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이어서 24시 시즌1에 11화~15화까지 영어 대본 올려드리겠습니다.
24. [ 1x09 ]
08:00 am - 09:00 am
JACK: Right now, terrorists are plotting
to assassinate a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter
have been kidnapped.
And people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer.
This is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place between
10:00 a.m. and 1 1:00 a.m...
...on the day
of the California Presidential Primary.
ALBERTA: Secret Service
thinks the photographer...
...may have been in
on the assassination attempt.
He hasn't been seen since the breakfast.
He was using the name ''Martin Belkin.''
Follow up and report back to me
in 30 minutes.
I promised Division a threat assessment
on Senator Palmer by noon.
Check with Secret Service.
I don't want any overlap.
-Still no sign of Jack?
Cofell here.
KEVIN: It's Kevin. Something's come up.
Meet me at the Nordhoff garage.
That's inconvenient,
I'm on my way to the airport.
This can't wait.
Meet me there as soon as possible.
All right.
Mark, I have a change of plans.
I'm meeting someone in the parking garage
at the corner of Nordhoff and Willingham.
You hear me?
Who are you?
Where's Mark?
What's going on here?
Stop the car.
JACK: Give me the phone
through the divider.
Easy. Now.
Get up against the door,
and sit on your hands.
Who are you?
What do you want? Money?
I don't have much with me,
but I'm sure I can find some.
Shut up!
My name is Jack Bauer. Since midnight
my wife and daughter have been missing.
I believe they're being held
by a colleague of yours.
A man named Gaines.
Where are they?
What you are talking about?
Where's my wife and daughter?
For God's sakes, I'm just a businessman.
That's right, an ordinary businessman
riding around in a bulletproof limousine.
-Yes, for protection.
-From what?
People like you.
JACK: This is your last chance.
Where is my family?
I swear to you,
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're a very good liar.
But I've seen better.
You stay put.
It's Nina Myers.
JACK: Hey, it's me. Can you talk?
NINA: Let me open a secure line.
NINA: Okay, we're clear.
JACK: Has Teri called back yet?
JACK: What's Green doing?
She's making herself at home
in your office.
-She talk to you yet?
I told her I severed all ties with you.
From now on,
I play on the side of the angels.
-Did she buy any of it?
-Not a word.
I've got Cofell.
What do you mean ''got''?
JACK: I've got him in the back
of his limousine.
-Has he told you anything?
-I'm working on it.
ln other words, you've kidnapped him.
He's the only link to Teri
and Kim that I've got.
NINA: You don't even know if he's
the right Ted Cofell.
Every time I talk to you,
you go further out on a limb.
From the second they were taken,
tell me one thing...
...I could have done differently.
I don't know, I guess you're right.
But, Jack, I don't know how much
longer I can cover for you.
Nina, please.
Just focus and stay calm,
I need you right now.
I don't think Cofell will be easy to break.
I need help.
You want me to put together an
interrogation profile in 15 minutes?
I'll give you about five.
If I can't break Cofell, I won't find my family.
Do you understand?
I'll do what I can.
JACK: Thank you.
I'm gonna look for a place to lay low.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Your father will find us.
If he doesn't,
the people that work for him will.
They don't know where we are.
We don't know where we are.
TERI: They were tracing the call, Kim.
Did they find our location
before the battery went dead?
We have to hope that they did.
Sorry about the phone.
Thank you for helping us.
We were hoping--
I don't want to know anything.
Trust me, it's better for you
if I don't know anything.
What do you mean?
Eli sent me in here
to a get information from you guys.
But, can't tell him
what I don't know, right?
Whatever's going on, don't tell me about it.
What's he gonna to do to you?
ELI: What'd they say?
RICK: Nothing, man.
ELI: Dude, don't hold out on me.
RICK: They don't trust me.
ELI: I saw the way that kid looks at you,
she must have said something.
Who was the guy I talked to?
Was it her father?
RICK: They wouldn't say.
ELI: You're lying.
Stop it!
Leave him alone.
I was reviewing the report
on the passenger list.
There was an anomaly in first class?
The manifest had been altered
to look like...
...there was an empty seat,
but we don't think there was.
Who was actually in the seat?
The photographer, Martin Belkin.
So the real photographer was killed
in the explosion.
NINA: And the assassin took his place
at the breakfast.
He was enough of a look-alike
to fool security.
According to Secret Service,
he had a legitimate lD, not a forgery.
-How did he get it?
-That, we're still working on.
-Hey, it's me.
Hi, Bill, can you hang on a minute?
It's Bill Warner, at the Bureau.
Shall I call him back?
No, I need to speak to him.
Let me have the phone.
TONY: Alberta?
I've got something you should
probably take a look at.
Tell Bill I'll call him later.
TONY: The hitter's connection to Germany
may actually lead to the Balkans.
ALBERTA: All right.
TONY: Our sources say our guy
is probably a Macedonian....
Hey, I'm here.
-Bad timing?
-No problem.
I could have used a few more minutes.
l wish I had them.
Give me what you've got.
TONY: The guy's flight
originated in Croatia....
NINA: All right, he's the oldest
of three children...
...his father died when he was a boy.
That means he learned responsibility early.
ln college at 16. lntelligent.
First in his class.
Vice-president of a company
three years later.
So he's ambitious, driven,
maybe too much so.
He has a heart condition.
JACK: I know, I've got his pills.
He's very organized.
No charities, no....
He's not generous
with time or money. Anal.
I'm guessing he's passive-aggressive.
Control freak.
So make him sweat it out for a little while.
Assume control,
and then behave erratically.
Yeah, one more thing.
A hunch really.
People this tightly wound,
the threat of pain...
...can be more effective than pain itself.
Okay, I've got it.
This is all just guesswork.
I could have done more with a little time.
JACK: Nina, you did great.
JACK: I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
NINA: Okay.
Get up there! Now!
This doesn't have to take long.
It's up to you.
Do you know a man named Penticoff?.
How about Alan York?
David Palmer?
Of course. He's running for president.
The attempt on his life has failed.
The perpetrators will be in custody soon.
You've been implicated.
If you cooperate with me now,
I might be able to help you.
I can only repeat,
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Your hands are sweating.
Of course, I'm scared.
Who are you meeting on your way
to the airport?
TED: A man named Kevin Carroll.
-Who is he?
-He's a businessman, like myself.
He sells machine tools.
Why were you meeting him
in a parking garage?
It was his choice, I don't know why.
I told you everything I know.
Hey, it's me.
Run a background check on a Kevin Carroll.
Allegedly a machine tools salesman.
Probably an alias.
Let me show you something.
JACK: You ever hear
about the Russian gulag?
TED: What?
A string of prisons in Northern Siberia.
Russians didn't have a lot of high-tech
equipment up there.
So, they had to make do
with what was around.
Sort of like what I'm doing right now.
You probably don't think that I can
force this towel down your throat.
Trust me, I can. All the way.
Except I hold on to this little bit here.
When your stomach starts to digest it...
...I pull it out...
...taking your stomach lining with it.
Most people could take about a week
to die.
It's very painful.
What kind of man are you?
I don't want to hurt you...
...but I will do everything I have to do
to protect my family.
I want to show you something.
It's in my wallet.
Open it, please.
TED: I know you want to see
your family again, and I want to see mine...
...more than anything in the world.
Mr. Bauer, believe me, if I knew something
that would help you...
...I would tell you.
IRA: Mr. Drazen.
-Found Bauer?
But we're doing everything.
Scanning police frequencies...
...checking hospitals...
...and I'm expecting to hear
from my contact in the CTU.
And if Bauer comes here,
as you suggested earlier?
Then, we'll be ready for him.
For an American operation,
we thought we needed an American crew...
...perhaps we undervalued
our own capabilities.
-I'm pulling the plug on you.
-You can't tell me--
You were supposed to frame Bauer
for David Palmer's assassination.
But Palmer's still alive.
You don't even know where Bauer is.
-No, but l--
-You've failed.
For over a year now,
you've been saying how important this is...
...now you're just gonna quit?
Of course not.
We have a contingency plan.
Bauer and Palmer will both be dead
by the end of the day.
You never said anything to me
about a contingency plan.
It doesn't involve you.
Just give me a little more time
to find Bauer.
ANDRE: Until?
IRA: Till noon.
That's not even two hours.
I'll give you 30 minutes.
If you don't find Bauer by then, I take over.
Your last task will be to kill his wife
and daughter, and pull your people out.
[Speaking Serbian]
I like your education program,
but with all due respect...
...I do have one or two suggestions.
That's why I'm here.
I'm not one to say
that teachers shouldn't...
...be accountable for
their performance, but--
Would you excuse me for just a moment?
Hello, David.
Since you fired me from your staff,
I assume this is a social call.
I need to talk to you, in person.
Why is that?
I got a very disturbing call today,
a little while ago.
I was told that George Ferragamo's
life may be in danger.
Who told you that, Frank Ames?
You know what an old lady he is,
just don't pay any attention to him.
I need to talk to you, now.
It's a pretty busy day for me, David.
I know a few things about you, Carl.
Things you don't want spread around.
Are you threatening me?
Is that what it's come to after all
these years?
It's come to whatever it takes to get
you over here, now.
-Where are you?
-Grant Elementary, in the Valley.
I'll be there by 1 1 :00.
NINA: Nina Myers.
JACK: Hey, it's me.
You got anything on Kevin Carroll yet?
NINA: Yeah, I show six Kevin Carrolls.
One does in fact work for
a machine tool company.
It's a cover. It's gotta be.
NINA: There's another possibility.
Maybe he's the wrong Ted Cofell.
JACK: No, he was implicated
in Jamey's file, along with Gaines.
NINA: That file was partially erased.
We can't rely on its information.
I think you're mistaken.
There's something about this guy,
this is not a mistake.
Jack, I know you think he's all you've got,
but maybe that's affecting your judgment.
Okay, thanks.
We're going to see
your friend Kevin Carroll.
It looks like they're getting ready to leave.
Mom, what's wrong?
TERI: It's nothing, honey, I'm all right.
KIM: Will you stop saying that,
you're not all right.
KIM: What did he do to you?
TERI: Nothing.
I've been having this pain in my stomach.
How bad?
It comes and goes.
I can manage.
KIM: I should go tell somebody.
-Mom, you need help.
-I said no.
Your father is coming, and until then,
we have to be strong.
Thank you.
-How's the food?
-Better than what we used to eat.
You two went
to the same elementary school?
We've known each other all our lives.
And still as much in love as ever.
-Thank you so much.
-You're welcome.
I am due at another school,
but it's been wonderful to meet you...
...and all those great kids.
Thank you.
-Would you excuse us a second?
-Of course.
DAVID: I need to know if you've
talked to Carl since I fired him.
Yes, I have.
What did you talk about?
I asked him if he could find a way
to stop Maureen Kingsley...
...from airing the story about Keith.
He said he would.
What did he say exactly?
As near as I can remember,
something about...
...taking care of the evidence against Keith.
And you didn't think...
...that was worth mentioning to me?
I wasn't sure what he meant, David.
I'm trying to believe that when you,
deceived me seven years ago...
...it was a one-time thing.
This isn't making it any easier.
That is so unfair.
See you later.
David, I don't know if it's important, but you asked
me to check on Jack Bauer, the guy at breakfast.
Yes. What did you find?
Typical agency file. A lot of gaps.
Was one of those gaps...
...in the summer about two years ago?
-How'd you know?
-We'll get into that later.
Right now,
we've got other things to deal with.
JACK: Move up to the other seat.
An average businessman,
with a Microtech Halo in his car?
[Speaking Serbian]
What did you just say?
Say it again...
...or I'll break your other wrist!
This is not Cofell.
You speak Serbian?
Are you from Belgrade?
You got family there?
You deserve everything
that's happening to you.
What do you know about
what's happening to me?
TED: There's only one thing
you need to know, Bauer.
You will pay.
Who are you?
What's the matter? ls it your heart?
