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24. [ 1x16 ]
- 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM -
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted...
...and people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m...
...on the day
of the California Presidential Primary.
JACK: Bob, what just happened?
I can't hear you.
Bob, can you hear me?
Bob, can you hear me?
Bob, pick up the phone.
Somebody, pick up the phone.
Bob, can you hear me?
Whoever's there, just pick up the phone.
Can anyone hear me?
Just pick up the phone.
Pick up the--
BOB: At the beep,
leave a message for Bob Ellis--
Oh, God. No.
Think, Jack. Just think.
-Routing Operator.
-Yes, this is Jack Bauer.
I want you to transfer me to Agent Watson
in our New Orleans office.
OPERATOR: Hold on, one moment please.
JACK: Thank you.
CTU, New Orleans. Watson speaking.
This is Jack Bauer in Los Angeles.
You've a floating NSA operative
in your region. His name is Robert Ellis.
Something terrible has happened.
WATSON: What do you want us to do?
COMM will get you an address.
I want you to check it out.
Phone me as soon as you've got anything.
MILO: Jack?
JACK: I'll transfer you now.
-Not right now. I'm busy.
-Not right now. I'm busy.
MILO: You've got to see this.
JACK: What?
These are surveillance shots
of all three backup shooters.
MILO: I cross-referenced the files
Ellis sent us with our lnterpol records.
JACK: How long ago?
MILO: Just now.
Any or all of them
could still be targeting Palmer.
Or you.
JACK: Right.
MILO: I sent the photos to Secret Service.
Make sure they brief Palmer's staff.
I want them to keep their eyes open.
Right. There's one more thing, though.
MILO: Johnny cool guy, here.
His name is Alexis Drazen.
He's Victor Drazen's son.
He was trained in Belgrade, Special Forces.
Good work.
-It's me.
NASH: I wanted to tell you
we're not leaving town today after all.
What made the Senator
decide to change his plans?
He didn't say and I didn't ask.
I was just happy
I would get to see you again so soon.
Well, I'm leaving a meeting right now.
I can be back at the hotel...
...by 4:30.
-Okay. I know where to find you.
BREEHER: Daniels in position 10-98.
Can you give me a Delta check?
This is Daniels. I'm in position.
Touch your ear if you hear me.
[Lawnmower chugging]
DANIELS: Paulson, do you read me?
PAULSON: Breeher, talk to me.
How you looking?
BREEHER: It's quiet on my end.
PAULSON: Paulson.
Yeah, Jack. Hold on.
PAULSON: Excuse me, Mrs. Bauer?
It's Jack.
TERI: Thank you.
How you doing?
TERI: I'm doing okay.
Just trying to get some rest.
I couldn't help but feeling, after I hung up...
...I don't know, that something was wrong.
No, I'm fine.
A lot has happened and...
...I really need to talk to you.
Fine, then let's talk.
No, not now. Now is not the time.
Why not?
You do what you have to do and
we'll talk when this is all over, okay?
JACK: I'm here at CTU if you need me.
I know.
Okay, bye.
[Eerie instrumental music]
AGENT: The Senator's just arrived.
PIERCE: All right, folks. I know
you're all busy, so I'll be as brief as I can.
SHERRY: Good, you're just in time.
DAVID: What's going on?
Bauer sent photos
of the people targeting you.
The threat against Senator Palmer
remains a high probability.
But we have gotten a significant piece
of heads-up intelligence.
PIERCE: These three men...
...are the suspected shooters.
Since you're all on the front line
of this campaign...
...we're hoping you can expand
our surveillance reach.
We can always use more eyes and ears
in the field.
If you see anyone who you suspect
as being one of these people...
...let an agent know immediately.
Everybody clear on that?
DAVID: What's wrong?
PIERCE: All right?
NINA: The fact is, Rick ran away
before we could talk to him.
KIM: He was scared.
NINA: Apparently.
Whatever explanation he has
doesn't change the fact that he's a fugitive.
If you know where he is and aren't saying,
that constitutes for a serious--
I don't know where he is.
