's me.

-Did you hear anything?

JACK: What's wrong?
TERI: I found three joints in her desk.

JACK: Terrific.

l know it's not the end of the world,
but I don't like it.

I don't either.

Maybe you can get into her e-mail...

...check her messages or something.

We gave her her own password
to show that we trusted her, remember?


Honey, l....

I'm so sorry that I can't
be there with you right now.

Look, I can't really talk right now.
Let me call you back, okay?

-Okay, bye.

-Everything okay?

When I got into San Diego State
I figured, ''What the hell?

''Give college a try.''

-Do you live near the beach?

-Do you surf?.
-No. Surfing's way too motivated.

You got to get wet, there's sharks...

...you got to call everybody ''dude.''

[Both chuckle]

-No reason.

My dad surfs.


He doesn't anymore?
He's too old?

My father's dead.

Hey, my bad.

It's okay. He was this...

...really great guy, and then...

-...six months ago, he--
-I'm sorry.

Yeah. I'm over it.

Getting over it. It's hard but I am.


[lntercom chimes]

NINA: Mason's on his way up.

-Jack. How's it going?

Good to see you. Come on in.

-How much did Walsh tell you down there?
-Not much.

Palmer's the target,
shooter's the real deal.

That's about it.

I can narrow it down for you a bit,
if you like.

Please do.

We think the shooter's European,
probably German...

...and that he's either here already
or he's coming today.

This will get you into
secured data nationwide.

See if it clicks with anything
you already have.

Who's the source on this?

That I can't give you.

-Because I'm not authorized to.

How can I crosscheck the data...

...if I don't know where
the original information's coming from?

What do you know about Palmer's politics?

You know he's no friend
to the agency, right?

And if he gets elected,
this place gets gutted.

-What are you trying to say?
-I'm not saying anything.

Saying do your job,
and stay out of what doesn't concern you.

Fair enough.

Good. Then we're done.

JACK: George.

I need a favor.

I need you to call your boss...

...and ask him to give me clearance
on the lD of this source.

I thought we agreed that it didn't matter.

But I still got to call Walsh
and tell him that I did everything I could.

I would like to cover my own ass.

Jack, you're finally learning
how to play the game.

Sure, I'll call Chappelle for you.

-Use your phone?
-Please do.

You want a cup of coffee?

No, I'm good.


JACK: I want to hear Mason's call.

At the sound of the tone
the time will be 12:29...

...and 30 seconds.

At the sound of the tone, the time....

Yeah, I'm talking to my boss, Jack.

Right, you stupid chump.

NINA: What are you doing?
JACK: He's screwing with us.

Get me that binder.

-The binder. Get me the binder.

At the sound of the tone....

NINA: We need to talk about this?

WOMAN: Nina?

MASON: You can consider your ass
officially covered. Chappelle said no.

You are out of your mind.

Mason's holding something back.
l need some bargaining power.

NINA: How are you going to get it?

Remember Phillipe Darcet?

Heroin dealer, Barcelona?

JACK: Yeah.

Mason was the point man
on his bust last August.

When they rolled up Darcet's assets,
$200,000 was missing.

I always thought
it fell into Mason's pockets.

Now I need proof.

You're going to blackmail
a District director?

I want you to check Darcet's accounts.

You can access them through
the secured files. Use this.

Nina, he's going to wake up
in a half an hour or less.

Senator Palmer,
blending intelligence...

...political courage, hard work, and luck....

Damn it! Hello?

I'm sorry to bother you at this hour.
My name is Alan York.

I found this number
in my daughter's calendar.

-Who's your daughter?
-Janet York.

-Do you have a son or a--
-Daughter. Kimberly.

She snuck out of the house.
Is Janet gone, too?

Yes, I bet they're together.
Any idea where they might be?

None. Did Janet say anything?

She was gone
when I came home from work.

Can I give you my number
in case you hear anything?

Yeah, of course.

I've got Darcet's account number.

JACK: Good.

It's encrypted. I can't get around it.

-Ask Tony to do it.
-He'll need a reason.

If he thinks he's doing it for me.
Not if he's doing it for you.

I'm surprised you noticed.

I noticed.

Well, you shouldn't have.


-I need you to do something for me.
-For you or for Jack?

I need you to get into this account.

TONY: What does Phillipe Darcet's bank
account have to do with Palmer?

We don't know yet.

We're trying to pick up a thread.

That's interesting, because...

-...I've been trying to pick up a thread.
-About what?

Whether you're still sleeping with Jack.

Who says I ever did?

What do you see in him?

-He turned in his own people.
-They were dirty.

And he's Mr. Clean?

Yes, he is.

Look, we don't have a lot of time.
Will you help me out here?


I'll see what I can find.

I'll see what I can find!

Jamey, if I give you a phone number...

...could you hack in and get all
the passwords connected to it?

Sure, if you have a warrant.

And if I didn't have a warrant?

It's important?

It's pretty important.


TERI: Hello?
JACK: Hey, it's me.

I got her password.

What is it?

''Iifesucks,'' one word.


So, are you going to be
around this weekend?

I could be.


-Where are they?
-I don't know.

MANDY: Did you ever meet Princess Di?


But I never took her picture.

What was she like?

She was cool.

Can l....

Can I see one of your photographs?

-My photographs?


How about this one right here?

That's very beautiful.


Finish the speech?

Taking a break.

The guys got tired of me yelling at them.

Big, old, grumpy bear.

How you doing?

Fine, just a few dozen more to go.

You don't have to do these yourself.

The personal touch never hurts.

-Sure doesn't.



Phone call, Senator.
It's Maureen Kingsley from the network.

-Come on, Patty, it's after midnight.
-She says it's urgent.

DAVID: Maureen. This better be good.

Can I get you some coffee or anything?

Thank you, Patty.

My response?

Here's my response.

You air that allegation,
or anything remotely like it....

This conversation is over, Maureen.

That'll be all, Patty.

SHERRY: Sweetheart?

What was it?

Just more media nonsense. Not important.

SHERRY: lt didn't sound not important.

Since when don't we talk about things?

[Siren wailing]

[Somber instrumental music]

WALSH: This is Richard Walsh.
At the tone, Ieave a message.

Richard, it's Jack.
Call me back. It's important.

I thought you wanted
to get your life back together.

Make things right with your family.

You think this is helping?

He's got information that I need.

What information?

Never mind.

You can't tell me, fine.

But, Jack, if Tony doesn't find anything,
you could end up in jail.


Then what are you doing?


Answer me.

Nina, you can look the other way once
and it's no big deal.

It makes it easier
for you to compromise the next time...

...and soon that's all you're doing
is compromising...

...because that's how you think
things are done.

You know those guys I blew the whistle on?
You think they were the bad guys?

'Cause they weren't.
They weren't bad guys.

They were just like you and me.

Except they compromised once.

I'll see how Tony's coming along.

Thank you.

[Phone ringing]

-Hi, it's Teri Bauer.

Hi, have you heard anything?

Yeah, I broke into Kim's e-mail.
Janet sent her one this morning.

They're meeting two guys in the Valley.

Did you get an address?

Yep, I'm going right now.

Would you mind if I came along?
I'm getting stir-crazy sitting around here.

All right.

I'm leaving right now.
Tell me where you live.

Where are we going now?

Wasn't there supposed to be
a party at Lacy's?

-Anybody got a phone? I'll call.
-Yeah, I do.

I got to go home.


My mother left five messages.

Run home to Mommy.

RICK: Her father just died, okay?

Maybe her mother needs her.

Your father?

Shut up.


I don't want to go home.


We'll drop you off, okay?



MANDY: What's your name?

MARTIN: Martin.

I'm Mandy.

Hey, maybe we can get together...

...when we're in LA, or something.

I'm going to be pretty busy.

See you.

JACK: Yeah?
TONY: I got into the Darcet account.

TONY: Nina said you wanted it.

JACK: Thank you. Send it to my screen.

TONY: All right.

JACK: Wake up.

Sit down.

Who's the source?

Who tipped us on the Palmer hit?

Last August when you led
the take-down of Phillipe Darcet...

...all his assets were transferred
to a custodial account in Langley, Virginia.

$200,000 fell out along the way.

I traced that money...

...to an offshore account in Aruba.

I got a funny feeling
about that account, George.

I think it's yours.

Yeah, well, that's a lie.


Then you won't mind
if I send Chappelle the information.

The source, George.

You have no idea
what you're getting yourself into here.

Why don't you explain it to me?

You've got five seconds.

MASON: Wait.

There's your source.

Thanks for your help, George.

You'll live to regret this, Bauer.

I promise you that.

Excuse me.

ATTENDANT: Ma'am, we're about to land.
If you could please....

Please remain in your seat.

MARTIN: I lost my wallet.

TERI: Hello?
JACK: Hey, it's me.

TERI: Turn left at the light.


I'm in a car with Alan York.

He's the father of one
of Kimberly's friends.

What are you talking about?

Kim got an e-mail this morning
from Janet York...

...and they might be out together.


TERI: I don't know yet. They were meeting
some guys in the Valley.

Wait a second. You're going to the Valley
with this guy, Alan York?

What are you going to do
if she's not there?

Well, we haven't thought
that far ahead yet. I'll call.



JACK: Hey.
NINA: Hey.

Would you do me a favor?
Could you cover for me?


Forward all my calls to my cell phone.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

TONY: Jack.

JACK: What?

A 747 just blew up over the Mojave desert.

Preliminary reports make it sound like
It was a bomb.

The passenger list.
Get me Walsh on the phone now.


Turn here. I live on 10th.

KIM: Dan, I just told you--
DAN: Why don't you just relax?

Can you please tell him
that he missed the turn?

You heard him. Relax.

The night's just getting started.


<에피소드2 영어자막> 

24 - [ 1x02 ] - 01:00am-02:00am-


JACK: The following takes place
between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m...

...on the day of the
California Presidential Primary.

Events occur in real time.

Walsh isn't answering.

As soon as you reach him, you find me.

-Is this the crew list from the 747?

Should I get a maintenance history
on the plane?

No. For now, let's just assume
this was not an accident.

TONY: Why?
JACK: It originated out of Berlin.

It's where Walsh said the shooter
was coming from.

Break down the crew and passenger list:
political affiliation, criminal record...