JACK: I got your medicine right here.
All I want is a little information.
Where is my wife and daughter?
Where is my family?
I'll give you the medicine!
Tell me where my family is!
[Speaking Serbian]
JACK: Take the medicine!
JACK: No! No!
Where's my family?
Please, where is my wife and daughter?
Don't die!
NINA: Hey, Iisten to me, okay?
It's not your fault. There's no way
you could have seen that coming.
How am I going to find Teri and Kim?
The man he's meeting, Kevin Carroll,
maybe he knows something.
If he shows up, he's already late.
There's something very wrong
about this whole situation.
This is not just about David Palmer.
This is personal, they're coming after me.
What's the connection
between you and Palmer?
-Or you and Cofell?
-I don't know!
This is what I want you to do.
I want you to dig deeper
into Cofell's background.
Check out his extended family.
I also want you to access
my field assignment files.
-They're classified.
-I know, find your way in.
I want you to check out an assignment
two years ago in Belgrade...
...then Kosovo.
It was called Operation Nightfall.
Crosscheck everything
that you find out from that...
...with Cofell's file.
JACK: Do you understand?
NINA: Yeah.
Okay, do it now.
Come on, Jack, come on,
pull yourself together.
NINA: What's this?
TONY: Nothing.
TONY: Just act like you're interested.
Alberta probably thinks
we're already helping Jack.
She can't prove it.
Why don't we just come clean,
tell her what's going on?
Jack says no.
Maybe you should stop thinking
about Jack...
...and start thinking about yourself.
It's Jack's family, so it's Jack's call.
After what happened with Jamey...
...we don't know who we can trust.
All right, come on.
Green may be a hard-ass
but I don't think she's dirty.
I agree. But she does things by the book.
If we tell her, she'll call Division.
Before you know it...
...there's gonna be 30 people in the loop.
If just one of them is another Jamey....
Kim, honey.
Wake up. You can't fall asleep.
TERI: Come on. Hey.
KIM: Why?
Because if Dad comes,
we might have to move quickly.
TERI: Come on.
KIM: When we need to move, I will.
-No, Kimberly, come on.
-Mom, I'm tired.
I know you're tired.
You've been very brave.
You just have to stay
that way a little while longer.
We can't miss our chance.
Are you okay?
RICK: Take it.
It's Dan's, he left it in the van.
It's loaded.
It's all I can do.
You know,
I'm sorry about getting you into this.
I'm sorry about everything.
What are we supposed to do,
shoot our way out?
They're gonna kill us.
This time they mean it.
God, no.
TERI: Kimberly, listen to me, we're alive.
Come here.
We're alive.
As long as we're alive...
...I'm not giving up and neither are you.
Sorry I'm late.
I had a couple of calls to make.
Hello, Alan.
Or is it Kevin?
Where's my wife?
TONY: I want you to check this out.
Wake up.
-Where's my wife?
-She's safe.
-And my daughter?
Don't make this any harder
than it has to be.
I was just about to say the same to you.
But I'm the man with the gun.
If you kill me,
how are you gonna find your family?
Who said anything about killing?
I'm pretty good at withstanding pain.
But if you don't get there soon,
it may be too late.
Since you are no longer
any use to us, Jack...
...there's no reason to keep
your family alive.
So, we need to come to an agreement.
I'm listening.
You let me go...
...I tell you where they are.
As soon as I know they're safe...
...I'll let you go. You got my word on it.
Your word. That works.
We are talking about my family,
do you understand me?
All I want is to get them back.
So, as soon as I know they are safe,
I will let you go.
That is the agreement.
If I say no?
We'll find out how good you really are
at withstanding some pain.
Drive the car.
Your half hour's up.
Kill Bauer's wife and daughter.
Our contingency doesn't involve them.
Tell the drivers to make
their final preparations.
Then kill the women.
I'm well aware that too often these days,
you have to be surrogate parents...
...as well as teachers.
What can be done about that
at the federal level?
That's a good question.
One that Mike has become
an expert on in the last few years...
...haven't you, Mike?
I've been in charge of preparing
our position paper on education...
...and I've reached some conclusions
I think you'll find interesting.
PRINCIPAL: Wonderful.
MlKE: Studies have proven
that parental involvement....
What's this about Ferragamo?
What difference does it make,
as long as you're protected?
What difference does it make,
that someone may be murdered?
I didn't say anything about murder.
You didn't deny it, either.
Okay, I deny it. Satisfied?
Power has a price and that price
has to be paid. Always.
DAVID: Spare me the civics lesson.
I will not permit anyone to be harmed
in any way in the name of my candidacy.
You don't permit or not permit anything.
Don't you understand that by now?
These are very serious people, David.
They didn't put all this time
and money behind you...
...to let things fall apart now.
They'll find someone to do
what they need done.
-I can't believe you used to work for me.
-I never worked for you.
You and I have always worked for them.
You maybe.
Not me.
Information. How can I direct your call?
Yes. Give me the number
on a Dr. George Ferragamo.
Just put me through immediately, please.
Dad isn't coming, is he?
I don't know, baby.
I guess your time's up.
Don't worry, I'll make it fast.
Whoever knew he came in to kill us
was expecting two shots.
That was the second shot.
What do we do now?
We hide the body.
Come on.
Turn left here.
Where are we headed?
Just drive straight.
I'm taking you to your family.
24. [ 1x09 ]
08:00 am - 09:00 am
24. [ 1x12 ]
11:00 am - 12:00 am
JACK: Right now, terrorists are plotting
to assassinate a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter
have been kidnapped.
And people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer.
This is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m....
...on the day of
the California Presidential Primary.
Take the next exit.
JACK: Plesarita Canyon Road?
KEVIN: Yeah.
JACK: How much further is this place?
KEVIN: I told you I'd take you
to your family, and I will.
That was the deal.
The deal is you'd better hope
my wife and daughter are still alive.
That's the deal.
GREEN: I'm sure my being here has been
a big adjustment.
I appreciate the hard work and long hours
you're all putting in.
It's likely that Senator Palmer
is still in danger...
...but we are making progress
on several fronts.
[People clamoring]
GREEN: Our most promising lead
continues to be Jack Bauer.
Local and federal law enforcement
have made finding him a priority.
We're also trying to locate the man
who impersonated a photographer...
...at the Senator's appearance.
This man may have been
involved with Bauer.
I've told the agencies we're working with
to expect full cooperation...
...from all of us.
Hopefully we can repair
some of the damage...
...caused by Bauer's recent actions.
Thank you. That's all.
JACK: Bauer.
NINA: Jack.
JACK: You were right.
Kevin Carroll showed up.
He gave us the information we need.
I'm on my way to where Teri and Kim
are being held now.
Somewhere in the North Valley,
east of the 5, between Tampa and Reseda.
I'm coming up on some orange groves.
Activate the GPS function
on the Palm Pilot that you sent me.
I need satellite photos
so that I can see what I'm going into.
Make sure that they're hi-res. I need to
identify structures and personnel.
Okay, I'm gonna need time
to download off the satellite.
NINA: It won't be a fresh image.
JACK: Give me what you can. I'll wait.
NINA: Jack?
JACK: What?
Green, she's still squeezing
everyone here to bring you in.
I will turn myself in
as soon as I know my family is safe.
She thinks I've been in contact with you.
Deny it. I'll back you up as soon as I can.
I know you put yourself on the line here.
No one's twisting my arm. I've got to go.
WOMAN: Excuse me.
-Was that Jack?
-Where is he?
-In the North Valley.
He's closing in on Teri and Kim.
-You gonna tell Green about this?
-Not until he gets them out.
TONY: What if he can't?
I'm gonna have to live with my mistake.
Tony, I appreciate
your looking the other way on this...
...but you don't have to help me
cover for Jack anymore.
I'm not doing this for Jack.
MAN: I'll have that confirmed
in five minutes.
It will be downloaded to your computer.
Kimberly, he tried to kill us.
I didn't have a choice.
Taking a person's life, believe me,
I feel sick.
That's just it, Mom. I don't feel bad at all.
I don't feel anything
except happy he's dead.
They're looking for him.
TERI: We have to get out of here
before they find him.
Cover up the blood.
MAN: Yeah, that's right, man.
No time for this.
TERI: There's two of them.
When they're gone, we'll move.
JACK: Nina?
NINA: I've got the satellite photos,
but they're a few hours old.
JACK: Hold on.
-Okay, I'm ready to receive.
-Are you there yet?
I'm just outside the perimeter.
I see a dozen or so people on the ground.
Some look like they're carrying weapons.
That looks right from here.
There could be more people
inside the buildings.
Jack, I think we should
bring Green into this.
NINA: Then she can authorize backup.
JACK: I don't want backup!
Not until I know my family is safe.
You cannot go into
an armed camp by yourself.
-If something were to happen to you--
My family is being held hostage
because of me.
If you bring CTU into this,
they could make this another Waco.
Send me the photo now!
NINA: I'm sending.
JACK: Thank you. I'll get back to you.
Get out of the car.
What are you doing, Jack?
Damn it, Jack,
will you get a hold of yourself?.
We had an agreement.
I bring you here, you let me go.
The agreement was as soon as my
family is safe, I would let you go.
KEVIN: Jack, don't be stupid.
Even if you get in there,
you'll never find them without me.
Come on.
Jack, please.
All right.
You drive.
Jack, if Gaines thinks for a moment
that I bought you here...
...he'll have no problem killing us both.
Then we should avoid Gaines.
Get in the car.
Just relax.
[Sirens wailing]
Real or not, the threat on your life will
probably give you a bounce in the polls.
What's wrong, David?
-I'm tired.
-It's something else.
You've been off your game
since you spoke to Carl.
Carl's gonna stop the Kingsley story
from coming out...
...by cutting off her source.
-Keith's therapist?
MIKE: Did Carl say
how he planned to do this?
No. He just said I'd better stay out of it.
Maybe that's good advice.
You don't seriously think Carl
would do something to hurt this guy?
You know Carl better than I do.
You tell me.
I think you're being paranoid,
but if you're really concerned...
...I'll call this therapist,
tell him to be careful.
I already tried.
I got his voice mail both times.
You called him?
Exposing yourself like that.
For God's sake, David,
you're running for president.
What were you thinking?
If anything goes wrong, everyone
around the car dies, starting with you.
-Gaines has been waiting for you.
-I know.
What happened to you?
I had a fight with your wife.
Are you gonna open up the gate
or do I have to do it myself?.
Roll up the window and go.
JACK: Stop here.
-How may men on site?
-15, 20.
-Which is it, 15 or 20?
-I didn't do the hiring.
My wife and daughter are in
one of these buildings. Which one?
-I don't know.
-Take a guess.
This whole rescue act...
...you really think it's gonna make up
for how you screwed up your marriage?
Teri's told me everything.
How you were never around,
the separation.
-I mean--
-You're wasting your time.
Teri's been very lonely.
For the last time,
which building are they in?
KEVIN: It's this one.
It used to be used for cold storage.
Damn it!
ANDRE: You understand my concern.
IRA: Yeah.
ANDRE: You do realize what's at stake here,
don't you?
You know we're working against the clock.
IRA: Don't worry, Mr. Drazen.
We'll be out of here within the hour.
If there's a problem,
you'll be the first to know.
ANDRE: I want an update soon.
IRA: Yeah.
Hey Rick, where's Eli?
I haven't seen him.
I sent him to take care of the women.
Find out what's taking so long.
You want me to go load this up first?
JACK: Damn it!
This is Dr. Ferragamo.
DAVID: Thank you for returning my call.
Your message said it was urgent.
Yes, I wanted to talk to you about my son.
You know I can't do that.
Doctor-patient privilege.
That didn't stop you
from talking to the press.
If you're calling to threaten me, Senator--
I'm not the one who's threatening you.
Whatever you leaked to Kingsley...
...there are certain people
who want to stop you from confirming it.
By certain people,
I assume you're referring to yourself.