-Are you sure?
-What I'm sure of is he helped us escape.
If it wasn't for him,
we would have never got out of there.
When people are taken hostage...
...it's not uncommon for them to feel...
...a certain bond with their kidnappers.
Rick isn't a kidnapper.
Anyway, I don't know where he is.
TERI: I'm sorry, Nina.
I thought you were finished.
Whenever you're ready,
we can pick up where we left off.
Why don't you take a break...
...and your mother and l
can finish up in here?
TERI: You okay?
NINA: You sure you're okay to do this?
TERI: Yes. Sure. Are you?
TERI: Listen, Nina....
I don't want you
to have to tiptoe around me.
Jack and I were separated
when you slept with him.
I'm not going
to hold that against you, okay?
You and Kim have both said
that Rick helped you.
But talking to Kim, I get the sense
that she's withholding something.
Based on what?
She's protecting Rick.
She seems to have feelings for him,
from what I can tell.
There may have been an attraction
when she met him...
...but if Kimberly knew anything,
I'm sure she'd tell you.
-Are you sure about that?
-She's my daughter.
I think I know her better than you.
It's David Palmer.
-Sir, is everything all right?
-I'm not sure.
JACK: What's going on?
A member of my Advance Team,
Elizabeth Nash...
...she recognized one of the assassins
in the photos you sent Secret Service.
It's Victor Drazen's son, Alexis.
JACK: Does she know where he is?
DAVID: They're in contact.
JACK: Contact? What do you mean?
ln which context?
Senator, is this person in a position...
...to endanger your security?
I'm afraid so.
She's pretty shaken up.
But she wants to help.
JACK: Good. We've got to bring her
into CTU now and question her.
I'll get a helicopter to you in a few minutes.
DAVID: I'll have her ready.
Jack, what about Ellis?
Did he retrieve the missing file
on Operation Nightfall?
I lost contact with Ellis.
Lost contact? What do you mean?
We got interrupted
in the middle of our phone call.
I have to be honest with you.
I've got a very bad feeling about this.
So what are you telling me?
I'm telling you that for now,
we have to assume that Ellis is dead.
Keep me posted.
JACK: Yes, sir.
JACK: Milo, get me Chopper Command.
[Ska-punk dance music playing]
RICK: Hello?
KIM: Rick, it's Kim.
KIM: This woman here,
she's really pushing me hard.
RICK: What'd you tell her?
KIM: The truth.
-I told her that you helped us escape.
-That's really going to save my ass.
[Kim sighs]
I'm sorry. I'm a little edgy right now.
I just think if you tell her what happened,
it'll work out.
RICK: She won't believe me.
I don't know how much longer
I can keep covering for you.
-Can she prove anything?
-I don't think so.
That's all that matters.
I appreciate what you're doing and all,
but you probably shouldn't call here.
-At least not for a while.
-How long?
RICK: I don't know. Got to go.
MELANIE: Who's that?
RICK: I don't know. Just a wrong number.
I'm worked.
I'm going to crash for a while, okay?
NINA: ls there anything else
you can tell me about Gaines?
Maybe a conversation you overheard?
-Who's Gaines?
-lra Gaines, the leader of the group.
-No, I'm fine.
Maybe we should take another break.
Maybe you should do your job, Nina.
Don't you have a job to do?
I wish it were that simple.
Things tend to get complicated
when you screw your boss.
This obviously isn't working.
No, it's not.
Sorry. I thought I could stay calm
and rational about this, but I can't do it.
TERI: I'm sorry.
NINA: There's no apology needed.
But I think Paulson should finish up here.
[Nina clears her throat]
-What are you doing here?
-I'm the new quarterback.
-Since when?
-Since right now.
JACK: What about Alberta Green?
MASON: Back at District.
Chappelle thought you'd do a better job
keeping an eye on me than she would.
MASON: I don't know, Jack.
Something like that, I guess.
So, it's really Drazen's boys
that are after Palmer?