...country of origin and residence.

TONY: Jack.
JACK: What?

You want to tell me
what's going on here tonight?

What's going on?

JACK: Besides a 747 falling out of the sky...

...and a threat
on a presidentiaI candidate's life?

That's right. Besides that.

TONY: Look, George Mason comes in here...

...disappears up in your office
for a half an hour, then he limps out.

What's that all about?

Tell him, Jack.

-Fine, then I will.

NINA: The three agents that Jack
brought down on bribery charges...

...were close friends of Mason.

He's been looking for payback ever since.

NINA: He chose tonight to make some
pretty nasty accusations about Jack...

...as well as some other people
in this office.

In case you haven't noticed, Jack
doesn't have a lot of tolerance for criticism.

NINA: I need that right away.

I'll get you that list within the hour.

Thank you.

That was quite a story.

It's better than the truth.

[Coyote yipping]

MAN: Did you get the lD?


It's funny. When you came to Jack's rescue
back there with your little performance...

...it reminded me of something.

Yeah, what?

TONY: Remember that time we came
into work together about a month ago?

Lisa made some wisecrack remark...

...and you came up
with this really great B.S. story...

...an early breakfast meeting
with District Three.

I was really impressed
with how convincing a liar you are.

What's your point, Tony?

I want to know what happened
up there between Jack and Mason.

I already told you.

And I don't believe you.

Maybe I should ask Mason.

A presidentiaI candidate's life is at stake.

Maybe you should get back to work.

TERI: I think we need to turn right here.

TERI: There it is.

ALAN: Janet?

ALAN: Janet?

TERI: Hello?
JACK: Hey, sweetheart.

JACK: Have you found the girls yet?
TERI: No. We just got here.

TERI: Janet's car is parked out front.
I just got here.

All right. I'll wait till you check it out.

TERI: No, let me call you back.
JACK: I'll hold.

TERI: Kim?
JACK: Teri?


ALAN: They were here.

-What did you give her?
-Nothing she didn't want.

Look, my dad is a government agent.

I thought you said your dad was dead.

He's not.
If I'm not home in the next half hour...

...he's going to be all over this.

Told you,
you should have given her a roofie.

KIM: I'm serious. You two are toast.
DAN: She's giving me a headache, dude.

RICK: Just chill, okay?
KIM: You chill.

SCOTT: Walsh.

SCOTT: Did anyone see you come in?

SCOTT: You weren't followed?
WALSH: Take it easy.

No, I'm not going to take it easy. I'm not.

I should never have called you.

If you have evidence
that someone inside the agency...

...is involved in a plot
against David Palmer...

...then you had no choice.

SCOTT: Here.

It's all yours. I'm out of this.

WALSH: Wait.

A keycard?

Yeah, it's just a simple keycard.

The kind we use to get
in and out of the building.

WALSH: I don't get it.

Normally, the magnetic stripe
has just an access code on it.

But the stripe can hold a ton of data.

On this one, I found a file
filled with references to Palmer.

What's the point?

To smuggle confidential information.

These get in and out of restricted areas
without any scrutiny.

WALSH: I need you to be reachable
throughout the day.

-You said after tonight I'm done.
-I can't help it, Scott.

WALSH: Until we defuse this situation,
I need to be able to find you.

SCOTT: I find out there's
an agency conspiracy to kill David Palmer.

The moment I realized what I stumbled
onto, I put my wife and kid on a plane.

I couldn't even tell them why.

I've been here long enough
to know what I'm dealing with.

It's your thing now. I'm out.


What you did took a lot of courage.

WALSH: I'm asking you to hang in there
with me a little longer.

I did my part. Get someone else.

There is no one else.

You got me for another 24 hours.

Then I'm joining my family.

Yes, I know Palmer gets a lot of
death threats, but this one's got weight.

AGENT: We're overloaded.
We'll deal with it--

No, you'll make adjustments
in your schedule.

Notify his advance team,
tighten up security on your end.

AGENT: I understand--

JACK: I must go. I'll update you in an hour.
AGENT: You'll update--

AGENT: One hour?
JACK: Yes, fine.

JACK: Teri?
WALSH: Jack. I need you.


I'm at 2350 Dunlop Plaza.
I got two shooters trying to hit me...

...and an agent down.

Richard, what's going on?

WALSH: I've got hard information
on who is behind the Palmer hit.

Isley can get there before me.

JACK: He's in the area.
WALSH: No, don't call anyone.

We still don't know who we can trust.

Just get me out of here.

-I'll be there in 10 minutes.
-I'll be on the roof.



JACK: Richard?


What's going on? ls Kim at the store?

No, she's not here.

-I thought you said you saw their car.
-We think she left with the boys.

This guy you're with, York,
does he know either of these boys?

No, but one of them, Dan, works here.

I'm starting to worry a little bit.
Can't you get over here?

I can't. I don't have time to explain,
but some bad things are happening tonight.

Our daughter's missing.
I think that's bad, don't you?

Teri, she's not missing. She's partying.
Kim's smart enough to know her limits.

Yeah? Maybe you should come over here
and see what those limits are.

-What's that supposed to mean?

We're going to wait here
for them to come back for the car.

Call me when you're done
with your emergency, okay?

I will. I'm sorry, okay?

I'll call you as soon as I can.


RICK: Look, I know it seems like
we're these really bad guys...

...but we're cool, I swear.

RICK: There's just some stuff we got to do.

RICK: Go along with it,
and you guys won't get hurt.

KIM: I don't even know
what you want me to go along with.

Is this some sort of fraternity stunt
or something?

RICK: Something like that.

Fine. Whatever. I'll tell your friends
whatever you want me to...

...just let us go.

It's not that simple.

-These people--
-What people?

Dan, pull over. She's choking.

It's okay.

KIM: She's not breathing, you idiot!
DAN: I don't care.

KIM: Stop.
DAN: Get back!

RICK: Don't be a moron!

Don't be a bitch.

NEWSCASTER: Brushfires set off by the
wreckage are making the prospect...

...of locating possible survivors of Flight 221
virtually impossible.

-Has Carl called yet?
-No, not yet.

-Let me know as soon as he does.

DAVID: It's 1 :20. Weren't the kids
supposed to be back by now?

They stopped to get pizza after the rally.

SHERRY: You seen this?
DAVID: Yeah.

It's horrible.

I'm sorry I walked away before.

What did Maureen Kingsley
say to you on the phone?

It's nothing serious.

I'm overreacting to everything right now.

Today is going to be
the second most important day of my life.

And what would the first one be?

I think you know.

I still like to hear you say it.

All right.

The most important day of my life...

...was when I hit the game-winning three
against DePaul at the Final Four.

You just lost my vote, Senator.

Good night. Don't let this get to you.

SHERRY: Thanks, honey.

Good night.

We already know about that.
We've got another way around security.

IRA: No, I don't want an explanation.

I just want him in place. Hold on.

Gaines. Yeah, I'm finishing up
with him right now.

MAN: All right, get back to me.

IRA: Hey, Mandy.

IRA: Good. Everything put together?

MAN: It is. Just get back to me.
IRA: I'll get back to you.

You want something to drink?

They'll be ready to go
by the time you get there.

IRA: Leave now.

It's all there.

-What are you doing this summer?
-Not interested.

IRA: You haven't heard my offer.

MANDY: I don't care. I'm going
to disappear for a while. Lay low.

IRA: So when do I get the lD?


NINA: Myers.

Nina, it's Jack. Is this a secure line?

NINA: No, you want me to transfer it?
JACK: No time. I need an entry code.

Entry code? Where are you?

JACK: Taking care of something.
NINA: Why didn't you check with me?

JACK: Just give me the entry code, okay?

I'm at 2350 Dunlop Plaza, north garage.


Got it.

NINA: 9-1-3-6-7-star.

I'm in.


[Machinery whirring loudly]


JACK: Richard, are you okay?
WALSH: I'm fine.

-You said there were two shooters.
-At least. Maybe three.

-They look like they were ours?
-I couldn't tell.

-How high does this conspiracy go?
-I don't know yet, Jack.

-Did you see anyone downstairs?
-No one.

-Is this the only way out?
-This is it.


JONATHAN: I'm sorry.

Come here.


You look just like Martin Belkin.

How'd they do that?

JONATHAN: Plastic surgery.

That's amazing.

MANDY: You're going to kill David Palmer?

TONY: Hey, where's Jack?

I don't know.

TONY: I thought you were
on the phone with him.

NINA: No, that was Division.


This is a military organization.
There's a chain of command.

NINA: I am your superior. I tell you what
I want and you don't question it, got it?

All right. I can accept that.


-There's something you got to deal with.
-Yeah? What?

You can boss me around
all you want here...

...but when you and I punch out...

...we're something else...


Okay, Tony.


JACK: Okay, we're clear. Give me your tie.
I want to fix this.

JACK: Sorry.

-I should've been more careful.
-They could have been following Baylor.

WALSH: This was my fault.

I set it up wrong.

We were sitting ducks.

I'm sorry to put you through this, Jack.

Don't you ever say that to me.

JACK: You of all people.

I owe you my life.

Across the mezzanine there's a corridor
that leads to a service exit.

JACK: We'll take that to the street.

My car is right there. You okay?

JACK: Good. Let's get out of here.

JACK: Take the wall.

WALSH: Jack!

WALSH: We got to find out
who sent these guys.

I'm going to go ID him.


It's okay.

What the hell is this supposed to be?

Give him the lD.

It's okay.

This'll be better for both of us.
I figured it out.

No, you don't figure anything out.
This is not your play.

Where is the damn lD?

It is my play...

...since I'm the only one who knows
where the damn ID is.

Go ahead.

I didn't find anything useful in the back.

Work schedule. Look.
Dan: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

-Great. Is there a contact number?
-No. We can't get in the office, it's locked.

TERI: My husband might be able to help us.
ALAN: How would he be able to do that?

JACK: This is Jack Bauer. Leave a message.

He turned his cell phone off.

How would your husband be able to help?

He works for the government,
has access to things. Hang on.

CTU, Nina Myers.

Hi, Nina, it's Teri Bauer.

TERI: Is Jack there?

Teri, Jack's not here.

He turned his phone off.
I wonder if you could help me.