No. I'm trying to protect you.
You've covered up one murder...
...and now you're threatening me
if I don't keep quiet.
-You're twisting my words.
-I think I'm hearing you clearly.
You've reached the office of Dr. Ferragamo.
Leave your name at the sound of the tone.
Dr. Ferragamo, pick up the phone, please.
I need you to hear me out.
Dr. Ferragamo.
Doesn't sound like it went very well.
I need to see him, Mike,
talk to him face to face.
You're supposed to be delivering
your policy statement...
...on public health care in one hour.
I'll be late.
What are you going to do,
pull up to his office with your motorcade?
I'll ride with the Secret Service.
MIKE: You're getting in way over your head.
Pull over.
[Siren wailing]
TERI: They're gone. Let's go.
Are you ready?
-Mom, don't say anything, I know.
I love you, too.
Teri, it's me. It's Jack.
It's me, baby.
-You okay? Where's Kim?
-She's here.
Kim, sweetheart.
JACK: It's gonna be okay.
KIM: I knew you'd come.
It's all right, baby, it's all right.
Can we leave now?
Baby, we're gonna get out of here soon.
Just one minute.
GREEN: Making any progress?
We're working on
the projected threat assessment.
I think you both know where Jack is.
You're interfering with a criminal
investigation, harboring a fugitive--
Jack is not a threat to Palmer.
How do you know that,
if you haven't talked to him?
And why is he still missing?
Polygraph us if you think we're lying.
GREEN: So you can stall some more?
Save us all a lot of time and trouble,
and just tell me where he is.
Tony, go to Holding Room 2.
I'll be there in a few minutes.
GREEN: Nina, go to 1 .
TONY: What are you doing?
-I'm suspending you both.
Until one of you tells me
where to find Jack, you're both suspended.
You don't have the authority.
The first one who tells me
will have a career and a future here.
The other one will be prosecuted
and discharged.
Rick, I thought I told you
to go check on Eli.
Yes, sir.
Who is he?
TERI: They sent him to kill us.
JACK: When?
TERI: About a half hour ago.
That means someone's gonna come
looking for him.
JACK: Hey, sweetheart.
Come here, come on.
TERI: I'm fine. Really, I'm fine.
RICK: Kim, it's me!
It's okay. He gave us the gun.
JACK: Get away from the door.
KIM: No.
Go back to your mother.
Dad, stop it! No!
Jack, you're killing him!
KIM: He wants to get out of here
as much as we do.
It's true. Jack, please!
-Why are you helping them?
-Because I got Kim into this.
I didn't know how heavy it was gonna get.
Get away from him. Get up.
Is anyone else coming?
RICK: Not that I know of.
JACK: Good.
Go sit with your partner.
I'm glad you're okay.
We both know
why Nina's covering for Jack.
But I think the only reason you're
covering for him is to cover for Nina.
From where I'm sitting, Tony,
it looks like she's using you.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I'm just trying to help you
see the situation clearly.
Somehow, Jack Bauer is connected
to the threat against Palmer.
By not telling me where he is, you're
endangering the life of a U.S. Senator...
By not telling me where he is, you're
endangering the life of a U.S. Senator...
...who stands a damn good chance
of becoming the next President.
What's Jack doing, Tony?
Why did he show up at the Palmer breakfast
and grab the gun of a Secret Service Agent?
-He claims he was creating a diversion.
-I know what Jack said.
I want to know what you think.
Look, if I knew where Jack was--
-You do know.
-You're wrong.
No, I'm not.
Help me here, Tony, or getting fired
will be the least of your problems.
I will make sure you're prosecuted.
You will go to prison.
I'll give you 10 minutes.
Take the time to decide if it's
really worth ruining your life over this.
JACK: The car is parked
at the north end of the compound.
I just need to get it, and I'm gonna
pick you both up right there, okay?
You're not leaving us.
Sweetheart, I'm not leaving you.
I'm going to be right back.
Bad things have only happened to us
because we weren't together.
We're not separating again, Jack.
RICK: Maybe you don't have to.
There's another way out.
A better way, I think.
-Gaines stilI thinks I'm on his side...
...so I can get one of the vans
without them noticing.
Even if they stop me,
your car will still be there...
...and you can all be together.
He's right, Jack.
-You trust him?
-I do.
IRA: Rick, it's Gaines.
Rick, what's going on down there?
Answer him.
Mr. Gaines?
IRA: Where's Eli?
RICK: He's outside.
He's digging a hole to bury the girls.
Get him, damn it!
I need him back here right now.
When Eli doesn't come back,
Gaines is coming down here.
Let me get the van.
You've got five minutes.
[Gun clicking]
MAN 1 : Stack those on the side, you know.
MAN 2: Should I bring these down
on the other side?
MAN 1 : We ain't got no time for lunch.
IRA: I can handle it.
There's been a change of plans.
No, I need to know now, not later. Now.
What's so hard to understand about that?
Come on guys, let's go.
Will you guys hurry
with the truck down there.
Hey Joe, where's Eli?
IRA: What are you doing?
RICK: Taking the van.
I can see that, Rick.
Where are you taking the van?
To help Eli get the bodies
from the guest house.
You two can't move a couple of
women yourselves?
I don't know. He told me to get the van.
But if it's a problem, I don't have to.
HENCHMAN: Mr. Gaines?
I was out patrol and I found Kevin.
What? ls he alive?
Yeah, but he's out cold.
Someone messed him up pretty good.
IRA: Where are you?
HENCHMAN: I'm in the North Grove.
I'll be right there. You're driving. Let's go.
Open the damn door.
At the very least,
be careful what you say to Ferragamo.
I'll be careful.
I mean, it's not like
he's so squeaky-clean in this thing.
By talking about Keith to the press,
he violated every professional ethic.
I know what he did, Mike.
[Sirens wailing]
DAVID: Pull over here.
Here's the office.
No. Let me find out what happened.
I'll be right back.
MIKE: What happened? What caused this?
A possible gas explosion.
MIKE: Thanks.
OFFICER: No problem.
DAVID: It's Ferragamo, isn't it?
MIKE: There was a fire.
MIKE: They say it might have been
a broken gas line.
He didn't get out in time.
Damn it! They torched his office.
And you can bet
his records were destroyed.
We don't know anything yet.
It could have been an accident, David.
But it wasn't. lt was murder.
MIKE: David, stop! Wait. Listen to me.
DAVID: Get out of my way.
MIKE: Hear me out. Just hear me out.
David, think this through.
Even if you're right,
this is the absolute wrong way to play it.
Damn it!
Time's up, Tony.
Have you thought about what I said?
I have.
-Excuse me. You have a call.
-I said no interruptions.
It's Bauer.
Where the hell are you, Jack?
Alberta, you might have my office,
but if you want my job, then listen.
I don't take orders from you.
I found the people behind the Palmer hit.
You're one of them,
unless you can prove otherwise.
They kidnapped my family,
my wife and my daughter.
But I'm with them now.
That's why I couldn't contact CTU.
You haven't spoken to anyone here?
I couldn't risk it.
Believe me, I wish I could.
It's not my job to believe you.
It's my job to find you.
I'm at an orange grove, three miles north
of the split on the 5. Hold on.
34 degrees, 17 minutes North,
118 degrees, 28 minutes West.
-You got that?
I've identified 1 1 hostiles.
They're traveling west on the service road.
Bring in air support.
I'll get back in touch.
Get me Central Dispatch.
Find out where Jack's wife and daughter
have been for the last six hours.
Damn it.
-You ready to go home?
-We'll finally finish our chess game.
-I'm two moves from checkmating you.
Yeah, we'll see.
We're gonna be all right, I promise.
JACK: Let me know as soon as you see him.
KIM: Yeah, okay.
JACK: Teri, it's gonna be okay.
Between us, you and me.
I love you.
And I promise you, everything is gonna
be different from now on.
No, I want two choppers.
If Villa has a problem with that,
he can call me.
Jack called with his location.
I sent three field units to back him up.
-Is he all right?
-We'll find out soon enough.
So, which one of us
are you gonna suspend?
Neither of you.
Only because I don't have
enough evidence...
...that you withheld information.
But I plan to keep looking.
I want to find out who's running point
on the field units...
...so we can monitor what's happening.
You okay?
Alberta worked me pretty hard in there.
Yeah, I know.
I gotta tell you,
if Jack hadn't called when he did....
You took a lot of chances for me.
I won't forget it.
IRA: Kevin.
Kevin, what the hell happened?
-Bauer. He's here.
I went to meet Cofell,
but Bauer had already gotten to him.
-How long have you been here?
-I don't know.
Bauer's on sight. Whoever's near
the guest house, we're going in strong.
Seal the gate, make sure no one gets out.
JACK: Stay in the door.
It's him. He brought the van. Come on.
RICK: Gaines is coming.
He found the guy you came in with.
JACK: I'll drive.
JACK: Hold on!
Get down, get down.
Hold on.
Stay down!
IRA: Get up to the van.
JACK: Everybody out. Stay low.
Get to the back of the van.
Use the wheels for cover.
Take cover.
KEVIN: Cover me, I'm going across.
MAN 2: Move, move!
On the satellite photo you'll see
a water tower down by the service road.
Go straight,
follow the creek bed and run like hell.
I'll make sure CTU finds you.
-What about you, Jack?
-I'll be right behind you.
-There's too many of them.
-Not if I help.
You know how to use that thing?
Stay there!
MAN: I got a clear shot.
I'm not leaving you.
You won't be leaving,
you'll be taking care of our daughter.
-But Dad--
-Don't argue with me. Both of you go.
Go! Run!
Keep covering me.
Go to the tree line.
IRA: Go.
Come on, get up.
IRA: Let's go.
Keep moving.
I'll be able to stop the bleeding
when we get through the trees.
Come on, I'm not leaving you behind.
참고로 잭이 말하는 바코(Waco)사건은
미국 바코에서 있었던 FBI의 사이비 종파
진압 사건인데. 그 종교의 모든 사람들이
죽었던 사건입니다. 이때 사건 책임검사는
자넷 르노(나중 클링턴 스켄들 담당)였고
과잉진압과 눈물가스탄 때문에 말이 많았음
24. [ 1x12 ]
11:00 am - 12:00 am
24. [ 1x13 ]
- 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM -
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are planning to assassinate...
...a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter
have been kidnapped...
...and people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer.
This is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m...
...on the day of the
California Presidential Primary.
IRA: Take the jeep,
cut 'em off at the service road.
IRA: The rest of you go behind him.
KEVIN: I thought....
IRA: How could you let this happen?
Cutting 'em off at the service road.
Bauer, his wife and daughter and Rick.
Make sure they don't double back.
KEVIN: I thought I could handle them.
Stop thinking.
We have to keep moving.
KIM: What if Dad is--
TERI: Your Dad's okay.
TERI: He said meet him at the water tower.
Let's do that.
Come on, we just have to follow the creek.
Let's go, come on!
I can't.
JACK: Shut up. You can and you will.
I'm slowing you down.
JACK: Yes, you are,
so you better start speeding up.
Get down.
RADIO: Pollock, where are you?
POLLOCK: Yeah, I got nothing.
We can move.
TERI: Get down.
KIM: What are we going to do, Mom?
TERI: We can't go back,
we can't go forward.
They're everywhere.
We can catch the road
where it cuts through the woods.
-Dad told us to follow the creek bed.
-We don't have a choice, do we, Kimberly?
We'll go up here.
TERI: Come on.
PHONE: The subscriber
you're trying to reach....
TONY: Hey. The property where
they're holding Jack's family...
...was leased six months ago
by a company that doesn't exist.
I have to go over the tax records.
You all right?
Jack's still not answering his cell.
He could've shut it off
to keep it from ringing.
Maybe something's happened to him.
If anybody knows
how to take care of himself, it's Jack.
Our tactical unit should be there in minutes.
TONY: Bundy's heading up the operation.
He's good.
Maybe you're right.