This whole thing's been a revenge play
for killing their father.
I know why they're gunning for you,
but why are they after Palmer?
Senator Palmer was head of the
subcommittee that authorized the mission.
Got Ellis tracking down
the file on that operation, right?
JACK: I had Ellis.
-I lost contact with him 20 minutes ago.
-You think they took him out?
Yes, I do.
JACK: We got a break
on another front, though.
A Miss Elizabeth Nash,
part of the Senator's Advance Team...
...identified one of the shooters
from photos that I'd sent over.
She'd been dating him.
She had no idea who he was.
She's shaken up,
but she's on her way here for a debriefing.
Which one of them was she seeing?
JACK: Alexis Drazen.
She's supposed to meet him
in his hotel room in an hour.
That'll give us time to stage an arrest.
George, think about this.
What if she keeps her date?
JACK: We'd have the upper hand
in this thing.
See what we could learn.
Risky, isn't it, Jack?
I'd have a squad across the hall ready to go
before anything could possibly happen.
George, I think this is too big
an opportunity just to pass up.
-What time is she getting here?
-Ten minutes.
MASON: We'll talk to her, then we'll decide.
JACK: Absolutely.
She's going to the CTU office right now.
DAVE: Why are they taking her there?
DAVID: They want to find out
everything they can about Alexis Drazen.
DAVE: ls that the brother?
DAVID: No, it's his son.
DAVID: Let me call you back.
DAVE: All right, I'll wait for your call.
Keith, come here.
KEITH: What's up?
We haven't had much of a chance
to talk since last night...
...and it seems like every time we do...
...we're at each other's throats.
Everything's okay between you and me.
I guess you've noticed
we haven't been on the same page today.
Yes, it's been kind of hard to miss.
The pressure's on.
It's testing all of us.
For sure.
That's what I wanted to talk about.
It stayed in my head,
what you said a couple of hours ago...
...about how Dr. Ferragamo
has always been there for you...
...when you needed someone, and I wasn't.
I'm sorry, but that's just how it was then.
It's all going to change.
Starting now.
I know I can't earn your trust overnight.
But if you just come to me
when you need to talk...
...I promise you, son...
...I'll always be there.
KEITH: Thanks, Dad.
So, what about Dr. Ferragamo?
KEITH: The police say anything?
We haven't called yet.
What are we waiting for?
We're not putting anything off, Keith.
It's just something else has come up.
DAVID: Listen to me.
We have a security breach in our staff.
We have to deal with that first.
What kind of security breach?
-I can't tell you.
-Dad, you can't tell me anything--
Keith, I have to be able to make decisions
around here without you challenging me.
Look, everything you're feeling....
KEITH: Now's the time I need you, Dad.
Not just to talk to me,
but to do the right thing.
DAVID: Keith!
I will do the right thing...
...at the right time.
I'm sure you will.
I found Bauer's wife and daughter.
JOVAN: They were moved to a safe house.
Where are you?
I'm almost in.
ANDRE: How many men are guarding them?
JOVAN: I'm handling the situation, Andre.
Rest assured.
The women will be dead soon.
Call me the minute it's done.
-Milo, can you help me with something?
What's wrong with the system?
My terminal's locked.
I just downloaded all my files to here.
Now I can't.... Damn it!
Hold on a second. Let me see.
Why can't I log in?
MILO: What do you mean?
Mason didn't tell you?
Tell me what?
They downgraded your privileges to 3-W.
You're the same as everyone else here.
I see.
MILO: Here. This should get you
into anything you need.
JACK: Thanks.
MILO: Jack, don't worry.
You're going to be back up
in your office by tomorrow.
By tomorrow I'll be lucky
if I'm not in federal custody.
I'm only on provisional status
until the end of the day.
As soon as Senator Palmer leaves the state,
I have to face these charges.
I'm sorry. You're all set here.
Have you noticed anyone accessing
anything unusual on the servers?
What do you mean by unusual?
I don't know. Anything received
or relating to sensitive intel?
No. But I mean,
I haven't been looking for it.