Sure, what do you need?

I need the name and number of the owner
of a furniture store in the Valley...

...in Van Nuys, Paladio's Furniture.

That's not something I should do.
Can I wait till I talk to Jack about it?

No, not really.

Nina, it's Kim.

She took off with some kids I don't know.
One of the boys, Dan, works here.

I was hoping to contact the owner.

All right.

Give me a minute, I'll see what I can do.
What's your number?


There you are.

-Heard you had quite a turnout tonight.
-Yeah, it was pretty insane.

DAVID: I thought I heard the sound
of the young and the reckless generation.

NlCOLE: Dad, what are you doing up?
DAVID: How you doing?

KEITH: Hey, Dad.
DAVID: Not enough hours in the day.

-How did it go?
-Mom, it was huge.

-I wish you could've been there.
-Wish I could have been there, too.

-I'm dead. See you guys in the morning.
-Okay, good night.

Make sure you get some good rest
because they're going to wake you up early.

I will. Good night.

I love you, honey.

[Phone ringing]

DAVID: So, how was it?
KEITH: Dad, it was unbelievable.

The chancellor introduces me, right?
I'm totally killing.

Just as I'm finishing,
Green Day starts to play Time of Your Life.

KEITH: Mom, it was huge.
DAVID: Hold on.

KEITH: The kids were going insane.
Girls were screaming....


CARL: What's the problem?

I got a call tonight from Maureen Kingsley.

CARL: Yeah, so what?

I don't want to talk about it over the phone.

CARL: Okay, I'll come by in the morning.

No. We need to take care of this now.

ALAN: It's hard to know
with teenage girls...

...if they're angry at you or just angry.

I know.

I did feel guilty, though,
when Jack and I separated.

Separated? I didn't know.

We're back together.

I admire that.

Trying to work through
the problems together.

ALAN: My ex left and never looked back.
Went home to Australia.

She hasn't spoken with Janet or me
for almost 10 years.

I'm really sorry, Alan.

TERI: Hello?
NINA: Teri, I got it.

TERI: Great. Hang on a second.

TERI: All right, go ahead.

Nina, that's great. Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.

Okay, 'bye.

Owner's name and phone number.

MACHlNE: You have reached
the Nowrastehs. Please leave a message.

Is anybody home?

Mr. Nowrasteh, if you're there,
please pick up.

My daughter is out with one of the boys
who works at your store, Dan.

I need to talk to you.
I'm here in your store right now.

Please call me.

My name is Teri, and my number is....

He said, ''Tell your dad to reserve the
Lincoln Bedroom for us on our tour.''

SHERRY: I'll bet he did.

Hello, Mrs. Palmer.
I'm Aaron Pierce, Secret Service.

-Is there a problem?
-I need to speak with the Senator.

All right, I'll go get him for you.


Where is he, Patty?

PATTY: I don't know.
I thought he was in there.

-Palmer has left. He's exposed. Find him.
-Tell me what's going on.

If he left in one of the vehicles,
it'll show up on our GPS.

Would you tell me what's going on?

We've been told to add another layer
of security around your husband.


We have a very high confidence...

...that there will be an attempt
on his life sometime today.

[Tires screeching]

JACK: Stay close, Richard.
WALSH: I'm right behind you.

[Silenced gunfire]

JACK: I'm going to get you out of here.


WALSH: Jack, listen to me.

Take this card and give it to Jamey.

Baylor said that we could trust her.

Richard, don't move. You'll draw fire.

Take the card, give it to Jamey,
she'll match it to a computer.

Find the computer,
you've got the dirty agent.


JAMEY: Farrell.
JACK: Jamey, it's me.

What do you need?

JACK: Two agency personnel were killed
tonight at 2350 Dunlop Plaza.

I need you to phone Division,
get their bodies picked up.

JAMEY: Okay.
JACK: That's not all.

JAMEY: Okay.
JACK: That's not all.

You know the keycards we use
to get in Division?

-I've got one.

I need you to pull some data off it for me.
Do you have anything that can read it?

Yeah, but if you're in your car
you can just send it to me now.

-Use your mobile scanner.

Switch it from optical to magnetic.

Hold on.

JACK: I'm sending this to you directly.

JACK: You should be able to trace this
to the person who encoded it.

Yeah, I can match the electronic signature.

JACK: Good, do it.

RICK: Come on.

-What are you going to do to me?
-Take you to the prom.

-Come on, get out.
-Don't worry, it's going to be okay.

Just tell her what you want her to do
and then she'll do it.

DAN: I said, ''Get out! ''

It's time to call Mommy.

DAN: Tell her you're at a party, you're sorry
and you'll see her in a couple hours.

Go to hell!

Gaines said not to hurt her, remember?


DAN: Call your mom!

TERI: Hello?
KIM: Mom?

Kim, is that you?

TERI: Hello?
KIM: Mom?

-Honey, where are you?
-I'm at a party.

TERI: What?

I'm at a party.

-With Janet York, right?

-How did you know that?
-I'm standing here with her dad.

-Do you know how worried we were?
-Can I talk to Janet?

TERI: Listen,
Janet's dad wants to talk to her.

She went for a walk.

KIM: She'll call when she gets back.
TERI: She went for a walk.

KIM: We're okay and I'm sorry I did this,
I mean it.

-I'll be home as soon as I get a ride back.
-You're not going to wait for a ride.

We'll come pick you up. Where are you?

I don't even know how we got here.


Honey, this is not the night
you want to shine me on.

-I promise you!
-I got to go.


Mom, I love you.

''I love you.''

Nice touch.

Get in the van.

What happened?

TERI: I can't believe it.

She's at this party.

She said she was sorry
and that she'd be back.

ALAN: And what about Janet?
TERI: She's fine.

What's wrong?

She said, ''I love you.''

She never says that.

JAMEY: I got a match
on the card you sent me.

Need a confidence on this?

Yes, my eyes only, send it.

JACK: Thanks, Jamey.
JAMEY: You got it.


<에피소드3 영어자막> 

24. [ 1x03 ]- 02:00 a.m.- 03:00 a.m. -

JACK: The following takes place
between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m...

...on the day of
the California Presidential Primary.

Events occur in real time.


Bauer, 4-3-9-3, CTU.

Okay, we're on it.

Get back to me
as soon as you've got a match.

-Jack, I talked to her.

Thank God.

JACK: What did she say?
TERI: She and Janet went to some party.

JACK: You gonna pick them up?

I don't know where she is, she didn't say.

JACK: What?
TERI: Well....

I don't know, maybe I'm being paranoid,
but she sounded different.

She told me that she loved me
before she hung up.

That's not Kim.

She's going to get grounded.
She's trying to reduce the sentence.

Yeah, you're probably right. How are you?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Is that guy York still with you?

Yeah. He's gonna take me home now.

Don't you think you should wait
by Janet's car?

Who knows what kind of shape the girls
will be in when they get dropped off.

No, Alan doesn't seem to think
that's necessary.

Why don't you put Alan on the phone?

TERI: [Sighing] Jack, don't do this.

-Teri, put him on the phone.

Alan, my husband would like
to speak with you.

ALAN: Hi, this is Alan.
JACK: Alan, Jack Bauer.

JACK: I can't thank you enough
for helping us out with this.

ALAN: I'm just glad
the girls are with each other.

Me, too. I'm stuck at work.
I'm in a bit of an emergency.

-Yeah, Teri said--
-I'd appreciate it...

...if you wouldn't mind hanging out
at the store and waiting for them to return.

I don't think they're going to be back
for at least a couple of hours.

It's a pretty rough neighborhood.

I would hate for there to be a problem
when they return.

Sure, we'll stay.

Thank you.

Thank you.

IRA: You've got to be kidding me.
We had a deal, Mandy.

You promised to deliver Belkin's ID
for $1 million, now she wants to double it?

I apologize.
She doesn't know how this works.

This is your fault!
You involved an amateur in our business.

If I'm such an amateur, how--

I'm just trying to get us more money.

There is no money.

Not anymore.

IRA, don't turn this into something else.
I will fix it.


No, we don't have it yet.


No, of course.

I will get back to you
as soon as we're ready.

Talk to her. Explain what I do.

MANDY: I will, but our deal stands.
IRA: Take care of it!

I need to get out of here, my friend.

It'll just be a little longer.

[Campaign workers speaking indistinctly]

SHERRY: We've been getting death threats
since my husband announced his candidacy.

What is different about this one?

Well, I'm not privy
to that kind of information.

All I can tell you
is that my unit is only called in...

...when the threat becomes more serious.

Then why did you let him
walk out on his own?

We will find him, Mrs. Palmer.

I'm sorry.

We're grateful to have you here.

He's not in the lobby. I looked everywhere.

SHERRY: Keith, you shouldn't leave
the suites. Let these men do their job.

KEITH: There's a coffee shop near here.
I bet he just wanted to be by himself.

KEITH: I'm going to go get him.
SHERRY: No. You're not going anywhere.

Secret Service knows this city
a lot better than we do.

-I'll be right back.

I'm sorry, son. We need you to stay here.


We treat a threat on a candidate's life
as a threat to the entire family.

We need to protect you as well.


Your father's going to be fine.

DAN: Yeah?
IRA: I need an update on the Bauer girl.

Everything's copa.
We're just waiting for you.

-I'm running a little late.
-We're not going anywhere.

That's right, you're not.

RICK: She's in a lot of pain, man,
I think you broke her arm.

You think so?
Should we take her to the hospital...

...to get some X-rays?

Gaines is running late.
Gonna smoke another ''J. '' You want one?


[Janet groaning]

-My arm!
-Try not to move.

Dan, please. She needs to see a doctor.

At least give her something, man.

I'm not wasting my stash on her.

KIM: So, what, is Dan the boss
and you have to do everything he says?

DAN: I thought I told you!

Don't press me, man.

I should've never used you.

You're going to give her that?

Want me to take away the pain, or not?


Hey, this is a private lot, homie.

You got to pay to park here.

DAVID: I see.

-And you're the attendant?
-That's right. It's going to cost you.

$100. So give it up.

You're that dude! Palmer!

DAVID: No, that's not me.
KID 1 : Yeah, it's you! Damn!

KID 1 : This guy's running for president.
I seen him on TV.