I should've brought Green in sooner.
You let Jack make the call
because it was his family on the line.
What could you do?
Look, I'm sorry.
Since this whole thing got started...
...l guess I've been a little harsh.
A little?
Okay, maybe a lot.
I've been afraid--
You don't have to explain, all right?
You want to talk about us,
we'll talk about it later. Okay?
I just want you to know that it's nothing--
GREEN: You're bringing in
Jamey Farrell's mother?
Yes, to pick up Kyle, her son.
Before she sees him
I want the two of you to question her.
GREEN: If she has information that
can help us protect Palmer, I need to know.
Why do you think she has information?
GREEN: $300,000 was deposited in her
bank account over the last four months.
DAVID: They killed George Ferragamo.
That fire was no accident.
I want to talk to Maureen Kingsley,
then go right to the DA.
MIKE: Wait until you have the facts
before you go off.
DAVID: The facts?
-He was killed so I'd get elected.
-You don't know that.
DAVID: What do you think happened?
MIKE: I'm saying let's take a beat...
...to see how we should play this
before we do anything.
There's only one way to play this, Mike.
Maureen Kingsley is going to get
the story of her career after all.
DAVID: After I talk to her, I'll see the DA.
Shouldn't you ask Sherry?
Why? So she can try to talk me out of it?
She's your wife, David.
MIKE: This is her life, too.
She deserves to know.
ANDRE: Has the compound been cleared?
Yes, but there's been a change of plan.
IRA: Bauer showed up here
like I said he would.
You have him.
Not yet, but I will.
Congratulations, lra.
You may have bought
yourself a second chance.
My contract included killing Palmer.
I want to make good on it.
The way you were talking...
...it sounded like you handed it off
to someone else.
Bring me Bauer's body.
Then we'll talk about the Senator.
You'll hear from me soon.
KEVIN: Drazen?
IRA: Yeah.
Either we eliminate Bauer...
...or Drazen eliminates us.
KEVIN: And that's the only option here.
KEVIN: Getting Bauer
is not as easy as it sounds.
I heard him phoning in some
GPS coordinates to somebody.
Whoever that somebody is,
they'll be calling the cavalry in soon.
I say we just cut our losses
and get the hell out of here.
IRA: You don't get the hell out
with these people.
They come after you and keep coming until
they find you, no matter where you are.
And when they do....
Believe me, killing Bauer...
...is our only chance of staying alive.
[Rusted hinges squeaking]
[Water splashing]
JACK: They should've been here by now.
Come here. Sit down.
Let me take a look at it.
JACK: Okay.
This is going to sting for a while
but you're not mortally wounded.
The bullet passed straight through,
didn't hit bone...
...and it missed your major artery.
You got any loose clothing?
Yeah, in my back pocket.
JACK: I got it.
Take a deep breath.
TERI: Wait. Hold up, honey.
KIM: Are you okay?
TERI: Yeah, no, I just....
I just want to check where we are.
We may have veered a little south.
We should've hit the road by now.
I can't see it. Do you see it up ahead?
You don't know where we are, do you?
We're lost, aren't we?
TERI: We should just go straight.
It should be just up ahead.
KIM: Are you sure?
JACK: That'll help stop the bleeding.
MIKE: That's good.
Just put it on the clean print.
SHERRY: Mike's your advisor.
What's his advice?
He agrees with me.
SHERRY: He thinks you're making a mistake
by taking them on.
They've already covered up one death.
You don't know what happened
to Ferragamo.
But even if you're right...
...will turning this into a media circus...
...bring him back to life?
No, that's not the point.
Your career...
...and your family...
...you're throwing away...
...everything you've built.
Without any hard evidence...
...of what really happened.
Police will find the evidence.
SHERRY: They won't because Carl...
...and the people he works for...
...they will twist the system...
...to get the result that they want.
That's what they do, David.
And you'll be left with nothing.
SHERRY: Sweetheart, to fight these people,
you need power.
The kind of power you will have...
...once you become President.
We knew from the start
that this was going to be an uphill race.
But we're almost there.
SHERRY: Look at the polls.
Sherry, I don't know.
SHERRY: No, think, David. Think.
Think of the millions of lives
you can make better...
...once you win the candidacy.
How can I do the job...
...when my own house isn't in order?
SHERRY: David....
I told them to wait at the water tower.
You heard me say that, right?
What are you going to do?
JACK: I gotta go back and find them.
-Alberta, there's been a complication.
-I'm listening.
Teri and Kim
are not where they were supposed to be.
I've got to go back and find them.
I need to tell the incoming team
where to pick you up.
JACK: At an abandoned water tower,
north area of the compound.
Check your satellite photos.
It's overlooking a reservoir.
If I'm not back when the team arrives,
they'll find a kid in here.
JACK: His name is Rick. He's wounded.
GREEN: Who is he?
JACK: He helped us get out of there.
Three tactical units are on their way.
How much longer?
Ten minutes, 15 tops.
Okay, I copy. Out.
RICK: Jack.
JACK: What?
RICK: Thanks.
Don't thank me. Thank my daughter.
This thing, believe me,
I had no idea what was going on.
Dan said we were just trying to scare guys
who backed out of a deal.
JACK: When you started to see
what was happening...
...you should have done something.
He was my friend.
Hey. You kidnapped my daughter.
You're going to have to live with that.
Part of getting a second chance
is taking responsibility...
...for the mess you made.
You understand me?
Good. I'll be back in a few minutes.
[Walkie-talkie chatter nearby]
TERI: That shack over there, maybe we can
find it on this and see where we are.
See? I don't think we're as far off
as I thought.
TERI: Honey, come on. Stay down.
TERI: Kim, get down.
IRA: It's Gaines.
Everyone circle back to Section Five.
When he gets
to the back of the shed, we'll go.
What if he sees us?
We'll be all right.
Are you okay?
Yeah, it's nothing.
Mom, you keep saying that, but--
It's going to be fine.
I promise, honey, it's fine.
-Teri, stay down!
JACK: Are you both okay?
TERI: Yeah.
JACK: Come here.
IRA: Who's shooting?
Whoever's shooting...
...call in your position now.
They're going to be swarming this place.
We gotta get out.
KIM: Where's Rick? ls he okay?
JACK: He's fine.
KIM: Where is he?
JACK: By the water tower.
CTU's sending a chopper.
We got to get out of here now. Hold on.
Okay, come on. It's clear.
We gotta move, we don't have much time.
NINA: Hello, Mrs. Vasquez.
Thank you for coming in.
Where's my grandson?
They said I could pick him up.
We'll take you to him.
We want to ask a few questions.
Yes, I have a question, too.
How can a woman bleed to death...
...and nobody does anything about it?
We're sorry about Jamey, Mrs. Vasquez.
But it wasn't like that.
My daughter's dead, isn't she?
...take me to Kyle.
NINA: We really do have to
ask you a few questions.
I'm not interested in your questions.
Mrs. Vasquez.
Your daughter was a traitor.
She confessed before she died.
TONY: And if you withhold information...
...you can be held as an accomplice.
If that happens,
who's going to take care of Kyle?
What do you want to know?
IRS records show you earn $45,000 a year.
NINA: But an account in your name
shows deposits...
...that add up to more than $300,000.
It's from Jamey...
...so that Kyle would have enough money...
...if something happened to her.
Who gave Jamey the money?
She never said.
And you never asked?
All this money in your account...
...you never once asked
where it came from?
Kyle needs you.
Don't do anything to jeopardize that.
IRA: Maxton and Neil, you two
haven't checked in yet. Where are you?
One more time. Maxton and Neil.
MAXTON: This is Maxton.
Where the hell are you?
Why haven't you called in?
MAXTON: Crossing the creek
to meet Peterson's group.
Trying to cut Bauer off
from the service road.
JACK: Not if you keep telling me
where you are.
Give me the Palm Pilot.
KEVIN: Neil's the only one
who hasn't called in.
Maxton, what area was Neil patrolling?
MAXTON: The northeast side of the creek.
He split off on his own.
Okay. They're coming from over there.
We can hit the road down a little farther...
...avoid them completely. Come on.
DAVID: Maureen?
Don't make me get hotel security.
I know you're in there.
[Pounds on door]
Why are you shutting me out?
Because I think we've pretty much said
everything we need to say.
Can I at least come in?
Maureen, please...
...open the door and let me in.
DAVID: I know I asked you to...
...back off the story about my son,
but I've changed my mind.
Dr. Ferragamo's dead.
-You already knew.
-I don't want to hear any more, Senator.
DAVID: What do you mean? You've been--
I've left the network.
What? When?
MAUREEN: You should leave it alone, too.
That's my advice.
As a friend.
They got to you.
DAVID: Did they pay you off?.
Because I wouldn't have thought
you were for sale.
They threatened you, too.
DAVID: I'll see that you're protected.
MAUREEN: I've already protected myself.
DAVID: You're withholding evidence
in a capital crime.
What evidence?
Dr. Ferragamo is dead.
His files have been destroyed.
The paper from the hospital
with my son's handwriting?
There is no piece of paper.
Not anymore.
There's still my word.
That counts for something.
MAUREEN: That's not enough, Senator.
Not against these people.
I'm sorry.
There's no radio.
IRA: Bauer's been listening...
...to every damn word!
TONY: Mrs. Vasquez received
two wire transfers since January...
...both from a holding company...
...called Luca Univox based in Belgrade.
Jack thought there might be
a connection to Belgrade.
He was on assignment there two years ago.
Did you check his mission files?
Was there a connection
to the hit on Palmer?
These new files may give us a new angle.
So, who do we know in Belgrade...
...who's keyed into
the financial community?
JACK: Come on.
TERI: Can you call them?
Maybe. Chopper should
have been here by now.
What about Rick?
lsn't he supposed to meet us here?
Damn it. No signal.
Rick was wounded.
He's waiting in the water tower.
When the chopper arrives, he'll come out.
-So what are we waiting for?
Shouldn't he know that we're here?
TERI: As soon as your father says it's okay.
There's no one even around.
KIM: Dad--
JACK: Kim, no!
JACK: Get back!
It's a sniper rifle.
TERI: Then what do we do?
Stay here.
Don't move for anything but the chopper.
JACK: Not for anything,
you understand me?
Where are you going?
He wants me.
TERI: No, Jack!
[Crows cawing]
[Twigs rustling]
IRA: He's trying to draw us
away from the women.
KEVIN: That's fine by me.
Once he's dead, they'll be easy.
IRA: I'll keep him pinned down.
Circle around until you get a clear shot.
JACK: Damn it.
IRA: That's right, Jack.
You don't have a shot from that distance.
How much longer do we have?
JACK: Until what?
IRA: Until your people get here.
I wouldn't wait around
to find out if I were you.
IRA: I don't have a choice.
People I work for made that pretty clear.
[Erratic gunshots]
[Silenced gunshots]
The DA's inside. You want me to sit in?
Give me a minute.
MIKE: It's okay.
He's with the campaign.
The DA's down the hall, Carl...
...waiting for me to tell a story.
It's over.
And I think it's just getting started.
Don't get stupid on me now, David.
Seems I've been stupid for a long time.
Then open your eyes for once.
CARL: This....
The whole thing, it's one big machine...
...and I'm the oil that
keeps the pistons pumping...
...the motor turning, the wheels spinning--
Not anymore.
I like you, David, I really do...
...and I think that you
would make one hell of a...
I know what you did to Ferragamo.
Every engine produces waste.
It's the physics of the situation.
DAVID: Listen to yourself.
CARL: Consider the alternatives.
A year from now, you'll either be promoting
your agenda for the nation...
...or visiting your son in prison.
A jury will believe that it was an accident.
I'm not talking about the rapist, David.
I'm talking about Dr. Ferragamo.
The kid didn't have anything to do
with Ferragamo.
CARL: Of course he didn't.
But if somebody
were to mention the word ''arson''....
Son of a bitch!
You planted something?
The people we both work for, David...