JACK: Start looking.
Wait, you think
there's another mole inside CTU?
I don't know. Just let me know
if you find anything, okay?
KEITH: All I'm saying is, don't test me.
CARL: I'm not testing you.
I will do what I said!
CARL: Keith.
I am serious because I have
nothing left to lose. Not anymore.
CARL: I know you're upset.
KEITH: That's right.
CARL: Okay, we should talk.
I'm glad you understand.
CARL: You know
the Griffith Park Observatory?
KEITH: Yeah.
CARL: Can you meet me there now?
KEITH: Yeah, I can be there.
Fifteen minutes.
-Be where?
-I'm trying to protect you.
The last time you tried to protect me,
someone died.
Nicole, please.
I'm sorry. That was a terrible thing to say.
The less you know--
What's going on?
Who were you talking to on the phone?
-You trust me, don't you?
-Trust goes both ways, Keith.
I don't want to spend
the rest of my life with the regret...
-...I've been living with for years.
-You didn't kill Gibson intentionally.
But I kept the truth from coming out...
...and now with Dr. Ferragamo dead....
I can't do that again, Nicole. I won't.
KEITH: I need your help.
NICOLE: For what?
This Secret Service guy
has been dogging me all day.
-I need you to help me get past him.
-He's here to protect us.
Everything that's been happening today....
Everything that's still happening....
It's not too late to change the way
this all plays out.
Now, do you trust me or not?
All right, good. Okay.
All right.
NICOLE: Excuse me.
I was on the phone,
and I heard a clicking sound...
...and I'm wondering
if that's my dad being bugged...
...or if I'm just being paranoid.
AGENT: Why don't we just check it out?
JACK: Victor Drazen had two sons.
We know Alexis Drazen is here.
I think we should assume
Andre Drazen is here as well.
MASON: With at least
two other shooters, right?
Potentially a third, assuming Ellis is dead.
MASON: Here she comes.
Miss Nash?
George Mason, District Director.
This is Agent Jack Bauer.
NASH: Mr. Bauer.
Senator Palmer told me about you.
He said I should do whatever you tell me...
...and I could be sure
that I'd be in good hands.
I appreciate that.
I must say, if you wish a lawyer present,
you're entitled to that...
...but we in no way consider you a suspect.
We just want to ask you a few questions.
I don't need a lawyer.
I'll cooperate in any way I can.
MASON: Come on in.
[Clears throat]
NASH: Can I have something to drink?
JACK: I'll get you a glass of water.
How did Alexis Drazen
represent himself to you?
He told me he ran
an importing company out of Berlin.
He seemed successful.
He gave me this on our third date.
lt must have cost him $10,000. It's real.
Which is more than I can say for him.
-When did you meet him?
-About a month ago, in DC.
I'm with the Senator's Advance Team.
We had some downtime
and a few of us went out for drinks.
So you met him in a bar?
When you're working on a campaign,
you put your life on hold for a year.
There's always people around,
but it's lonely.
JACK: You're supposed to meet Mr. Drazen
in his hotel room in about an hour?
That's right.
Miss Nash....
Would you be willing to keep
your appointment with Alexis?
-You want me to spy on him?
-Only if you feel comfortable.
-If you have any doubts at all....
-We'd keep it simple.
We want you to plant a tracking device
on him so we can trace his locations.
It's just the thought of seeing him again.
We would make it so that we could hear
and see everything that took place.
JACK: You would be safe.
It's okay, we understand.
Jack, you want to head over to the hotel?
I'll finish debriefing Miss Nash.
Mr. Bauer?
You say that this might help
protect the Senator?
JACK: Yes, I think it would.
MASON: The Senator is perfectly safe.
He's got Secret Service men
with him always.
That didn't stop Alexis
from getting to me, did it?
If they got to me,
they might have gotten to somebody else.
I'lI do it.
If something happened to Senator Palmer...
...that I might have prevented,
I could never forgive myself.
So, please....
I have to do this.
TERI: He looks familiar, too.