What you going to do for me,
Mr. President?

See, that's your problem.

You want everyone else to do the work.

What are you going to do for yourselves?

See, man, you all got the same rap.

Keep going like this...

...and you'll be dead in five years.

Man, like you know my life.

More than you think.

KID 2: Yeah!

NINA: CTU. Myers.

JACK: Hey, it's me.
NINA: Jack, where are you?

I'm about a block away.

Print up a hard copy of Tony's
passenger breakdown. Put it on my desk.

NINA: Okay.

Wait there. I wanna talk to you alone.

NINA: Sure.

JACK: Great, I'll be there in a minute.
NINA: Okay. Bye.

Keep working.

Has Division responded
to the two dead agents?

Yeah. They're picking them up now.


JAMEY: Anyone we know?
JACK: Someone we know.

I'm afraid it was Richard Walsh.

I'm sorry, Jamey,
I know what he meant to you.

What is going on?
Does this have anything to do with Palmer?

That's what we got to find out.
I don't have time to go into all the details...

...but I've got to put you in a very difficult
position. You're the only person I can trust.

What do you mean?

Walsh said that we've got a problem on the
inside. He told me to talk only to you.

This is the keycard I sent you.

On it is pertinent information
to the hit on Palmer.

How long is it going to take to pull
all the data off of it?

Depending on the kind of encryption,
it could take hours.

Palmer's day starts at 6:00.

I need it before then.

One more thing.

I need to be absolutely certain that it was
Nina's computer that burned that card.


Because if it was, she's dirty.

I'll need a few minutes alone
at her workstation.

Fine, you got it.

Did you cut yourself?.

Yeah. What are you working on?

I gave Nina the passenger list. I was just
cross-checking everything else we got.

Good. I'll be down in a sec.

NINA: Will you tell me why
you were at Dunlop Plaza?

JACK: I had a meeting with Walsh.

JACK: Is that the passenger list?
NINA: Yes.

Anything unusual?

NINA: There's one red flag.
A man in first class.

His information is inconsistent.
I'm trying to piece it together now.


I don't want to tell you
how to do your job...

...you leave without letting me know
where you are, you hold back information.

How can I help you
without you letting me?

Do you think that it's possible...

...that someone from within the agency
is behind the hit on Palmer?

Anything is possible.

Do you have a lead?

No, not really.


Why do I feel
like you're not telling me the truth?

Jack, if you've got something,
share it with me, I'll work it up with you.

No, l'm....

I'm just thinking out loud.

Okay, fine.

NINA: Anything else?


Actually, there is.

Are you seeing Tony?


Is it serious?

What is this, Jack?

What do you want to know, am I over you?
Why are we talking about this now?

I'm trying to understand
why he's been giving me a hard time.

I can't answer that for you.

Hold on.


I confirmed that the file on the keycard
definitely came from Nina's computer.

Okay, thank you.

JACK: It's Division.

They want the passenger breakdown.
Please send it to them.


By the way, your wife called.

JACK: Bauer.
MAN: This is Data Services.

MAN: You called in a thumbprint
for an ID match?

JACK: Yeah.
MAN: We checked every database we have.

Nothing. Either this guy doesn't exist, or
his identity has been wiped off the record.

Thank you.

BRlDGIT: It'll be better for both of us--

MANDY: I don't care, Bridgit.
Where is the ID?

This is not some secret
I'm keeping from you.

This is for both of us.

Do you want to get both of us killed?

They hired you to blow up a plane.

Another $1 million doesn't mean
anything to these people.

You're wrong. Money is the only thing
that these people care about.

Let's do it anyway.

You know he can't hurt us.


Nobody can hurt us.

$1 million for you...

...$1 million for me.

Don't you like the way that sounds?


-We are going to do this your way.

-Okay, let's tell him.

MANDY: It'll be better if I do it myself.

You're always looking out for me.

DAN: I know you're just helping.

JANET: What happened?

Do you remember anything?


We were at the furniture store, dancing.
Where's Dan?

Dan broke your arm.

[Laughing] He didn't break my arm.

JANET: Dan likes me.
KIM: Yeah? Look at it.

JANET: [Moaning] My arm.

KIM: Come on.

Listen to me. This is serious.
We're being kidnapped.

We need to escape. Can you walk?

I guess.

KIM: Okay. Come on.

[Dan and Rick arguing distantly]

Get ready. When I say go, we go.

Go where?

KIM: Just stay with me, okay?

You've got to understand this, okay?

We could die if we don't get out of here.
Hold my hand.



DAN: Hey!

No! Get back here!

DAN: We've got to get them!

DAN: Go get them!
RICK: I am!

DAN: This is your fault!
This is what I was talking about!

RICK: Shut up!

RICK: Get back here!

DAN: We've got to get them.
They cannot get away.

JACK: This is good work.
Keep me informed. Thank you.

Shut the door.

Are we saying Nina's a traitor?

We're not saying anything.
We need to know more.

Until we find out,
should I shut down her confidential access?

No, that'll slow everything down.
There's got to be an explanation for this.

Right now, what I really need
is the data off of that card.

JAMEY: Aren't we obligated to seal off
her channels with this much evidence?

Look, you were seeing her, weren't you?

That is none of your business.

I think in this case it is.

Yes. When my wife and I were separated,
I was seeing Nina.

Did you tell her
anything you shouldn't have?

I don't think so.

I trusted her with everything
that was coming through here, but....

JACK: Fine, shut down her access.
JAMEY: Okay, what's she working on?

747 passenger breakdown list.

Good, it's not a secure socket.
She won't know.



Don't worry. I won't say anything.

Thank you.

DAN: We gotta get them!

MAN: Hey, get out of here.
DAN: Where'd they go?

MAN: Forget it.
ROGOW: Come on, man. Don't....

ROGOW: Hey, come back.

You just cost me $50.
You're going to pay for this!

What up?

See two girls run past here?

-Yeah, I seen 'em.
-Which way'd they go?

-Who are they?
-Did you see them or not?

They went down Central.

DAN: Check it out.

I'll look around here.

DAN: Yeah?
IRA: It's Gaines. How's it going?

DAN: Everything's fine.

IRA: Change of plans.
We're going to meet at a new location.

DAN: Just let me know.
I'll meet you there.

KIM: We need to get to a phone.
ROGOW: No, you need to pay up.

Is this real?

Thank you very much.

[Alarm wailing distantly]

CARL: What couldn't wait until morning?
DAVID: Kingsley called me.

Said she had some new information.

David, you got me out of bed at 2:00 a.m.
What did she say?

She said the Gibson boy,
the one who raped Nicole...

...didn't commit suicide.

That he was thrown out of a window.

He was thrown out of a window.
Who cares?

She said it was Keith!

She's going to publicly accuse
my son of murder.

CARL: There's a few ways to handle this.
DAVID: It's a lie, Carl!

It's dirty politics, and I won't stand for it.

My family lived through that nightmare.
I won't put Nicole through it again.

And Keith couldn't--

This bastard Hodges waits till the primary
so you don't have time to respond.

I don't care what day it is. It's a lie--

I know, but we can't pretend that
today isn't important.

I'll put a lid on Kingsley,
at least until the polls close.

We win the primary,
then take it from there.

No. We've got to find out
who's sourcing this and get them to recant.

I'll figure out where this is coming from
and I'll cut it off.

But, David....

We go back a few years.

You have your principles,
you don't compromise.

That's why I love you, but you knew
the gloves were going to come off.

They are off.

That's why you have me.

Go back and forget about this.

I'm on it.

I can't let them throw
my son to the wolves.

CARL: David. I'll take care of it.

-Is that you?
-Yeah. You better get lost.

CARL: I'll call you in an hour.

DAVID: It's okay, fellas.

I'm fine.

KIM: Damn it.

Let's go back to the front
and wait for them to leave.


DAN: They're not on Central.

Just keep looking! We gotta find them.

RICK: I'll take the side streets.
They're around here somewhere.

DAN: We've gotta find them!
RICK: Okay.

ROGOW: You're in my space.

I'm sorry, we'll leave.

JANET: Is there a phone around here?

What are you looking for?

Wanna score some dope?

We need to get rid of those guys.
Can you help us get to a phone?

You want me to help you?

What are your little
designer jeans worth? $500?

And those kicks, another $125?

You want to trade places with me
for a while?

Want to turn tricks while I snuggle
with your daddy in the Hollywood foothills?

Go away.

We've been kidnapped.

I don't know. Her arm is broken.

Those guys are still out there.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Is there any other way out
besides the front door?

-But if we could just...
-But nothing. Get out!


How long have you been playing me?

NINA: Playing you?

JACK: Playing me!

What are you doing?

-Why don't you tell me about this?
-Tell you what?

Skip the ''I don't know
what you're talking about'' phase.

You loaded this card with intel.

I wanna know who you're working for
and who you smuggled this card to.

You're delirious!

-Who are you working for?
-I work for you.

JACK: Who are you working for?

-Who are you working for?
-I work for you!

Whoever programmed this card is involved
with the hit on Palmer.

This came from your computer.


I don't care where it came from.
I didn't do it.

And I can't believe that you think I did.

IRA: There it is. $1 million in your account
in addition to what we already agreed on.

Now, where's the ID?

Let's get it.

-No, just the three of us.
-And why do I trust you?

Because you want the ID.

I'm going to miss you, Mandy.

KIM: How's your arm?
JANET: It's okay if I don't move it.

KIM: Then don't move it.

DAN: I know you're in here.
I can smell your perfume.

Where are you?

This is starting to piss me off!

ROCCO: He's going to be ready.

I'm telling you.

No, I saw him work out yesterday.
He looked good.

He's going to be ready.

KIM: Excuse me.
ROCCO: I'll call you back.

-You looking for something?
-Can you help us? These guys are after us.

ROCCO: What guys?
KIM: I'll pay you whatever you want.

KIM: Just get us out of here!

Let's see the money.

I don't have it on me. When you
get us home, my parents will pay you.

Whatever you want.

Sorry, I run a cash-up-front business.

ROCCO: What's your name, sweetheart?
JANET: Janet.

ROCCO: What's your name, sweetheart?
JANET: Janet.

KIM: Can't we just use your phone
at least, please?