...they know how to get what they want.
Hi, Mike.
What was that all about?
The DA is waiting in there.
What do you want me to say?
Tell him I'm sorry.
I have nothing to say.
I made a mistake.
I don't understand.
I'm running for president, Mike.
And I'm going to win.
TERI: Hey, over here!
KIM: Mom, wait.
AGENT: Federal agent! Drop your weapon!
Put your hands in the air!
BUNDY: Mrs. Bauer?
TERI: Yes!
BUNDY: Hands down. Are you all right?
Do you two need medical attention?
TERI: We're fine, but my husband--
BUNDY: Where is he?
TERI: Somewhere up there.
BUNDY: Go! Come on.
BUNDY: Stay back.
TERI: Kim!
BUNDY: Mrs. Bauer, wait!
Kimberly, stop!
Dad said he'd be in here.
TERI: I know.
KIM: Where is he?
TERI: Wherever he is, they'll find him.
-What if Gaines' men found him first?
-He'd be dead...
...and they'd be carrying him
out of here in a body bag.
No, he's got to be around here somewhere.
I got to find him.
TERI: No, stop it, Kimberly.
I know you care about this boy
but I need you to be here for me right now...
...and your Dad needs both of us
to be there for him.
You're losing blood.
Not enough to stop me from killing you.
JACK: Maybe neither of us has to die.
IRA: Like I said, Jack...
...I don't have that choice.
Maybe at least you could tell me
what's going on.
Cofell. He mentioned something
about Belgrade.
That was a military operation.
How's Palmer connected to that?
You were there, Jack. You should know.
Let's say I don't.
Neither do l.
IRA: The less I know, the better I work.
That's just the nature of our business.
And why did you bring my family into this?
That might have been a mistake.
They wanted to make it personal.
JACK: Who's they?
[Branches cracking]
JACK: Put down the weapon, Mr. Gaines.
We can protect you.
No, you can't.
JACK: Put down the weapon!
Good luck.
AGENT: Federal agent! Drop your weapon!
lnterlace your fingers behind your head!
Sir, we have Bauer in custody.
We also have another man down.
BUNDY: Bring Bauer
to the landing zone right away.
AGENT: Roger, bringing him in.
JACK: Sweetheart?
TERI: Jack!
TERI: Thank God you're okay!
JACK: Are you all right?
TERI: Yeah.
TERI: This nightmare's finally over, right?
JACK: Yes, I promise.
AGENT: Agent Bauer...
...chopper's waiting.
JACK: My family's been through hell.
I want them with me.
AGENT: That'll be fine. Come on.
JACK: Okay.
JACK: Sweetheart, put this on.
GREEN: Jack and his family were rescued.
They'll be here in 10 minutes.
That's good news.
We need to move on something else.
A lead we got from Jamey's mom.
-Find out where the money came from?
-Offshore bank account.
-We back-traced the funds to Belgrade--
-Wait. Belgrade?
Before I lay it out, you need to upgrade
the threat assessment on Palmer.
GREEN: You need to give me
more than that--
The same account shows
a transfer of funds...
...to an assassin based in Belgrade.
GREEN: That's old news.
The photographer at the breakfast.
NINA: No. Our contact over there says
this assassin left Yugoslavia this morning.
Which means he's probably already here.
A second hitter.
24. [ 1x13 ]
- 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM -
24. [ 1x14 ]
- 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM -
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter are in danger...
...and people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer.
And this is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m....
...on the day of the California
Presidential Primary.
JACK: You okay?
KIM: Yeah.
JACK: Are you all right?
GREEN: Who's in this chopper?
NINA: Just Jack and his family.
The prisoners are in another transport.
JACK: Are you hurt?
No. My stomach's been bothering me
for a couple of hours.
Sweetheart, did something happen there?
Sweetheart, did something happen there?
TERI: No. It's probably just from
all the stress, honey.
They called ahead.
There's an ambulance to take you both...
...to a clinic where a doctor
will examine you.
KIM: Can't we stay with you?
JACK: No, I've got to stay here at CTU.
Alberta, this is my wife, Teri,
and my daughter, Kim.
JACK: Thanks, Nina.
GREEN: The ambulance will take them
to the clinic.
JACK: Good.
GREEN: You'll go with Agent Scott.
He'll take care of anything you need.
-Jack, what's going to happen with you?
-It's all right. They'll just debrief me.
JACK: Hey, come here.
WOMAN: Call them in, give them an ETA.
Give us five minutes.
Don't worry, okay?
I'll call you as soon as I can.
We'll be doing more than debriefing you,
I have to place you under house arrest.
You'll be held here and questioned
until we hand you over to the FBl.
[Siren blares]
JACK: Nina.
I want you to watch over Teri and Kim.
Make sure they're okay.
NINA: Green's got me doing mop-up
on the operation.
JACK: Get Tony to do it.
Just get over to the clinic.
-I have to get Green's approval.
-Nina, please.
GREEN: Contact District.
Tell them we have him in custody.
AIDE: All right, I'll take care of it.
JACK: Could you ask them for some water?
GUARD: Right away, sir.
NINA: Alberta.
Tony's finishing the procedures
and the mop-up.
I've been here since before midnight.
I'd like an hour off, go home, clean up.
Come on, Alberta, please?
I've been through hell today.
One thing I have a great eye for is B.S.
If you want an hour off,
tell me where you're going.
Jack asked me to look after Teri and Kim.
They're feeling a little isolated
since he can't be there.
There's an irony for you.
You looking after Jack's wife.
Make sure Tony's got everything
he needs before you leave.
DAVID: Elizabeth, have we heard
from Christopher yet?
NASH: Yes, but he only had
early projections...
...and those were from New York and
Get with me when he has
the numbers from the other states.
I want to know if the incident
at the breakfast is hurting us.
Of course.
NASH: This is not what I asked for.
What's on your mind, Sherry?
SHERRY: You've got to go out there today
with your best face on.
There can be no talk about Keith...
...and no talk about Ferragamo.
Ferragamo's death was an accident.
I'm not going to talk about Ferragamo.
I'm dropping it.
I'm being blackmailed.
By who?
By some of the people
that have been financing my campaign.
What do they want?
DAVID: They're determined to see me
in the White House...
...and if I don't do what they want...
...they say they can build
a first-degree murder case against Keith.
-For Lyle Gibson?
For Dr. Ferragamo.
Keith was nowhere
near Ferragamo's office today.
According to Carl,
who's been doing all their dirty work...
...someone planted evidence...
...that could implicate Keith
in Ferragamo's murder.
SHERRY: No, David.
This is what happens
when you cover things up.
Don't preach to me, David, okay?
What are we going to do?
I don't know yet.
SHERRY: Does Keith know anything?
And he's not going to.
KENT: You must be Teri. I'm Dr. Kent.
We're going to be taking
very good care of you today.
-This is your daughter, Kim?
KENT: We've been alerted to your
abdominal pain. I'd like to get an ultrasound.
TERI: It's actually not as painful
as it was before.
KENT: That's good.
But we want to make sure
we know what it is.
ls there any other discomfort? Anything
you want to tell us before we examine you?
Mrs. Bauer?
I was raped.
I see.
KENT: Okay.
Then we're going to need to draw blood
and do some tests...
...and I would like to recommend you
to one of our psychiatrists.
That's not necessary.
KENT: Mrs. Bauer,
you can do what you want...
...but under the circumstances...
...it's important for you to take
a few minutes and speak to someone.
I'd like to keep this confidential.
KENT: The records are private.
Only the doctors involved have access.
I mean, from my husband.
KENT: All right,
if that's what you want to do.
KENT: A nurse will be in shortly.
MIKE: We should spend some time...
...with Senators Blalock and Gleeson
pretty soon.
I don't really feel comfortable
aligning myself with those guys.
You're going to need their states.
Just being seen with them
will go a long way.
DAVID: Okay.
Was there something else
you wanted to discuss?
I'm worried this Ferragamo thing
is not going to go away.
Let me handle
the Ferragamo situation, Mike.
You just make sure the rest of the day
gets back on track.
KEITH: Did I hear you say something
about Dr. Ferragamo?
DAVID: There was a fire in his office.
MIKE: I'll get on this.
DAVID: Thanks, Mike.
KEITH: Dad, what are you....
Keith, I'm sorry.
Dr. Ferragamo died.
DAVID: About an hour ago.
We just found out.
Wait, I don't get it. What kind of fire?
We're still waiting to hear the details.
What's going on?
Are you saying that my psychiatrist...
...Dr. Ferragamo, was involved in this?
That he told Maureen Kingsley
something I said to him during a session?
Is that how this whole story
about Lyle Gibson started?
Seems that way.
But he died in a fire an hour ago?
It was an accident.
No, I don't believe this.
Keith, look....
-We have to let it go right now.
-Let it go?
No, you mean cover it up.
There's nothing to cover up.
Sure there is.
Somebody didn't want him to talk about
this because it'll hurt your campaign.
DAVID: What do you want me to do?
Go to the police.
-I can't.
-I don't get it, Dad.
What were you saying before
about trusting the system?
I do trust the system.
When my hind parts are on the line.
But when it comes to your campaign--
My campaign's been on the line ever
since you lied to me about Lyle Gibson.
DAVID: I don't understand.
You've been on me all night to keep
quiet about Gibson's death.
This isn't about Lyle Gibson anymore, is it?
I might have been involved
in Gibson's death...
...but somebody murdered Dr. Ferragamo
and they have to pay.
He meant something to me.
KEITH: That's right.
I was in real pain...
...and Dr. Ferragamo was the only one
there for me.
So we're not going to pretend
like this thing never happened, okay?
DAVID: Keith--
KEITH: You don't know how I was.
I wouldn't have made it without him.
Just give me a little time.
DAVID: Let me get to the bottom
of what happened.
If there was foul play...
...I promise you, we'll come forward.
-Why can't we come forward now?
-Because we can't.
I love you.
DAVID: You have to know...
...I'm doing what's best for you.
[Stifles crying]
You have to know it.
[Quiet sobs]
RYAN: Afternoon, Tony.
TONY: Mr. Chappelle.
Looks like they're bringing in the big guns.
MILO: What do you think they're going
to do to Jack?
Not going to name a street after him.
GREEN: He's in Holding 2.
RYAN: All right, thank you.
JACK: Come on.
RYAN: Hey, Jack.
JACK: Ryan, it's good to see you.
I've got five priority cases on my desk
this morning.
RYAN: Your name's on all of them.
JACK: I can imagine that.
-Look, I just want to say--
-Hang on.
You were saying?
At approximately 12:15...
...I got a phone call from
Agent Nina Myers...
...telling me to assemble the team at CTU....
District Manager Walsh....
Where's Teri Bauer?
AGENT: I don't know.
Who are you with?
And you?
AGENT: Waiting for the rest
of my debrief team.
We're going to interrogate some of the
prisoners they're bringing to the clinic.
Okay, thanks.
I'm with CTU. Where's Teri Bauer?
NURSE: She was moved to Room 7.
NINA: Thank you.
NINA: There you are.
TERI: Nina.
I didn't know you were going to be here.
NINA: Hi, Kim.
We didn't officially meet.
I'm Nina Myers. I work with your dad.
I'm so glad the two of you are okay.
I'm here until you're done. If you
need anything, I'll be in the waiting room.
TERI: What's happening with Jack?
He's being questioned.
TERI: Is he in trouble?
NINA: That depends.
He broke a few laws last night
but he was doing it to save you...
...so I think they'll understand.
If he doesn't piss them off first.
My thoughts exactly.
NURSE: Excuse me.
I'll be back.
l guess you know Jack
just about as well as I do.
I'm sending someone to your house
to pick up some clean clothes.
What's going to happen
when we get released?
Why can't we just go home?
NINA: Until we know what happened, we
want to take precautions to keep you safe.
KIM: When do we get to see my dad?
NINA: I don't know.
A lot of things have to happen first.
Some people are going to
want to talk to you.