I think I heard them call him Jenson.
PAULSON: Recognize him?
How about him?
You know this one?
KIM: Yeah.
He was one of the guards.
I think they called him Eli.
-Can you tell me anything about him?
BREEHER: Daniels, this is Breeher.
Daniels, this is Breeher.
PAULSON: These rooms with the monitors.
You say they had your father
under surveillance.
KIM: From what I saw.
I don't know.
PAULSON: What about you, Mrs. Bauer?
Mrs. Bauer?
PAULSON: It's very important
we get through these questions.
Agent Paulson,
I think we need to take a break.
My mom's very tired.
PAULSON: Yes, okay.
KIM: Mom, are you okay?
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
PAULSON: Come with me.
KIM: What?
PAULSON: Let's go.
KIM: Mom.
PAULSON: Come on, go.
KIM: Come on.
PAULSON: ln here.
Lock the door.
[muffled clicking]
Come out with your hands up.
JOVAN: Don't shoot. I'm coming out.
JOVAN: I'm coming out.
PAULSON: Drop the gun!
Get down. Down!
TERI: Hurry.
KIM: Go!
[Tires screeching]
TERI: Get down!
We're ready to go, gentlemen.
I'll fill you in with the rest
when we get to the hotel.
That's where you'll meet the team.
Don't be nervous.
I'll be with you every step of the way.
MILO: Jack, I got to talk to you.
Secret Service'll take you to the helicopter.
I'll be there in one second.
JACK: What?
They just found Ellis' body in a men's room
in the French Quarter.
JACK: Do we have any leads yet?
MILO: No, not yet.
Keep me posted.
What are you doing here?
There was no reason to stay.
Teri and Kim are doing fine.
I specifically asked you to stay
to make them feel safe.
They are safe, Jack. I settled them in.
Paulson and Breeher
are taking care of them...
...and the extra security team is in place.
TERI: Hang on, Kim.
-You okay, honey?
I think we lost them.
TERI: I'm just going to go check.
I want you to stay right here, okay?
[Surreal instrumental music]
KEITH: Ferragamo's dead, isn't he?
-I have no idea.
-Don't try to blow me off, Carl.
The authorities are looking at it.
Let them do their jobs.
-We know they won't find anything.
-I've gone through this with your father.
-My father is his own man and so am l.
-Now you can go through it with me.
-Let's go. What do you need?
Tell me what you need.
Ferragamo was there for me
when nobody else was.
I might not be alive today
if it wasn't for him.
He also betrayed your confidence, Keith.
He's the one
who went to Maureen Kingsley.
That stilI doesn't justify murder.
What exactly are you hoping to do?
Bring him back to life?
-No, I want justice.
Well, justice is a tricky thing, Keith.
CARL: Take Lyle Gibson, for example.
You want justice for that?
-Gibson's death was an accident.
-Maybe so, but let's be objective.
He rapes your sister, you pay him a visit.
He ends up dead.
Accident could be a tough sell.
So if I go public
with the truth about Ferragamo...
...you go public with the lie about
Lyle Gibson? ls that what you're saying?
Oh, brother.
KEITH: There's one catch here.
There are two cover-ups
and you're involved in both of them...
-...so however it plays out is bad for you.
-I can take care of myself.
No. The moneymen behind
my father's campaign take care of you.
If things get ugly, they'll make sure
you're the one who takes the fall.
Won't they, Carl?
Or maybe they'lI do to you
what you did to Dr. Ferragamo.
You are in way over your head.
And you're getting nervous. I can smell it.
You listen to me.
Whatever you think you can do
to me or anyone else...
...it will be 100 times worse for you.
-I'm not so sure.
-Well, I am.
Because if you push things too far,
they will do whatever they have to do.
Killing David Palmer's son
might get a little messy.
I think they'd be a little more subtle
than that.
I'm not following you.
There is some physical evidence
in George Ferragamo's office...
...that leads directly to you.
Subtle enough so the fire marshals
didn't find it the first time around...