Come here!

ROGOW: Go! Run!
Take the phone and run! Go!



DAN: It's cool, man.

TONY: Is this right?


They just posted a memorandum.

Richard Walsh is dead.

That can't be.
He was just here an hour ago.

That's what it says.

JAMEY: Oh, my God.

Can you find out what happened?

Jack's got me working on something.

All right. Can you open up a socket
on my terminal? I'll check it myself.




I need you up here now.
Do you have it yet?

Almost. Another couple minutes.

As soon as you're done, come up.

Thank you.

That job this summer. You in?


Okay, Jonathan, you're done.

You had no choice.

JAMEY: The keycard was definitely
programmed from Nina's computer.

The log-in time was 10:14 p.m.

Looks like the next 20 minutes were spent
gathering data...

...and another seven to burn it
into the keycard.

Log-out was 10:41, January 14.

It goes on to specify
which files were accessed.

If you want more details,
there's two screens--

NINA: Wait a minute.

NINA: What was the date?
JAMEY: January 14, a few months ago.

Second weekend in January, Jack.

JAMEY: That's all I got.

Thank you, Jamey.
That's all I need right now.

That was the same weekend
that we were in Santa Barbara together.

Someone from this office
hacked your log-in code.

They're in your system.

You were way off on this one, Jack.

JACK: I'm sorry, Nina--
NINA: How could you?


This is Tony Almeida at CTU.

Look, you better get down here right away.

Jack Bauer needs to be relieved
of his command.

-Mom, you've got to come get us!

Kim? What's wrong? Still at the party?

There was no party.
They made us say that.


These guys.
Listen, we're in North Hollywood, behind....

JANET: Platt's Auto Body.
KIM: Platt's Auto Body!

JANET: Kim, they're coming!

KIM: You got to come now!
TERI: Kim!

ALAN: What's going on? Teri?

91 1 Emergency.
TERI: My daughter's in trouble.

She's in North Hollywood,
behind Platt's Auto Body.

It sounded like someone was chasing her!

JANET: Come on, Kim!

KIM: No!

No, look at me.

KIM: [Sobbing] Oh, God.

KIM: No!

RICK: I told you to chill.
Why didn't you listen?

KIM: Let go of me! No!

RICK: Shut up!

KIM: Let go!
RICK: Come on.

RICK: What about her?
DAN: Forget her, we got what we need.

RICK: Come on!
KIM: No!

DAN: Keep moving!

DAN: Shut up.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<에피소드4 영어자막>

24. [ 1x04 ]- 03:00 a.m.- 04:00 a.m. -

JACK: The following takes place
between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m...

...on the day of the California
Presidential Primary.

MAN: Are you stupid?
What are you doing in the street?

What are you, an idiot?

KIM: No!

KIM: No!
DAN: Keep moving!

DAN: Bitch bit me!

Come on, get her!

RICK: Shut up!

DAN: Put her down.

RICK: Keep moving.

DAN: Shut up! Let's go. Keep going.
KIM: Help me.

-We have to go back.
-There's no point, she's dead.

-We have to go back.
-There's no point, she's dead.

KIM: You don't know that.
DAN: Get in!

RICK: Take it easy!

Know what, you better decide
whose side you're on.

We can't leave her
in the middle of the street.

JACK: Nina.

Nina, I know you're upset.

Of course I'm upset, Jack.
What do you expect?

JACK: I'm sorry.

The reason why I had to leave the office
is because I got a call from Walsh.

He was meeting another one of our agents.
Scott Baylor.

-He said he had evidence that--
-That led you to me.

I know, Jack,
but you should have thought it through.

Nina, listen to me.

Richard Walsh is dead.


He was shot. I watched him die.

What is going on?

He was killed because he had proof...

...that people from our own agency are
behind the hit on Palmer.

NINA: Who?
JACK: I don't know yet.

Right before Richard died,
he gave me that keycard.

I'm hoping that's going to tell us.
Jamey's trying to break it down now.

NINA: You trust Jamey?
JACK: He did. I trust you.

JACK: Which means the three of us
have to work together.

From this point forward, we have
to assume that we can trust nobody else.

NINA: I understand.
JACK: Good.

JACK: Are you all right?
NINA: Yeah.

Work the card with Jamey.
I have to make a call.

DAVID: Thank you.

Pierce wanted to
talk to you when you got back.

Fine. Just give me a minute.

-It's important, there's a security issue.
-A minute!

-Did you find anything out yet?

David, it's been half an hour
since you told me about it.

Carl, I need you to find out the source of
this story. Not in the morning. Now.

CARL: I know, but this can't be done
over the phone.

I have to talk to some people in person.

It's 3:05. I want to hear something by 4:00.

David, you've got to let me....

-Where were you?
-I went for a drive.

A drive. Alone, at this time of night.

-I just needed to get away for a while.
-Away from what, David?

DAVID: Everything.

They haven't told you, have they?

There has been an assassination threat.

-That's what all the fuss is about?

DAVID: I thought it was something serious.

TONY: Jack.

I'm screening the passenger list,
something doesn't add up.


Manifest shows an empty seat.

-According to the ticketing file...

...first class is full,
plus there is a waiting list.

Why would the plane take off with an
empty seat? Doesn't make sense.

This is good, let's work it.

-What time does Rayburn get in?

Then wake him up, bring him in now.

NINA: Jack.

We've got something off the keycard.

The encryption is complex.

I've asked Jamey to isolate sectors
and she's managed to extract one.

Just part of one, actually.

JACK: That's it, just an address.
What's that got to do with Palmer?

It doesn't say.

Crosscheck it
with his schedule for tomorrow.

He's not going anywhere near it.

Has he been anywhere near it
since he came to Los Angeles?


How about previous visits,
connection to family members, associates?

JAMEY: I can check. lt will take time.

No. Let's see what we can peel off.
Start in here.

Still just the address
on San Fernando Road.

How long is it going to take to access
the next level? Minutes or hours?

-Hours most likely.
-We don't have hours.

JACK: I'll check out the address myself.

-You want some backup?
-No. I need you here.

NINA: What's wrong?
JAMEY: I don't know.

JAMEY: Suddenly I can't access
our decryption software.

Phones are down, too.

It's a lockdown.

JACK: It's Mason. Hide the keycard.

NINA: I'll handle this.

MASON: Hello, Nina.

These men are with lnternal lnvestigations.
You are now on official lockdown.

NINA: On what authority?
MASON: District Office.

Trying to stop an assassination, George.

Can't you find anything better
to do than this?

Two agents died tonight.

Lockdown is standard procedure
until we get some answers.

-Where's Jack?
-I don't know.

MASON: Station 2, coming your way.

Lockdown, nobody leaves.

-Lockdown, are you serious?
-No, I'm kidding.

I gotta get some work from my car.

SIMMS: You know the drill.
JACK: Fine, you take the keys.

All right, I assume you're all familiar
with lockdown procedures.

You remain in the building.
All communications will be monitored.

Any incoming call without
secure access codes will be blocked.

ln the meantime, you can continue to work
on systems available to you until notified.

Anyone currently assigned....

Who called them in, Tony. You?

Yeah. Me.


Somebody had to. Jack's out of control.

NINA: Meaning what?

Two agents are down,
Jack was there when it happened.

You can't believe he had
anything to do with that.

To tell you the truth,
I don't know what to believe.

I'd hate to think this has anything
to do with me.

You think what you want.

MASON: All right, get comfortable,
could be here for quite a while.

SIMMS: He got past me.

MASON: All right, Nina, where'd he go?

I already told you, I don't know.

MASON: As soon as you tell me,
we can get things up and running.

I'm really sorry, George,
I can't help you out.

Me, too.

Senator, could I have a word with you?

I'm not sure you appreciate
the seriousness of this threat.

I get serious threats every morning
with my orange juice.

With all due respect, this one's different.

It's a pro from overseas.

-Who's behind it?
-We don't know.

PIERCE: But as I'm sure you're aware...

...an airliner exploded about an hour
and a half ago outside LA. No survivors.

-Are you saying there's some connection?
-Again, we don't know.

-We're looking into it.
-What do we know?

That these are serious people,
and they want you dead, today.

-What about my family?
-The threat appears to be against you only.

But, of course, we'll increase security
for your family as well.

The main thing is your schedule.

Today is Primary Day,
I'm not gonna hide in my hotel room.

But we are recommending some changes.

-The breakfast, for example.
-The breakfast is important.

The top labor leaders in the state
are going to be there.

-We're trying to keep you alive, Senator.
-And I'm trying to win an election.

Mom said you wanted to see me.

Wanted to make sure you're all right.
What are you doing up?

If I'm not sleeping by 3:00,
I'm not sleeping.

Actually, I was gonna watch some tube,
you wanna join me?

Is anything on this time of night?

Nothing good.

I guess I'll pass.

Heard about the threat.

Don't worry about it.
They'll take good care of me.

They better.

Better get some rest.

I'm telling you,
we have to go back and get Janet.

Are you gonna tell your girlfriend
to shut her mouth or not?

RICK: She's probably dead, there's no point.

And what if she's not?
She might need help.

Why do always do what he tells you?

Why don't you think for yourself?.

-Just leave it alone, okay.
-I can't, she's my friend.

You know, she may be right after all.

We should go back.

lf she's alive, she can lD us.

We have to shut her up for good.

What? What are you saying?

KIM: You're gonna kill Janet?
Is that what you're gonna do?

Be quiet! Close her mouth! Now!

KIM: I'm not gonna let you tie me up.
Let me out.

DAN: Sounds like she's gonna tie you up.
RICK: Shut up!

TERI: I just hope the girls are still there.

[Siren wailing]

ALAN: Oh, no.

I don't believe this.

OFFICER: Stay in your car, sir.
Back in the car.

Keep your hands where I can see them.

Do you know how fast you were driving?

Yes. Officer, our daughters are missing.

We got a phone call,
we're on our way to pick them up. Please.

-License and registration.
-Did you hear what I said?

OFFICER: License and registration.
TERI: Please.

I'm Teri Bauer, he's telling the truth.
We could use your help.

My daughter just phoned from
Platt's Auto Body.

Different last names.
One's married, one's not.

Out together in the middle of the night.

I called 91 1 15 minutes ago,
verify it if you want.