Division, Secret Service, us.
NINA: Because you see,
this wasn't a simple crime.
This was a terrorist conspiracy,
and you were in the middle of it.
But that's over now.
Nina, wait.
TERI: I don't know all the details,
but I understand...
...you're a big part of the reason
why we're still alive.
So thank you.
I'll be out here.
NURSE: ...close this area down.
There's so much going on all the time.
We have radiology. The pharmacy is
on the other end.
AGENT: Hold on. Yes?
NINA: Nina Myers, CTU.
Is that man FBl?
AGENT: Hold on. Yeah, he's with me.
NINA: He was in 3 earlier.
I'd like to speak with him.
AGENT: Sure. But he wasn't in 3.
We just got here.
NINA: Who else is here from the Bureau?
AGENT: Just the two of us.
-Are you sure?
-Of course, I'm sure.
And the reason I didn't call CTU
immediately for backup....
Frankly, I was worried things could
get out of control.
My family was still in the compound--
RYAN: But you did eventually call.
Yes. The second Teri and Kim
were with me, I called Alberta Green.
You did what any loving father would do.
Unfortunately, as you know...
...our procedures don't allow for
any deviation from protocol.
I can't reinstate you, Jack.
Ryan, have you heard
a single thing that I've said?
Do you understand what's happening?
Senator Palmer is still in danger.
Now that my family is safe,
I can help you.
As of right now, your case will be
put in the hands of the Justice Department.
Justice Department?
For God's sakes, yes,
under the circumstances...
...I had to break the rules of procedure
with CTU to protect my family!
JACK: But I never deviated from
my assignment...
...to protect Senator Palmer,
and you know that!
RYAN: I know that and that's what
might keep you from going to prison.
But that's not my call.
JACK: You don't have time for this, Ryan.
I have come in contact
with suspects still at large...
...and I guarantee you they
have a contingency plan.
JACK: I am a resource. I can identify them.
You want to put me in jail?
You do that later.
But you let me help Senator Palmer
get through the rest of this day.
-I'll ask Alberta if she wants your help.
-She's been here for four hours, Ryan!
RYAN: Chappelle.
SECRETARY: Can Myers talk to Bauer?
RYAN: Yeah.
SECRETARY: I'll patch you through.
It's fine.
Okay, we're through here.
RYAN: It's Nina.
RYAN: Keep him company.
GUARD: Yes, sir.
JACK: Hey, it's Jack.
NINA: How's it going over there?
JACK: They're handing me over
to the Justice Department.
Didn't you explain to them why you did it?
JACK: Yes, of course I did.
I think Alberta Green is trying
to make a career move.
How's Teri and Kim?
NINA: They seem okay,
considering what they've been through.
JACK: How much longer will they
stay at the clinic?
NINA: A couple of hours,
then they'll be transferred for questioning.
JACK: Nina, I can't thank you enough
for being there.
Really, I appreciate it.
-Yeah, I'm here.
JACK: What's wrong?
When Walsh told you that someone inside
the agency was working against Palmer...
...did you think that it was
more than one person?
He didn't say,
but I've been thinking about this, too.
Someone had to recruit Jamey.
You're going to have
to work under the assumption that...
...someone else is on the inside.
Maybe not CTU.
The District, Division, maybe Secret
Service. Why? What are you thinking?
I just want to make sure
that Teri and Kim are safe here.
JACK: What do you mean? At the clinic?
NINA: Yeah.
JACK: Why wouldn't they be?
NINA: I don't know.
I'm just exhausted
and probably getting paranoid.
JACK: What's going on there?
NINA: Nothing. Don't worry.
I'll make sure that they are safe here.
Okay, thanks.
-Can I talk to them?
-They're being examined right now.
Okay, get back to me as soon
as they can talk, please.
NINA: Yeah.
JACK: Okay, thank you.
GREEN: Any more information
on the backup plan to assassinate Palmer?
The information that came in
half an hour ago...
...matched what we got
from Division's database.
TONY: Things are falling into place.
GREEN: Give me the headlines.
TONY: Three shooters, possibly hired to kill
Palmer in case the breakfast attempt failed.
Jovan Myovic entered the country
two days ago.
Mishko Suba, also from the Balkans,
came in three days ago through Florida.
And the other one?
TONY: No names yet.
GREEN: Keep looking.
If he's connected with the others, we need
to know where he is and what he's doing.
Let's leave it right there.
Get the equipment in the shed. l'll
be in to brief you on our exit strategy.
KEVIN: Let's move it out!
KEVIN: Mr. Drazen, it's Kevin.
KEVIN: We just got to the transfer point.
ANDRE: What about Gaines?
KEVIN: He's dead.
I see.
KEVIN: Listen, Mr. Drazen...
...when Gaines hired me for this...
...I told him there were
a couple of defects in his plan...
...that could be exploited.
Not to say ''I told you so''...
...but I'm not surprised that any of this
happened the way it did.
ANDRE: ls there a point to any of this?
Yes. I can fix it for you.
ANDRE: lnteresting.
And how can you do that?
KEVIN: I've done this before.
I know people.
KEVIN: When I was working
for the DEA in Florida...
...I was able to get to a witness
that no one else could find.
12 hours later, he was dead.
Problem solved, if you get what I'm saying.
I appreciate the offer, Kevin,
but as you Americans so often say...
...Plan B is already in effect.
What does that mean?
Hello? Drazen?
Get away from me.
Is there anything left in the truck?
Go to hell.
I need copies of this report
as soon as you can get them.
Yes, sir.
Are we saying Senator Palmer
should stay in for the duration?
No. He's got to get out of California now.
The backup shooters are in LA
and they're going to come after him.
All right, leave that with me.
GREEN: Let me look it over
one more time before I do anything.
Are you satisfied with your position here?
Because I always had the impression
you had too much talent...
...to be a number three at CTU.
What do you want me to do, Alberta?
That's what I like about you, Tony,
you get right to the point.
Before Chappelle makes his final evaluation
of Jack, he's going to want to talk to you.
Why me?
GREEN: Because you called in
the lockdown.
And, let's face it...
...Nina is hardly impartial when it comes
to Jack, and Chappelle knows that.
And you want me to tell him what?
The truth.
GREEN: That even though Jack's family
was in danger, he could have dealt with it...
...without compromising
the integrity of CTU.
GREEN: lf Jack had confided in you
from the beginning...
...you never would have had to call
George Mason to lock things down.
Am I right?
GREEN: Jack?
JACK: Alberta.
GREEN: Chappelle asked me
to debrief you personally.
I have to tell you, Jack, this is your turf.
I feel uncomfortable debriefing you.
That's quite all right.
It's pointless for me to ask you questions.
Why don't you just tell me
what you think I need to know?
Save us some time.
JACK: I went through
the timeline events with Chappelle.
You need the threads and lDs...
...to proceed tactically
over the next few hours.
Do you mind?
No, but before we get started,
I need something.
What's that?
I want to be able to phone my family.
They don't know what's going on with me.
I want to ease their minds.
Sorry, Jack, I can't do that.
Why don't we dispense with the, ''Are you
all right, Jack? I feel uncomfortable'' crap?
JACK: Okay, you want to talk straight?
Fine. Don't handle me.
GREEN: Tell me what you know.
First thing you need to do
is get a hold of Langley.
Have them open up
their Balkan terrorist database.
Why the Balkans?
JACK: The people buying
the Palmer hit...
...were being financed
by a man named Ted Cofell.
He was an investment banker with
family connections in Europe.
He died three hours ago.
Keep talking.
JACK: The money that we traced...
...came back to Ted Cofell lndustries
which is based out here in LA.
TONY: CTU. Almeida.
NINA: Tony, I have a problem.
20 minutes ago a man identified
himself to me as FBl...
...but I know he's lying.
TONY: How do you know?
NINA: Because I met the only FBl agents
assigned here.
They knew nothing about him.
Maybe the right hand's
not talking to the left?
NINA: No, I don't think it's that.
Can you send someone over?
I need to pull prints off a phone.
-Sure. Anything else?
-No, that's it. Just hurry.
All right. You got it.
And the Senator
wanted to get your approval on these.
What are they?
Photographs for the Time magazine piece.
Right, I wanted to see those.
SHERRY: Use that one.
PATTY: Okay. Thanks.
SHERRY: So, what's going on?
I talked to Dad.
KEITH: And I'm a little confused.
He's been trying to convince me...
...that it's best
to air this thing about Nicole's rape...
...and the death of Lyle Gibson.
SHERRY: Don't worry about that now.
KEITH: No, that's just it, we do have to.
I know about Dr. Ferragamo.
I know the fire was no accident.
We got to do something.
-Keith, look--
-Dad wants to keep it quiet....
-Don't get yourself worked up.
-I am worked up.
Covering up an accident is one thing...
...but we're talking about murder.
-I'm going to the police.
-You will not.
-I'm sorry. I've made up my mind.
-You will listen to me, Keith!
It is not your decision to make.
Can't believe you're saying this.
Because you don't know what it takes
to raise a family and to keep it safe.
KEITH: What does this have to do with safe?
SHERRY: Everything.
Nothing is simple in life.
Sometimes you just have to
make a decision.
That is what we did, and you will
respect that. Do you understand?
I understand....
Have Patty pack up your things.
We have to leave the state today.
They've done a threat assessment. They
claim it's too dangerous to stay here.
-Where are we going?
-Nellis Air Force Base, in Nevada.
-Have you discussed this with Mike?
-Of course.
He believes this isn't a call they would
make unless the threat was imminent.
SHERRY: I thought you said that the man
from the breakfast, Jack...
...Bauer, was already in custody.
He is, but he may not be working alone.
There are others...
...that are after me.
So, let's go.
Let's get our things together.
Let's go. Now.
SHERRY: Come on, Keith.
GREEN: You didn't call it in.
JACK: As long as my family was in danger,
I didn't want to call CTU.
TONY: Yeah?
SECRETARY: Chappelle's ready for you.
All right, thanks.
RYAN: Hey, Tony.
TONY: Sir.
Have a seat.
RYAN: We have an important decision
to make pretty soon about Jack Bauer.
Whether or not to pursue criminal
and disciplinary charges.
I understand.
RYAN: I'm not going to lie to you.
This may boil down to your testimony...
...as you seem to be the most impartial
direct observer of last night's events.
Let me save you some time, Mr. Chappelle.
I'm not the biggest fan of Jack Bauer.
TONY: I don't agree with the way
he delegates authority...
...and I don't like the way
he runs operations.
...since midnight last night...
...you won't get me to disapprove
of a single action he's taken.
Fair enough.
You talked to Nicole?
Yeah. They're taking care of her.
They're going to meet us at the airport.
Yeah, I'll tell him. Thanks.
That was the Pentagon.
Remember after the incident
at the breakfast...
...you asked me to check out the name
Jack Bauer?
Who is he?
He used to be in Special Forces.
Led a six-man team into Kosovo
a couple years ago.
That's what it was.
The Drazen mission.
He handpicked his men and trained them.
MIKE: Only Bauer survived.
He blames me for the loss of his team.
That's what this is about.
Can you get this to Mrs. Palmer?
I didn't have time to pack it before she left.
-Aren't you coming with me?
-No. I'm taking a later flight.
I have an aunt in town.
I promised my mom I'd visit.
She's in a nursing home.
PATTY: Okay, now we need to get
the estimations on that one...
...and make sure you fax that
to the other office.
NASH: Hold the elevator, please.
ALEXlS: Elizabeth.
I can't stay long.
Then we shouldn't waste any time.
NINA: Anything?
EXPERT: Nothing.
That can't be.
I'm sure I saw him holding the phone.
-Those prints have been wiped off.
-But it doesn't make sense.
NINA: Housekeeping didn't come in.
No one used the room.
It wasn't housekeeping.
EXPERT: There's not a single print
on that phone.
EXPERT: This was done by a professional.
JACK: The grade of weapons there
would be consistent with that scenario.