...but with a little help, they'll find it.
So I'll be framed for Ferragamo's murder.
Like I said, whatever it takes.
That's why your father backed off
and that's why you'll back off.
KEITH: So I'll be framed
for Ferragamo's murder.
CARL: Like I said, whatever it takes.
CARL: That's why your father backed off
and that's why you'll back off.
[Foreboding instrumental music]
[Surreal vocal music]
Are you okay?
TANYA: What happened to you?
What's your name?
I don't remember.
You don't even know your name?
You can't stand in the middle of the road.
Come on, get in. I'll give you a ride.
Thank you.
TERI: I'm sorry. Thank you.
[Somber instrumental music]
24. [ 1x16 ]
- 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM -
24. [ 1x17 ]
- 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM -
JACK: Right now, terrorists are plotting
to assassinate a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted.
And people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place between
4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m...
...on the day of the California
Presidential Primary.
TANYA: Do you remember anything yet?
Must be weird.
I mean, I never met anyone that
has amnesia before.
I really appreciate you helping me out.
-What's your name?
I hope you're not going too far
out of your way.
TANYA: It's fine.
The hospital isn't far from here.
So, you come from money?
You look like you might, or your husband.
-My husband?
-A little band of gold? On you finger?
I don't have any memory of my husband.
JACK: Agent Pierce? Jack Bauer. We met
at the Senator's breakfast this morning.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
We didn't know the pressure
you were under.
-Is your family doing okay?
-Yes, they're fine.
This is my partner, Nina Myers.
Agents Johnson and Aleshire,
they're our surveillance technicians.
You've already met Miss Nash,
she's part of the Senator's advance team.
Yes, from the Senator's staff meeting.
Can I just say how sorry I am
to have caused so much trouble?
You didn't know
who Alexis Drazen really was.
Knowing he's a killer, it takes courage
to walk into a room with him.
I hate to interrupt, but we must get going.
All right, Drazen is down here in room 1243.
We went over it, there's nothing unusual.
It's ready to rig however you want to.
JACK: That gives us 30 minutes
to set up visual and audio.
PIERCE: Fiber optics?
JACK: Yes.
We also need to set up
monitors in an adjacent room.
All right. 1242 across the hallway
has been vacated already.
JACK: Okay, good. Gentlemen, I want you
to get started right away.
I want coverage of every foot
of this room from two angles.
AGENT: Yes, sir.
JACK: Nina?
NINA: Yeah.
JACK: Take Miss Nash into 1242, start
prepping her, we'll be there in a minute.
Have you set up the other checkpoints?
Yes. Every entrance to the hotel is covered.
So is every approach
from a block away on all four sides.
Any civilians left on the floor?
-No. We've sealed it off.
-Good work.
You let me know
as soon as Drazen enters this hotel.
TANYA: There's a hospital
at the bottom of the canyon.
I'm not sure how good it is.
Wait, pull over.
TANYA: You see something you remember?
TERI: Yeah, I think so.
TANYA: The restaurant?
TERI: Yeah.
TANYA: Do you recognize anything?
I've been here before, I was with someone.
With your husband?
Not your husband?
Maybe we should just keep going
to the hospital.
No, just being here helps.
Hey, is there a maitre d' or manager?
A manager, Mr. Martin.
TERI: Is he here?
No, but he should be in about 20 minutes.
Thank you. I'm going to wait.
Maybe this Mr. Martin
knows something about me.
This place seems so familiar.
I think I'm going to stay.
You don't have to wait with me.
Listen, why don't you give me
your number...
...and when I'm better,
I'll send you whatever I can afford.
TANYA: You know what?
Send me whatever you can afford, plus $10.
It's cab fare to the hospital.
ln case Mr. Martin can't help you.
-Thank you.
-Good luck.
[Eerie instrumental music]
NINA: So, obviously,
without compromising yourself...
...we need you to behave the same way
you always have with him.
It's just the thought
of letting him touch me again.
I understand.
NINA: What do you usually talk about
with him? His work?