-You know what, I'm gonna do that.
-Yeah, why don't you do that.

All right.

OFFICER: I asked you to remain in the car.

I understand that.

Can we speed things up?
Write us tickets, we'll be on our way.

The woman asked me to verify the 91 1 .
That's what I'm trying to do.

You know, you are a real piece of work,
you know that?

My daughter is in trouble.
We're finished here.

ALAN: Take your hands off me!
TERI: What are you doing?

OFFICER: Take it easy, relax, everyone.

ALAN: Get your hands off me!

TERI: Stop, don't do that.
OFFICER: Take it easy, calm down.

OFFICER: Ma'am, he just disobeyed
a direct order from a police officer.

I'm afraid I'm going to
have to place him under arrest.

-You've got to be kidding me.
-Come on.

TERI: Oh, my God.

ALAN: What was your name?

Excuse me!

You know Richard Walsh was killed tonight.

Scott Baylor, too.

Did you know Jack was there
when it happened?

I don't know anything about it.

MASON: You have no idea
where he is right now.


MASON: You're making a big mistake.
NINA: No, you are.

When this lockdown is over, I'm
gonna have a talk with the Double-I team...

...about irregular banking transactions
which were traced to your account.

Trust me. The trouble Jack's in right now...

...my bank accounts won't even
raise an eyebrow.

He's going down, Nina. That doesn't mean
you have to go down with him.

True love is a beautiful thing, but...

...why go to extremes?

I know about the affair.

Jack talks about it all the time.

Sure he does.

MASON: How else would I know about it?

It is possible, that Jack's not
the shining knight you think he is.

Want to try again?

Where is Jack now?

OFFICER: This is Mary 1-3-8.

Need a transportation unit
at the Fifth Street bridge.


OFFICER: Please.
TERI: Would you listen to me--

Repeat location with full request.

OFFICER: 1-Mary-3-8. I need transportation
unit at the Fifth Street bridge.

DISPATCHER: Copy, 1-Mary-3-8.

TERI: lt's Teri. Leave a message
after the beep and l'll call you back.

JACK: Honey, it's me, I'm just checking up
on Kim. l'll call you back soon.

Don't move.

Damn it.

2-Adam-1-4, reporting shots fired
at 18166 San Fernando Road.

Request backup.

2-Adam-14, backup's on the way.

18166 San Fernando.

OFFICER: Stop! Police.

OFFICER: Hold it right there.
JACK: Federal Agent.

OFFICER: Your badge, nice and slow.

JACK: Putting my gun down.

-''CTU.'' What the hell is that?
-Counter Terrorist Unit.

This guy is not waiting around for me.
You better shoot me or help. Decide now.

OFFICER: All right, I'll help you.

I'm picking up my gun.


JACK: You be careful with that gun.
I need him alive.

Throw me your flashlight.

JACK: Take cover!

2-Adam-1-4, backup's on the way.

OFFICER: 2-Adam-1-4, copy.

Turn off your radio.

I wish you hadn't called for backup.

-Because cops have to play by the rules.

I may have to break a few with this guy.

Who is he?

To sum it up, Jack leaves his wife...

...shacks up with you for a while...

...gets bored and then moves back home,
leaving you out in the cold.

My personal life is not your concern.

-It is if it affects your work.
-It doesn't affect my work.

MASON: How long you been with
the Agency, Nina? Six years, seven?

Seven years.

I remember when you first joined.

You were going places. Everybody knew it.

It hasn't quite happened for you yet, has it?

You ever wonder why?

I've done all right.

But you could have done so much better.

You had a great reputation, once.

You know what your reputation is now?

Jack's flunky. His lap dog.

This is your chance
to get back on track, Nina.

He's a loose cannon.
Rules don't apply to Jack Bauer.

He does what he wants, when he wants
and he doesn't care whose life it affects.

He shot me with a tranq gun
here in the office, for God's sakes.

That's because you withheld
crucial information.

I was following orders.

Maybe he's following orders.
Orders you don't know about.

He violated lockdown
and left you holding the bag.

If he cared about you,
he wouldn't have put you in that position.

Let me ask you...

...would you have done that to him?

The fact is, I'm just asking you to
do your job and tell me where he is.

I don't know.

JACK: Get out!

RICK: Maybe she's dead after all.

DAN: We have to be sure.

-Let's just put her in the van.


DAN: Shut up!

Move it.

-Mason's going to want to talk to you.

What you want me to say?

Jack's made it clear that
the three of us work in confidence.

But doesn't Mason supersede Jack?


What we're doing came from Walsh.

George will say anything to get you to talk.

Do not be intimidated by him.


Cross me.

The other building.

This place is like a maze.

CARL: All right, l've got a name.

CARL: George Ferragamo. Know him?
DAVID: Yeah. I know the name.

You find anything else,
leave a message on the 802 number only.

CARL: Okay, you got it.

Thanks, Carl.

You've been spending an awful lot of time
behind closed doors, making phone calls.

Have I?

What's going on, David?

The phone call, earlier tonight,
from Maureen Kingsley....

She's digging up old history.

Bad history.

Just tell me.

She claims that Keith murdered
the boy who raped Nicole.


First, Lyle Gibson was no boy, he was 19.

Second, he killed himself.
The coroner's report proved it.

Maureen has new evidence.

What evidence?

I put Carl on it.

He came up with a name.
George Ferragamo.

That's the therapist Keith went to,
what about him?

He claims that--

He's not claiming that
Keith confessed in therapy?

DAVID: Apparently.
SHERRY: Then he's lying.

You've got to get our lawyers
on this right away.

Yeah, I know and I will.

DAVID: But you know--
SHERRY: What is it, David?

I just don't understand it.

Maureen's always been very responsible.

One of the few real professionals left.

I'd call this unprofessional.


...you can't seriously think
that our son might be a killer?

No. Of course not.

-Look, I apologized.
-You don't get it, do you?

You've committed a serious crime.

TERI: Officer, please. Clearly, he's upset.
We both are.

If you could just give us a break? Please?

DISPATCHER: 1-Mary-38.

1-Mary-3-8, go.

1-Mary-38, an emergency call...

...was placed at that location,
approximately 30 minutes ago.

OFFICER: Copy. Thanks.

That still doesn't justify
you disobeying a police officer.


OFFICER: Here's the backup.
Ground units are on their way.

JACK: I need him now to claim jurisdiction.

OFFICER: Where do you want me?

Keep him pinned down at the exit.
I'll try to go around the other side.

-Don't hit him.
-I won't.

Don't hit me, either.

MAN: This is the police. Drop your weapon.

I told you to stay put.

PENTICOFF: Over here.

You want me, come and get me.

OFFICER: Don't do it! He'll kill both of us!

Don't do it!

JACK: Come out! Drop the gun!

PENTICOFF: Step out where I can see you,
and throw down the gun!

OFFICER: Don't do it.

I'm gonna drop the gun but you gotta relax!

-Don't do it. He'll kill us both.
-Shut up! Put down the gun! Drop it!

Speak English, asshole.

The gun is going down.
I'm putting down the gun.

The gun's going down.

Good work, throw me your cuffs.

Oh, my God.

TERI: I think it might be up here,
swing to the right.

ALAN: Yeah, maybe.

There is someone up ahead, maybe they
saw something. Roll down your window.

TERI: Excuse me, could you tell me
what happened here, please.

It might involve our children.

You shouldn't let your children come here.

Yeah, I know that, but could you just
please tell me what happened?

GirI was hit by a car.

Ma'am, do you know where they took her?

St. Mark's is closest.

Was she alive?

WOMAN: She didn't look good.

DAN: Hey, it's Gaines.

IRA: Where's the other one?

She was a problem, so we killed her.

-The body?
-No one'll find it.

IRA: She been any trouble?
DAN: Not at all.

You're with me now.

Be good, you'll be back at the mall
in a day or two.

Be bad, you won't. Clear?


MAN: Agent Farrell, come with me, please.


I've already told these men
I don't know anything.

Trying to protect Jack and Nina?

Don't be naive.


Let me tell you how the game is played.

First thing they do is to tell you
that you're the only one they can trust.

That's flattering and it makes you
trust them in return. Right?

Then they get you to do
something you shouldn't.

Say you don't know where Jack went,
for example.

Then the next thing you know,
Jack's gone...

...Nina's stonewalling, and you're in the
hot seat. Sound familiar?

You're being used.
I've seen it a million times.

If you help me out, I'll help you out.

If you hold out....


Really? Good.

I'm on my way.

It seems our boy has surfaced.
His name popped up on a police frequency.

MASON: Not that I'm surprised.
NINA: ls he in trouble?

Off the record, just out of curiosity...

...what's so special about Jack Bauer?

All right, we found Bauer.
We're pulling out. Lockdown's over.

I hope you give some thought
to what we talked about.

MEDIC: Call it in as a D.O.A.

DISPATCHER: Pedestrian hit by vehicle.

Everything checked out, here you go.

JACK: What was her name?

KILEY: Jessie Hampton.

You know anything about this guy?

No. But I got to take him for questioning.

Maybe you didn't notice,
but he killed a cop.

Of course, but there's something else
at stake here.

Not to me. Not to these guys.

All right.

Can I at least have a few minutes with him?

KILEY: Guys.

JACK: Thank you.

Get up.

If you tell me who you are,
I might be able to help you.

Don't let them take me.
If they do, I'm dead.

They seem in control.

I'm not worried about them.

-Who are you worried about?
-First you spring me, then I talk.

-That's not gonna happen.
-That's too bad...


Bauer? How do you know my name?

KILEY: Time's up.

PENTICOFF: I know more than that.

If you ever want to see your
daughter again, get me out of this.

What do you know about my daughter?

I'm fine.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<에피소드5 영어자막>


24. [ 1x05 ]
- 04:00 a.m.- 05:00 a.m. -

JACK: The following takes place between
4:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m...

...on the day of
the California Presidential Primary.

NURSE: I'm prepping the IV.

DOCTOR: We have the CT Scan.

Let's see what we've got here.

You see this right there?

ORDERLY: Doctor, she's prepped.

NURSE 1 : Here we go.
NURSE 2: Okay.

Can we get Morgan down here to assist?