GREEN: Excuse me.
GREEN: Green.
NINA: Alberta, it's Nina.
I'd like permission to move
Teri and Kim to the safe house now.
Are they done there?
Everything but the debrief.
I can do that myself,
once we're over there.
-Fine. Do it.
-Thank you.
KENT: The ultrasound showed
the remnants of a small follicular cyst.
A cyst?
KENT: lt must have burst.
That's what caused the pain.
The good news is, it's the most common
type of ovarian cyst and it's benign.
TERI: Why did it burst?
KENT: Could have been the assault.
lt can also happen when your uterus
enlarges. When was your last period?
Last month. It's due sometime this week.
I'd like to do a pregnancy test
just to rule it out.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Teri, we need to go. Get your things.
I'm sorry, we're not finished here yet.
NINA: Plans have changed.
We must move them.
Is something wrong?
NINA: We want to get you and Kim
to the safe house now.
Aren't we safe here?
NINA: Everything is fine.
You're just not as contained as we'd like.
Kim! Come on!
TERI: Kim, get your things.
KIM: Right now?
TERI: Now! Go.
KENT: Here's the test I told you about.
KENT: I want you to take it soon.
TERI: Thank you for everything.
They're leaving now.
JACK: His name was Theodore Cofell.
We traced his finance company here to LA...
...from money that they
rerouted from the Balkans.
Senator Palmer.
TONY: Can I help you, sir?
DAVID: I'm here to see Jack Bauer.
24. [ 1x14 ]
- 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM -
24. [ 1x15 ]
- 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM -
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter are in danger...
...and people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer.
This is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m...
...on the day of the California
Presidential Primary.
I can go over your head, Mr. Almeida.
And I assure you,
there will be consequences.
I apologize, Senator,
but we do have protocol.
Our district director, Ryan Chappelle,
is working on a clearance.
-But if I could tell him why you're here--
-All he needs to know...
...is that I need to talk to Jack Bauer,
and I need to do it now.
-Can I get you anything while--
RYAN: Chappelle.
Yeah, I don't think I can stall
the Senator much longer.
He wants to know why he can't see Jack.
RYAN: What did you tell him?
TONY: I told him you were working on it.
RYAN: He stilI didn't say why he was here?
TONY: No, he just wants to see Jack.
Until I know more
I don't want to put those two together.
I'm checking it out now.
All right.
MILO: Find out what Palmer's doing here?
TONY: Not yet.
Any new intel on the backup shooters?
Yeah. An Alexis Drazen.
Looks like he's connected to two
other shooters, but he stopped in DC...
...for a couple of days
before landing in LAX on Saturday.
There's other inconsistencies.
I'm still working on it.
TONY: Where's the report?
MILO: I routed it to Nina's computer.
TONY: Send me a copy, would you?
MILO: Yeah.
I stilI don't understand why
you're taking us to a safe house.
Weren't we supposed to answer
questions at Jack's office?
We're going to do that
at the safe house, now.
Is my dad going to be there?
Not right away.
Maybe when he's done at CTU.
Are we okay, Nina?
Everything's fine.
A small, controlled environment
is the most secure place for both of you.
-Does Jack know you're taking us?
-Of course. Myers.
NINA: We're moving Teri and Kim to the
safe house now. We should be there soon.
Mom, you never told me
what the doctor said.
It was a cyst that burst.
She said it wasn't serious.
-Then why did she--
-Honey, there's nothing to worry about.
She said it would go away all by itself.
Gaines first made contact
with me on my cell phone.
He directed me to a car in
a parking lot of St. Mark's.
The transmitter was in the car?
Yeah, that's when he asked me
to put it in my ear.
Can we take a break for a second?
Could you find out for me how
my wife and daughter are doing?
Teri and Kim have already left the clinic.
GREEN: They're fine.
Nina's moving them to a safe house.
You knew they were moving my family
and you didn't tell me?
That's it. This is over.
I don't say another word.
I want to speak to Chappelle.
Now, Alberta!
ALEXIS: You're exhausting.
[Nash chuckling]
NASH: I was surprised you called last night.
I didn't think I'd see you again after DC.
I'm not really that easy, you know.
Will you have another break
later in the day?
The Senator has to leave town
this afternoon.
He's going to Nevada.
Only a few of us were told about it...
...and I am one of the ones
who has to go with him.
ALEXIS: You have to hold his hand?
NASH: ln so many words.
ALEXIS: Is it too much to hope that you
might have some free time in Nevada?
NASH: You would want to come?
If you want me.
NASH: You know, this is a pretty
big shower. There's room enough for two.
I'm on my way.
DAVID: Alan.
OPTICAN: What can I do for you?
DAVID: I'm trying to talk to
a CTU agent named Jack Bauer.
OPTICAN: Where are you?
DAVID: CTU Los Angeles.
They say I need clearance,
but it's taking forever.
OPTICAN: Not a problem.
Who's in charge over there?
Ryan Chappelle.
OPTICAN: Yeah, okay.
I'll take care of this right away.
Thank you, Alan.
I owe you.
Senator Palmer.
Ryan Chappelle.
What seems to be the problem, Ryan?
Why can't I get in to see Agent Bauer?
Please forgive the wait.
When an agent is under
internal investigation...
...procedure is to keep him isolated
until he's been fully interrogated.
It's really out of my hands.
Even if I could help you
with your investigation?
TONY: Mr. Chappelle.
Alan Optican from the Pentagon
is on the line for you.
RYAN: Excuse me.
OPTICAN: Alan Optican,
Department of Defense.
Yes, sir.
OPTICAN: From now on,
the Senator is to be given carte blanche.
You make sure he gets whatever he needs.
RYAN: Yes, sir.
OPTICAN: Understood?
RYAN: Yes, sir.
OPTICAN: Thank you.
Bring Jack Bauer down here right away.
...for helping me cut through the red tape.
I want all your cameras
and recording equipment shut down.
This is going to be a private conversation.
I understand.
I'll make sure the room is secure.
Thank you.
TONY: Hey, Jack.
JACK: Hey.
Nina called, wanted me to tell you
Teri and Kim are fine.
JACK: Who's guarding the house?
TONY: Paulson and Breeher.
Okay, good.
TONY: Also, Chappelle wants to see you
in the conference room.
Thanks a lot, Tony.
Milo, sorry I had to switch
the cards on you last night.
I had no choice.
No problem. We understand what
you were going through.
JACK: Thanks for your help.
Senator Palmer.
Leave us.
AGENT: I'll be outside.
JACK: Thank you.
DAVID: Close the door.
Yes, sir.
DAVID: I want to know
who's working with you.
-In which context, sir?
-Right here, right now.
We're going to end this.
I don't know what
they told you--
I know why you want me dead.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I know you hold me responsible
for the men you lost there.
Two years ago today.
You know about Operation Nightfall?
I authorized the mission.
DAVID: I know you took out
Victor Drazen and his inner circle.
I know you lost six men in the process.
-You think I want revenge?
-Yes, I do.
With all due respect,
I almost died today trying to protect you.
If I blame anyone for the death of my
men in Kosovo, sir, I blame myself.
-What were you doing at the power plant?
-I was trying....
The reason why I went for that
Secret Service agent's gun...
...was to try and get you out of the room
without giving myself away.
The people that want you dead,
they had kidnapped my family.
They threatened to kill them if I didn't
assist them in the assassination attempt.
They didn't tell you any of this
when you came in, did they, sir?
It's the truth.
You can verify it with Chappelle.
PAULSON: They're just arriving
at the safe house.
BREEHER: Copy that.
PAULSON: This way Mrs. Bauer.
NINA: These are agents
Ted Paulson and Jeff Breeher.
They've worked with Jack for many years.
They're two of our best.
This is Jack's wife, Teri,
and their daughter Kim.
KIM: Hi.
PAULSON: Where do you want us?
NINA: One in and one out.
NINA: It's not exactly home,
but it's relatively comfortable.
NINA: There are motion detectors
every ten yards.
How long do we have to stay here?
We'll worry about that after we finish
debriefing you.
Nina, where's the bathroom?
There's one in each bedroom,
right through there.
NINA: If you'd both like to clean up
before we get started, please do.
[Faucet running]
I was the head of the Special Defense
Appropriations Committee in the Senate.
Which is just a euphemism
for ''covert operations.''
DAVID: Three years ago,
the ClA brought to my attention...
...atrocities committed
by Victor Drazen in Kosovo.
Massacres, torture, ethnic cleansing.
The man was a monster.
And was gaining support.
I tried to go through the usual channels...
...but I couldn't get anyone
to work quickly enough.
So I contacted the one person I knew...
...who could get the job done.
Have him terminated, off the books.
And that would be Robert Ellis?
That's right.
Ellis was funded through a
discretionary fund of my committee.
His job was to implement
the covert missions...
...and see to it that no names were leaked.
Now we're both on somebody's list.
So this is payback
for what happened that day.
That's the only thing that makes sense.
But if someone could put your name
and my name on a list together...
...that means they should be able
to find Robert Ellis, too.
You're right.
[Dice rattling]
ELLIS: Four sixes.
LENNY: Let's see 'em.
I knew it. I saw it in your eyes.
If you could read what's in my eyes
you'd crawl under a rock and cry.
Go again.
ELLIS: Ellis.
DAVID: Bobby, this is David Palmer.
You've got to be kidding.
I'm not. I'm here with Jack Bauer.
Get lost.
What are you doing
in the same room with Bauer?
I went to a lot of trouble to make sure
you two never met.
Someone close to Victor Drazen
seems to have connected us.
ELLIS: Explain.
Someone wants me dead, and it appears
they want Bauer, too. Today.
The two-year anniversary of Nightfall.
I'm the only one who even knows
you both were involved in Nightfall.
Apparently not.
DAVID: And if we're on the list,
it's likely you are, too.
-Let me talk to Bauer.
-I'm right here, Bob.
ELLIS: You still at CTU?
JACK: Yeah.
To source this,
we'lI need each other's help.
Unfortunately, over the last 12 hours
I've had to cut a few corners.
I'm being investigated right now.
My hands are tied.
Get them untied.
David can help you there.
If this is about revenge, it has to be
someone connected to your team--
No, that's not possible.
No one on my team knew
of the Senator's involvement.
Then it has to be Drazen's group.
I'll retrieve the closed file on Nightfall.
ELLIS: It'll contain the names
of Drazen's associates.
That'll take a few minutes.
In the meantime,
you need to pick up a trail on the money.
Odds are it's funded through Belgium.
ELLIS: Can you get to your K-3
accounts from there?
Yes, if I get reinstated.
ELLIS: All right, start there.
ELLIS: We'll compare names when
we talk again. Where can I reach you?
JACK: CTU, Los Angeles office.
All right.
NINA: Teri?
NINA: I put some clean clothes on the bed.
Thank you.
They called me in
and said you decided not to fly out.
NASH: What happened?
Aren't we going to Nevada?
Apparently not, the Senator
needed to take care of something first.
He thought we'd be safest here.
-Are you going to take a later flight?
-I don't know. I hope so.
Call the Times,
tell them I'll do that phoner, 45 minutes.
NASH: You miss me yet?
ALEXIS: Of course.
NASH: I hope you didn't book
your flight to Nevada.
I was just about to.
We might not be going.
When will you know?
About an hour.
ALEXIS: If you stay in town,
will you remain at the hotel?
I don't know, they might switch us at
the last minute for security reasons.
Either way, I'll let you know where I am.
ALEXIS: I can still smell your perfume
on my skin.
I'll call you as soon as I know.
-Is that the girl?
Palmer might not be leaving after all.
Better for us.
Was there any problem getting rid
of Gaines' people?
You should never have used him.
I told you it was a mistake.
Fine. You fixed the mistake.
Let's move on.
She looks like Martina.
ALEXIS: Our sister is dead, Andre.
Leave it alone.
-Have you spoken to Jovan and Mishko?
-They have their targets in sight.