NASH: The truth is we didn't talk
much. It wasn't that kind of relationship.
It was more, ''Take the plunge,
and worry about the consequences later.''
You know what I mean?
I'm waiting on a signal.
DAVID: Elizabeth.
l heard what's going on.
Are you sure about this?
I'm sure.
-If you have the slightest hesitation--
-No, I want to.
DAVID: May I talk to you a minute?
Yes, sir.
DAVID: I told you to look after her,
not put her in danger.
JACK: Senator, I don't need to remind you,
but the threat against you is very real.
That's no reason
to put someone else at risk.
I don't think I have.
I'm going to be right across the hall
in case something goes wrong.
He's a professional killer,
things can happen quickly.
And we know Drazen is not working alone.
Arresting him won't stop the others.
If you want to end this...
...we keep him on the hook.
I know you've been through a lot.
I know they've put your family through hell.
What does that have to do with this?
I hope you're not letting a desire
for payback cloud your judgment.
Sir, this has nothing to do with payback.
This is simply the best way
to nail these guys, period.
Elizabeth's father
is one of my oldest friends.
I have known her since she was born.
If anything happens to her,
I'm holding you personally responsible.
I understand Senator, and I promise you,
I will take care of her.
[Horn blaring]
CTU. Almeida.
Hi, I'd like to speak to Jack Bauer.
He's not here. Can I take a message?
Listen, it's really important.
I need to speak to him now.
-Who is this?
-Kim, his daughter.
-Are you calling from the safe house?
The safe house has been attacked.
The agents that were guarding us are dead,
and my mother is gone.
Whoa, slow down. The agents are dead?
Yes, and I think they've kidnapped
my mother again.
I need to speak to my father.
He's not here, Kim.
Where are you calling from?
Can I speak to Nina Myers?
She's not here either.
Where are you calling from?
-A pay phone.
-Who did you say this was again?
-It's Tony Almeida, I work for your father.
Tell me where you are,
I'll have someone come get you.
TONY: Kim?
They said that to my mother.
That was Jamey Farrell, she was dirty.
She's gone.
That won't happen again.
Tell me where you are,
I'll have someone get you.
KIM: Listen to me, I need to speak
to my father or Nina Myers.
He's not here, Kim.
Neither one of them are here.
Kim? Hello?
We got a problem.
I just had a call from Jack's daughter.
The safe house was hit
and the agents are dead.
Call over there right now.
Nothing, not even ringing.
MASON: Parker.
Get Biselli and go
to the safe house on Pine Canyon.
MASON: Be careful. Call me from there.
PARKER: I'm on it.
She said she thought
her mother might have been recaptured.
MASON: How did the girl get out?
TONY: She didn't say.
She only told me
she was calling on a pay phone.
Get a list of all the pay phone calls
that have been made...
..within a five-mile radius of the safe house.
-Are you going to call Jack?
-Not yet.
-It's his wife and kid.
-That's exactly why.
His emotions will distract him,
which puts Elizabeth Nash in jeopardy.
She's meeting Drazen in 15 minutes.
We need to keep Jack focused.
-All right, when do we tell him?
-We don't, I do.
When the situation is under control
and not until. Clear?
MAN: Elevator's in transit.
We're standing by. Copy?
Copy. He's on his way down.
JACK: Are you finished yet?
NINA: Ready in 10.
JACK: How is Elizabeth doing?
She says she's okay, but I don't know.
Are you sure we're doing the right thing?
If she plants the device,
it'll lead us to everything else.
-Yes, we're doing the right thing.
-And if she can't?
We'll arrest him and try to turn him.
He can't touch her. We can protect her.
-I hope so.
-Stay focused and we can.
Are you all right?
I'm sorry.
I can't stop worrying about Teri and Kim.
When I think about what they've
been through....
My little girI thought she was gonna die.
Jack, we're going to get them, okay?
If it's any help, from what I could tell,
Teri and Kim seemed all right.
JACK: Really?
NINA: Yeah.
-What did the doctor say?