NURSE 1 : On my count.
ORDERLY: All right.

NURSE 1 : Lift.

I want two large four

Let's get them prepped.

Excuse me. Hello?

TERI: Hello!
ALAN: Hello?

TERI: Hello. Excuse me.


Excuse me!

I'm looking for a teenage girl.
She was in an accident.

There's a teenage girl brought in
a few minutes ago, traffic accident.

I'll be right with you.

We just called, there was a traffic accident.

Certainly. Do you have our fax number?

-Excuse me.
-Thank you. You're welcome.

Dr. Kinnard, did you get the message
about the heart seminar?

DOCTOR: Yes. Thank you.

Car accident.

Sorry, my shift starts at 4:00,
I just got here.

TERI: Just please help me.
Teenage girl, traffic accident.


TERI: Kimberly Bauer or Janet York.

No name listed. Just a Jane Doe.

ALAN: Maybe....
RECEPTIONIST: Hey! You can't go in there!

Oh, my God, Janet.

I'm sure you're going to find Kim.

-Honey, it's me.

Where have you been?
I've been trying to reach you.

JACK: Have you found Kim yet?

No. We're at St. Mark's Hospital.


TERI: Kim's friend was in a car accident.

What about Kim?

I don't know. She tried to call me.
She was in a panic.

Sounded like she was in trouble.
I tried to get her.

We were stopped by this cop.

Teri, calm down.

I'm losing my mind. I really need you here.

I know, sweetheart.
I'll get there as soon as I can.

You've got to tell me, where was Kim
when she called the second time?

I don't know, she was....

North Hollywood.

It sounded like she was being chased.
And then when we got there, she was gone.

Kim's friend Janet, let me speak to her.

TERI: She's in surgery.

JACK: Surgery? Is she gonna make it?

I don't know.

JACK: Listen to me, Teri.

What I'm trying to do right now
is to find Kim.

I need you to stay where you are,
and I will get there as soon as I can.

You've been trying to find Kim?

I've been out all night trying to find Kim!

Teri, I'm going to explain it to you later.
Okay? You're gonna have to trust me.


Honey, I love you.

I promise you,
we're going to get through this. Okay?

I love you too, Jack.

I'll get back to you as soon
as I know anything.

IRA: She's here.
They say the other one's dead.

Don't worry, I will.

We're done. There's been a change.

Drive to the compound
and you'll get your money.

DAN: No problem.
IRA: Go by a different route.

IRA: I don't want us to look like a caravan.
DAN: Right. Okay.

-Let's just split.
-Are you crazy?

We got $20,000 coming.

-I don't like it. This guy's psycho.
-You're forgetting something.

All right. Last month, Phoenix?
You owe me.

So let's get the money, then split.
All right?

This is fine, Patty.
We'll finish it after the breakfast.

StilI got a couple hours to get some sleep.

Only if you do.

I made mochas.

DAVID: Hey, I thought you were down.

I'm up.

I couldn't sleep.

The polls open in less than three hours,
Mr. President-to-be.

-Heavy on the caffeine for me. Patty?
-Nothing for me.


You look exhausted.

Go to bed, that's an order.

All right.

-Promise you'll wake me if you need anything?




You're not gonna say anything to Nicole
about Keith, are you?

We don't even know for sure
whether Kingsley's gonna go...

...forward with the story.

-We have to, Sherry.

Because the press is going to get
a hold of this.

Whether it's today, tomorrow, next week,
Nicole should be prepared.

I thought you said that
CarI was going to take care of it.

He's gonna do what he can.

I don't want her to suddenly
hear something on the news.

She'd be devastated.

She's so happy right now, David.
We've got to take it one step at a time.

NICOLE: Dad, it's ready.

NICOLE: Daddy, I figured it all out,
and even if we lose Orange County...

...we're still going to win.

Assuming we take Ventura
by a 10 percent margin.

No, even 7 percent.

It's all right there, in last night's poll.

You make it look like there's nothing
to worry about.

That's because there is nothing
to worry about.


NICOLE: No, go ahead.
DAVID: No, you first.

I talked to Suzy and Rachel Brenner
this afternoon and they're flying out.

I invited them to the victory party.

My Lord. I haven't seen them...

...since you were in high school.

You're going to see them tomorrow.
Actually, tonight.

God, that's great.

What were you gonna say?


NINA: CTU, this is Myers.

JACK: Mason looking over your shoulder?

He ended the lockdown as soon as soon
as he found out where you were.

Jack, be careful. He'll come after you.

JACK: I'm at the precinct.
There's a ring around this suspect.

I'm gonna need help getting to him.
Get hold of Ryan Sealey.

Tell him it's about Palmer,
and I need an override.

Okay, I'll take care of it.

Damn it.

Tony, I'm still off the Net.

I need a contact number for Ryan Sealey
at District Two.

TONY: You still pissed off
about the lockdown?

Jack's never gonna trust you again.
I'm not sure I will, either.

You don't trust me, but you'll trust Jack?

Come on, Nina.

He's been lying.
He's been hiding things from us.

It may be okay for you,
but it's not okay for me.

Do you have the number?

Thank you.

I'm sorry, Mr. Bauer,
but this guy killed a cop.

I'm not interfering with booking protocol.

I told you, you'd get a call from Sealey,
our liaison to the PD's office.

Until then, you can have my badge and gun.
I will not interfere.

But I need to see that man now.

What can I tell you?

Fine. Where's your lieutenant?

He checked out, midnight.

But if he was here,
he'd tell you the same thing.


The cop that was killed tonight,
Officer Hampton.

Did you know her?

Yeah, I knew her.

I'm investigating a federal case.
She was helping me.

Do you want her death to be in vain?

Please forget about the damn chain
of command.

I need to see this man now,
just for a few minutes, please.

Where's the suspect?

Move him to Room 2.

-Thank you.
-Follow me.

MASON: Hold it, Sergeant.
This man's under my authority.

We shouldn't have let him take her!

There's two of us, one of him,
and we got a gun!

Believe me, dude,
you don't wanna pull a piece on Mr. Gaines.

No? Just on girls?

lf you had the hots for her,
then you should've done something.

I just don't want her to get hurt.

Get real, dude.

She saw our faces, she saw his face.

She's not walking. She never was.

-You think he's gonna to kill her?
-Maybe he already has.

DAN: Rick.

Dude. Come on, it's $10,000 a piece.

All right,
we just want to get paid and get gone.

Forget Kimberly, man, she's history.

Listen, Jack....

Until you tell me
what you were doing with Walsh...

...I'm treating you as a prime suspect.

Why would I kill the only ally
that I've got here?

MASON: You tell me.

Why'd you blow the whistle on your
agents last year?

Why'd you try to blackmail me?

You were withholding information
vital to the investigation.

I was following orders.

I realize that's a concept
you're unfamiliar with...

...but something that some of us
actually do take seriously.

On the other side of this wall is a suspect...

...who's connected with the people
that want Palmer dead.

How do you know that?

Walsh and Baylor were killed...

...because they obtained information
that led me to him.

If you interfere,
and something happens to Palmer...

...you'll be seen as impeding me...

...because you've a grudge against me.
So why don't we cut the crap?

How do you want to play this?

I'll talk to him myself.

Look, you're lucky
I haven't already put you in cuffs.

Just sit down, read a magazine.

IRA: Gaines.
MAN: Have you heard from him?

No, I'm gonna call him in 15 minutes.

He should be done by then.

IRA: I've got the girl,
I'm on the way to the compound right now.

Gotta go.

Stop, please.

Listen, I don't have time for this.
You understand?

DAVID: Maureen, it's David Palmer.
MAUREEN: Senator?

I'm sorry to wake you.

MAUREEN: No, that's okay. What's up?

The matter you called about earlier.

We need to talk about it.

Okay, let's talk.

Since we're just a few floors apart,
I thought maybe we could get together.

Okay, how about I meet you in the lobby?

No, the lobby's too public.

There's a conference room
on the third floor.

I'll have it opened.

I just need about ten minutes
to get dressed.

How does that sound?

Yeah, that's good.

I'll see you in ten.

-Thanks, Maureen.

Those are the only places
you know your daughters were?


What about this boy, Dan,
who works at the furniture store?

We don't know anything about him.

But the owner of the store
is Mr. Nowrasteh.

I have his number in here.

Here you are.

Excuse me.

-Hey, it's me.

-ls Janet out of surgery yet?

The police showed up.
We're talking to him now.

JACK: Anything new?
TERI: No. How about you?

I'm at the Van Nuys police station.

I think there's someone
who knows where the girls were.

-You mean one of the police officers?

Someone they picked up
in North Hollywood.

I think he saw Kim.

-I don't know, a man.

TERI: What did he say?

I'm waiting to talk to him.

You've got to talk to Janet
as soon as she's out of surgery, okay?

TERI: I know.

I'll call you as soon as I can.
I've got to go, bye.

So, what did he say?

He says he won't
talk to anybody except you.

So, can I go in?


Thank you.

My colleague said you only wanted
to speak to me.

Well, here I am.

Guess what?
Right now, you're speaking to everyone.

What the hell is he doing?

I thought we were going to talk alone.

You killed a cop.

What you need to do right now
is start telling me the truth.

It was self-defense.
You guys were chasing me.

What's he saying?

Go to hell!

I'm done talking.
Get this guy out of my face!

You get nothing!

PENTICOFF: I want my lawyer.

OFFICER 1 : Settle down.
OFFICER 2: Okay, come on!

I want my phone call. I want my lawyer.

I want my phone call, now!

Jack. Great job.

He knows something.

What are you gonna do, beat it out of him?

What's the plan, Jack?

What's the plan? Take a walk.

OFFICER: Yo, man, what's up?

JACK: Bauer.

Is this line safe?

Tell me about my daughter.

Not until you get me out.

JACK: You know where she is?
PENTICOFF: Heard some guys.

PENTICOFF: Guys I work with.
JACK: What guys?

They have your daughter,
and they're gonna call me in 20 minutes.


Back where you first saw me.

San Fernando Road?

If I don't answer,
they'll know something's wrong.

Get me out of here.

Don't know if I can.

I'm the one chance you got
to find your daughter.

I'm not there for that call,
the chance is over.

I'm not there for that call,
the chance is over.