ALEXIS: And as for Palmer...
...I give you my word,
he will be dead by midnight.
[Knocking on door]
KIM: Do you have any toothpaste?
TERI: Yeah, honey, it's right there.
That's nothing. The doctor just wanted me
to take it as a precaution.
You scared me.
KIM: What?
You're pregnant.
I don't understand.
What happened to you today?
How is that possible?
No, it was Dad, of course, but,
with tests like this, it takes time--
You and dad were trying to have a kid
and you didn't tell me about it?
No, honey, it wasn't like that.
TERI: Kim.
KIM: What?
TERI: Please.
This is just as much a shock
to me as it is to you.
Dad and I used birth control.
It's protection, but it's never 100 percent.
It's your life.
You don't need my permission.
TERI: I'm not asking for your permission.
Once in a while, you have to think about
what another person is going through.
Honey, I just found out I'm pregnant.
You don't think that terrifies me?
It does.
Mom, I'm sorry.
ELLIS: Are there any other names on
the HK list that you recognize, David?
Rich Dolan, Michael Redman. That's it.
ELLIS: They weren't cleared till after the op.
JACK: Come on in.
ELLIS: I'll use what we have so far.
I shouldn't be here.
Green's got me on priority.
I cleared it.
JACK: Okay, Bob, he's here.
ELLIS: Milo.
Yeah. Who are you?
Don't worry about me.
I see you opened some sockets up to Ml5.
-Yeah, how did you know that?
-Doesn't matter.
Right now, we're trying to hook up
some names. I'm going to help you.
What's your login lD and password?
Give it to him.
The login lD is ''L-F-N.''
Password's ''foothill 94022.'' Lower case.
[Music playing in background]
Okay, hang on.
Okay. Looks like we've got
some partial results.
Yeah. Looks like
there's something missing here.
What do you mean, Bob?
[Door squeaks]
Something's been removed.
ELLIS: I'll look into it.
Meanwhile, Milo, I'm going to....
I'm going to send a file to your server.
Why don't you print out hard copies
for Jack and David?
-Yeah, sure.
-Thanks, Milo.
All right, here we go.
Feels like I haven't eaten in years.
Feels good, doesn't it?
Not being afraid anymore.
KIM: I'm sorry, Mom.
I was being really stupid before.
When are you going to tell Dad?
You know what?
Right now.
Right now.
TERI: Come on.
CTU, Almeida.
Hi, Tony, it's Teri Bauer calling.
Could I talk to Jack, please?
Hi, Teri. Actually, it's a bad time.
He's kind of busy right now.
Could you tell him to call me back?
It's important.
I really wanted to hear his reaction.
I'm so lucky to have you. Baby.
Hi. Sorry,
but we really need to start the debrief.
CTU's eager to find out what you know.
-We're ready.
Great. I'd like to start with just you, Teri.
TERI: Fine.
I think I'm going to go to my room.
That's a good idea, honey.
You should try and get some rest.
NINA: This is standard procedure.
We're going to put you on videotape.
TERI: Okay.
-Hi, Rick?
Hey, Kim.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I just lost a little blood.
You need to see a doctor.
You don't sound good.
I need a few days' rest, that's all.
You should turn yourself in.
You can get medical attention.
I can also get arrested.
You helped us escape. I'll tell them that.
Don't tell them anything about me.
It's too late.
My mom's already being questioned.
They're going to ask about you.
I'm next. I can't lie.
Just tell them that I didn't know anything
about what was going on...
...and that Dan threatened me.
He had a gun.
Okay, but promise me
you'll turn yourself in.
I got to think this through.
I'm not like you, Kim.
I don't come from a good family.
System's not going to give me a break.
It's your only way out of this.
l brought you to Gaines.
That's kidnapping.
They could put me in jail
for the rest of my life.
What's incredible is that this has nothing
to do with me running for president.
DAVID: It has nothing to do with...
...the primary.
It has nothing to do with my being black.
It's just revenge for taking out
Victor Drazen.
DAVID: Hello?
SHERRY: David, it's Sherry.
Hi. Are you back at the hotel?
SHERRY: Yes. Where are you?
DAVID: I'm at CTU, a government agency.
There are some things
I have to take care of.
SHERRY: David, what's going on?
I'm trying to find out
who's attempting to kill me, Sherry.
DAVID: I've got to go.
Just wait for me at the hotel, okay?
It just doesn't stop.
I'm sorry this is happening to you, sir.
You've been detained.
Your family's been kidnapped...
...and you're concerned about me?
That didn't have anything to do
with the election.
That was about my son.
Is he okay?
I just realized today...
...that I haven't always been there for him.
DAVID: And what's killing me...
...is that he's always been there for me.
Being the son of a politician isn't easy.
Being a son, or a daughter...
...or a father...
...none of it's easy.
Your wife and daughter okay?
I don't know.
I hope so.
NINA: Okay. Try to be relaxed.
I just have a few questions.
This just came in from Ellis.
I organized it into three sections.
Cross-references are in the first part.
Then, a summary of Operation Nightfall.
DetaiIs that may or may not be important,
I put in the last part.
-Any word on the missing file?
-No, not yet.
Okay, thanks, Milo.
What is the ambassador
to Libya doing on this list?
Probably helped keep Drazen's
money separate from the government.
DAVID: We've had our eye on him
for quite some time.
Do you know Rene Bonniere?
-No. Who's he?
-He's out of North Africa.
Some higher-ups at District thought he was
trying to set up terrorist cells in the U.S.
Jack. Page 4.
DAVID: Second paragraph down.
Drazen's wife and daughter
were in the bunker?
DAVID: Did you know about this?
This wasn't in our initial report.
They died in the explosion.
My God.
JACK: This is an eye for an eye.
We took out Drazen and his family...
...and now someone wants mine.
Who's in charge of protecting your family?
DAVID: Jack!
Who has the authority to add security
to your family?
WOMAN: Yes, Senator?
DAVID: Send in Mr. Chappelle right away.
WOMAN: Yes, sir.
NINA: So there was nothing else
you saw or heard...
...that gave you a glimpse
into their operation?
No. That's it.
They really didn't talk much in front of us.
NINA: Tell me about Rick.
You said he helped you?
TERI: Yeah.
NINA: How?
Different ways. But mainly, he gave us
a gun and he helped us escape.
How'd he get a gun?
I don't know.
NINA: You don't know his last name?
I don't think Kimberly does, either,
but you can ask her.
How did she meet him?
TERI: Through her friend Janet York.
Everyone used to tell me,
''Wait until she's a teenager.
''You'll finally understand the meaning
of the word 'worry.'''
I'm sure she'll grow out of it.
Jack says she's basically a level-headed kid.
Jack talks about Kim?
Just the usual stuff.
That surprises me.
Jack's work always seems
so serious and secretive.
It's hard to picture him sitting around
the office talking about his family.
...at lunch, he'll bring up something
if something's on his mind.
Do you think Rick had
the confidence of lra Gaines...
...the leader of the group?
I really couldn't tell you that.
Nina, could I ask you a question?
TERI: When Jack and I were separated...
...did he ever talk about me?
Jack never discussed his marriage.
NINA: Sometimes he would talk about Kim.
You know.
NINA: We alI knew
he was going through a very hard time...
...and that he missed you both very much.
When Jack and I got back together again...
...he told me that he'd been
with someone else.
I told him it didn't matter
what I did, what he did...
...when we were apart,
that was in the past...
...that the only thing that mattered
was what we did from that point on.
It was you, wasn't it?
[Camera beeps off]
TERI: I saw it
when we got off the helicopter.
I saw it when you looked at him.
After you were separated....
Yes, we saw each other.
NINA: But it didn't last long.
He realized it was a mistake
and he went back to you.
What about you?
What about me?
Did you think it was a mistake?
-Are you still sleeping with him?
It was over before he went back to you.
That is the truth.
I realize this is a terrible time
for you to discover all this.
When do you think
a good time would be, Nina?
I'm sorry.
We have to get through the rest of this.
I need to take a break.
Yeah, Mike, I know.
We'll be leaving in about five minutes.
I can't wait for Ellis to get back to us,
so I've got to go.
JACK: They won't let me
continue to work here.
I'm technically still under arrest.
Come on.
DAVID: Ryan.
Yes, Senator?
I understand you have Jack under arrest.
JACK: I told him I was being detained
for questioning.
DAVID: There's an ongoing crisis...
...that supersedes any charges
that might be filed against him.
But, Senator--
I want him reinstated to his
previous position, effective now.
Sorry, but you don't have
the authority to make that decision.
Alberta, please.
RYAN: Sir...
...what you are asking isn't possible.
RYAN: The charges against
Agent Bauer are serious.
We would be held in contempt
of agency regulations...
...if we reinstated him without a hearing.
Ryan, you don't have to reinstate me.
Not permanently.
Nobody here has as much
information about this situation as I do.
Give me provisional status
just till the end of the day.
Then you can take me back into custody,
do whatever you want.
Fine, Jack.
You work the case out of CTU,
but you answer to me.
Good luck with your campaign, Senator.
Thank you.
DAVID: Walk with me.
DAVID: Secret Service wants me
to leave the state.
DAVID: They say it's not safe.
JACK: I agree with them.
The one thing we know is
that Drazen's people are here...
...and they want us today.
And it's almost 3:00 now.
The day is more than half over.
I'm going to stay.
Let's flush them out into the open
and deal with them.
Otherwise, you and I and our families...
...will be looking over our shoulders
for the rest of our lives.
I understand.
I'll follow up with Ellis. I'll keep you posted.
You know how to get in touch with me.
I'm sorry that I misjudged you.
Thank you, Senator.
JACK: Excuse me.
KIM: Before my mom came,
nobody talked to me.
They put me in the room,
I was locked in there.
NINA: What about Rick?
Rick? What about Rick?
He was one of your kidnappers, right?
Not exactly.
What do you mean? I thought
he and Dan brought you to Gaines.
It was mostly Dan. Not Rick.
I think he was actually just as surprised
as we were about what was happening.
He was fighting with Dan the entire time.
He actually helped us escape.
Okay, hold on, let's not get ahead
of ourselves. Can we....
Hold on.
-Hey, it's me.
Chappelle reinstated me to
provisional status for the rest of the day...
...at Palmer's request.
That's great, Jack.
Yeah. How's everything going over there?
Not bad.
JACK: We're sending over two more teams.
NINA: Why?
Looks like Teri and Kim
were targets as well.
...it is not information
they need to know, okay?
No, of course.
Good. Thanks.
-Let me speak to Teri, okay?
NINA: Teri?
It's Jack.
-Hi, Jack.
-Hey, sweetheart.
You okay? How you doing?
I'm okay.
How's Kim?
She's fine.
JACK: I got a message that you wanted
to tell me something important.
No, it's nothing important.
Are you sure? You sound funny.
It's nothing. I just....
I just....
I'm so tired.
Why don't you just try
and get some rest, then, sweetheart.
Listen, if....
JACK: If you need anything
from the house...
...I'll have someone go get it for you. Okay?
Yeah, okay.
I got to go. I love you, okay?
I'll call you as soon as I can.
Okay. Bye-bye.
KIM: Mom. I'll be right back.
So what did he say?
I didn't tell him.
Why not?
It wasn't the right time.
Just go back and finish with Nina, honey.
What's wrong?
I just think you should finish answering
Nina's questions.
ELLIS: Jack, it's Bob.
JACK: Hey, Bob.
I shot over a few more things to Milo...
...but I stilI can't locate the missing file.
How can I help?
ELLIS: I gave Milo enough for him
to try it on your end.
The more I look at this,
the more I'm convinced...
...the file was taken out deliberately.
Which leads me to believe
it contains what we're looking for.
JACK: Can you give me an estimate
of when you think the file was stolen?
Also, a list of people who you think
could have had access to get in there?
Not yet, but you tell Milo
that I got some ideas on how--
Can you hear me?
24. [ 1x15 ]
- 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM -
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