Better think of something fast.

NINA: CTU, this is Myers.

Hey, it's Jack.

Suspect's name is Penticoff.

He's expecting a call
in the next 20 minutes...

...at 18166 San Fernando Road.

I need you to trace all available public lines.

Okay, I see water lines,
utilities, no phone lines.

Keep looking.
It's where he said he'd get the call.

NINA: Wait, there's a pay phone
halfway down the block.

-And it's in service.
-Set up a trace.

-Not enough time for a warrant.
-Forget about the warrant!

Problem. lf they're expecting Penticoff,
they'll hang up when they hear your voice.

They're not gonna hear me,
they'll hear Penticoff.

-Did Mason get him out?

NINA: So what are you planning,
a jailbreak?


Set up the trace.

MASON: Bauer's behavior is far from
representative of this agency.

Whether you like it not,
we have to be involved.

Hey, are you the officer
that interviewed Penticoff?.

-No, I just transferred him to a holding cell.
-I still need to see him.

-You Bauer from CTU?
-Yeah, that's right.

Look, the cop he killed,
she was my partner, understand?


I heard you went off on him before.

I want him to go down for it,
which means a clean bust.

No more extracurricular activities.


All right. But I've got the access card.

Now, you go in with me, or you don't go in.

I'm fine with that.

PENTICOFF: Keep him away from me.

He wants to ask a few questions.

No more questions without my lawyer.

Who are you working for?

Are you deaf?.

I said, no questions without my lawyer.

-Your lawyer can kiss my ass.

JACK: Who do you work for?
PHILLIPS: Hey, back off!

Get your hands off me.

I told you, he killed my partner.

-I know, I was there. Where were you?

Where were you when your partner
really needed you?


Get him out of here.

PHILLIPS: What's the matter with you?

He's crazy, I'm filing charges!

NEWMAN: You ought to get yourself
under control, Bauer.

OFFICER: I'll take care of it.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

TERI: I wasn't asleep.

ALAN: Thought you might like some coffee.
TERI: Thank you.

She'll turn up.

How's Janet?

ALAN: They're relieving some pressure
on her spine.

But she's gonna be okay.

At least, that's what they say.

Of course she will.

-Any news from Jack?

As far as I know,
he's still out looking for Kim.

Well, that's good.

You said he has resources
the police don't have, right?

Even so...

...I imagine you wish he were here.

AGENT: Arms out, please.

Turn around.

Enough, Maureen's an old friend.

It's all right, he's just doing his job.

AGENT 1 : Thank you.
AGENT 2: Your lD, ma'am.

DAVID: Would you excuse us?

How long have we known each other,

Come on, Senator, that's not fair.

No, I'm just saying, you, me, my family...

No, I'm just saying, you, me, my family...

...we've made a journey together...

...from local politics to where we are now.

We helped each other along,
because we cared about the same things.

I know that.

Have I ever lied to you?


-Embarrassed you?

-Then why are you doing this?

I wish to God
that I didn't get this information.

MAUREEN: But we're talking about murder.
DAVID: A rumor...

...started by my enemies...

...of whom, as you well know, I have many.

That's what I thought, too, at first. But....

Please, go on.

You know I can't tell you my sources.

Come on, Maureen, we're not in court here.

I'm just an old friend with a career
and family that you just may destroy.

You owe me that much at least.


Two sources.

One, a man named George Ferragamo.

He was your son's therapist for four years.

He came to me with the story.

The second source?

The boy who raped your daughter,
then threw himself off the balcony?

Lyle Gibson? His autopsy showed
that he had cuts and scratches...

...that pointed to a violent struggle.

Nicole tried to fight him off.

Yes. That was the explanation.

But an hour later, an African-American
teenager went to this emergency room...

...one block away...

...with similar injuries.

Name here says ''Edward Johnson.''

The handwriting, where he filled out
the form and signed his name...

...I had it analyzed by an expert.

It's your son's.

I don't give a damn about your expert.

My son never killed anybody.

Senator, I would never--

You do what you have do, Maureen.

Just be prepared to accept
the consequences.


Is something wrong?

I guess you'll have to tell me.

The night your sister was raped...

...did you have any contact
with the boy who raped her?

-You heard me.

I don't believe this. I mean....

What brought this up all of a sudden?

I mean, let's leave all that
in the past where it belongs.

I'd like to, believe me.

But as it happens, I can't.

What did you do that night...

...after you found out
that Nicole had been attacked?

The truth, now. All of it.

I don't think you have the right
to ask me that.

DAVID: You don't think I have the right?
KEITH: No, I don't.

See, this thing happened.

Somebody had to deal with it, but
you were in Chicago, giving a speech or...

...New York, receiving an award--

DAVID: We'll deal with my shortcomings
some other time.

I wanna know what you did
after you found out your sister...

-...had been raped.
-And I told you.

-I'm not gonna answer.
-You will answer me!

I apologize about Bauer...

...but I'd really appreciate it
if we could handle this internally.

NEWMAN: I got no problem with that.

Sergeant, excuse me, but if our federal
colleagues are through with Penticoff...

...I'd like to start processing him
into the system.

What're you doing? Thought you left.

I'm not leaving until Penticoff
is behind bars without bail.

The computer has you checked out
five minutes ago.

MASON: All right, guys, we're on the move.

Damn it!

I got this notice in the mail this afternoon.

Actually, it was yesterday afternoon.

Kimberly was failing Algebra.

It was the second notice.

It was the second notice.

She intercepted the first one...

...and threw it away.

When she got home, I was so mad at her.

I guess I accused her...

...and I said things to her
I shouldn't have said.

ALAN: There isn't a parent in the world
who hasn't been there.

Last night, when I told her good night...

...she didn't even acknowledge me.

I actually had the thought that I'd be....

I'd be so glad
when she got out of the house.

When Janet wakes up,
she'll know where Kim is, and we'll find her.

TERI: I hope it's gonna be that easy.
ALAN: lt will be.

Why wasn't she with Janet?

-It doesn't make sense.
-I don't know.

-Maybe she got freaked by the accident--
-We should have waited.


We were right to come here.

All we had to go on was the ambulance.

We had to follow up on it.

Listen, whatever happens...

...I'm gonna stay with you until we find Kim.

You have my promise.

Thank you.

MASON: Come on, Davis,
we need that uplink.

He says we ought to have a picture by now.

W7 satellite was in the southwest sector
when Bauer helped Penticoff escape.

With luck, we'll be able to pull up visuals
that'll help us pinpoint his location.

That's it, here we go.

Davis, the link's up.
Now I gotta get a back trace.

This is the roof of the building
from 200 miles up.

About how long would you say
since they got out?

NEWMAN: I don't know.

Seven, eight minutes?

Okay, Davis,
I want to go back ten minutes...

...and give me stills
at thirty second intervals.

Look for two men
exiting the building together.

DAVIS: As of ten minutes ago...


There they are.

Okay, you can speed it up.

DAVIS: All right, speeding up.

MASON: Slow it down now.
DAVIS: You got it.

MASON: You got a mark on that car?

All right.

Where are you headed, Jack?

-You all set?
-All set.

JACK: How much time do you need?

Just a few seconds.

-Who are these guys?
-I told you, I don't know.

They tell me what to do,
I do it, they pay me. That's it.

It's ringing.

-I'm not showing anything.

JACK: It's a cell phone.

NINA: We're screwed.

I don't have the frequency.

JACK: I'll get back to you.
NINA: Jack?

IRA: It's Gaines, there's been a change of
plans, but nothing you can't handle.

Taped to the back of the phone
is a set of keys with a remote.

Got 'em.

It's for a parked car on Avenue 26,
Nevada plates 782MOF.

Find it with the remote.
There's a body in the trunk.

Get rid of it.

JACK: What did he mean, a body?

I don't know!

JACK: Whose body is in the trunk?
PENTICOFF: I don't know.

Walk in front of me.

Come on.

Kneel up against that wall,
interlocking fingers behind your head now.

Don't move.

My God.

Hey, Jack.

-We had a deal.
-Shut up.

Put him in the car.

That's pretty quick work, George.

-Tracking me on a satellite?
-I'm taking you in, Jack.

He had evidence on the Palmer hit.
That's why I broke him out.

-So, who was this?
-I don't know yet.

MASON: You're having quite a night here,
aren't you, Jack?

Now, why don't you tell me
what the hell is going on here?

Unless you want me to
throw you back to the cops.

They're ready for you.

There are people within the agency
that are supporting the Palmer hit.

That's why Walsh and Baylor were killed.
They found out about it.

The truth is, I thought you were a part of it.

I apologize if I was wrong.

George, as crazy as this sounds,
you're gonna have to trust me.

This is gonna look very bad for us
if something happens to Palmer tonight.

So what's next?

I need to take the body down to CTU
and try to make an lD.

I need to take the body down to CTU
and try to make an lD.

I'll go grill Penticoff,
get what I can out of him.

-We never had this conversation, all right?

MASON: I'll be at District.

Okay, call the precinct,
tell them we've recovered Penticoff.

What have we got?

Body. Male. Badly mutilated.

I need a positive lD as soon as possible.
Who's our best forensic?

-Bring him in. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

-I'm on it.

DOCTOR: I need a clamp, please.

-Hey, it's me.

Jack, did you find out anything?

-Maybe, I'm not sure yet.
-What have you been doing?

I'll be there in 20 minutes.
I'll explain to you then.

TERI: All right.
JACK: Is Janet out of surgery?

-Not yet. She should be soon.

It's really important that I talk to her.

I know it sounds cold, sweetheart,
but she's our only link to Kimberly.

Hang in there, honey.
I love you. I'm on my way, okay?


DAN: Just be cool.

We'd like our money now,
if that's, like, you know, okay.

Just so we're, like, you know, clear,
what happened to the other girl?

Janet? Like I told you, we had to kill her.

My people tell me,
someone that fits her description...

...was taken to a hospital
near to where you were.

How do you explain that?

Well, the thing is....

Maybe she wasn't quite dead.

I'll tell you, Dan...

...you're either dead or you're not dead.

There's no such thing as ''sort of dead.''

IRA: Here, let me show you.
RlCK: No!

You've just been promoted.


NURSE: We're losing her.

ALAN: What's going on?