-Just some bruises, that's it.
JACK: Okay, thanks.
NINA: Okay?
JACK: Nina?
NINA: Yeah?
You said that Paulson
was going to finish the debrief?.
NINA: Yeah.
JACK: Why didn't you stay and finish it?
I thought you wanted me back
as soon as they were safe.
No, I asked you to stay
with them so that they would--
MIKE: Hey, Nina!
NINA: Yeah, Mike. Just a minute.
Go back. I will be there in a minute.
NINA: Yeah?
JACK: Yeah.
I told you to take it off the hook!
-Rick, it's me.
I told you, you can't keep calling here.
Look, the safe house was bad.
The agents are dead...
...and my mother is kidnapped again.
I know they're after me.
You need to help me.
-Listen, I'm coming to your place.
KIM: You're the only person who knows
the people that have my mother.
I don't.
I can't go to the police, I don't trust them.
After today, I don't trust anyone.
But if you don't help me right now,
I will tell the police everything.
Now, what is your address?
1804 Glade. It's in Echo Park.
1804 Glade, in Echo Park.
Okay, I'm going to call a taxi now. l'm
going to meet you there as soon as I can.
Wait for me.
Who was that?
Another wrong number?
How's the election going?
-Exit polls look very good.
-That's great.
-Dad, I'm sorry.
-Sorry about what?
You weren't covering up Ferragamo's
death to protect your campaign.
You did it to protect me.
Where did you hear that, your mom?
No, not Mom.
CARL: There is some physical evidence,
in George Ferragamo's office...
CARL: There is some physical evidence,
in George Ferragamo's office...
...that leads directly to you.
Subtle enough so the fire marshals
didn't find it the first time around.
But with a little help, they'll find it.
So, I'll be framed for Ferragamo's murder.
CARL: Like I said, whatever it takes.
That's why your father backed off,
and that's why you'll back off.
Do you know how dangerous it was,
to go see Carl, wearing a wire?
Look, it doesn't matter.
I got it. Now you can take it to the police.
Give me the tape.
What are you going to do with it?
Do you trust me, Keith?
It's me. There's been a development.
Palmer is staying in Los Angeles after all.
The Nash girl called you?
Yes. I'm on my way to the hotel now.
Did she say
why the Senator changed his plans?
No, he didn't tell her.
Really? She's a highly placed aide.
They've tightened security since
the attempt on his life at breakfast.
I wonder that she wants
to see you again so quickly.
You saw her a couple of hours ago.
You don't understand women, Andre.
I understand them well enough to know
they can use as well as be used.
Not this one.
Palmer should have been killed hours ago.
We can't afford any more mistakes,
we're running out of time.
ALEXIS: He's as good as dead already.
You have to trust me in this.
The Nash woman will tell me
Palmer's schedule.
She doesn't suspect a thing.
Maybe not.
Just to be safe,
when you're finished, kill her.
JACK: Miss Nash, please follow me.
We've planted fiber-optic cameras
in the room.
Here, there, and all through here as well.
I'm not really sure what those are.
I'm sorry. Please sit down.
Fiber-optic cameras are tiny cameras.
They're almost impossible to see
even if you know where to look.
So when you come into the room...
...we will have complete visual coverage
of the entire suite.
And you'll be able to hear everything?
Yes, every word. You all right?
Okay, now he's going to be here
in a few minutes.
This is the tracking device that
we want you to plant on Alexis.
Once he leaves the hotel, we'll be able
to track every move that he makes...
...without exposing ourselves at all.
Where do I put it?
Preferably his wallet. He'll have it
at all times, even if he changes clothes.
As soon as you plant this device,
I will call you on your cell phone.
I will tell you
the Senator is waiting for you.
You make your excuses,
and you get out of here.
So, I plant the tracker, the phone rings--
-And then you leave.
One more thing, if you start
to think he's getting suspicious...
...or you're uncomfortable in any way,
all you have to do is say the words:
''I hope I'm not getting a cold.''
NASH: ''I hope I'm not getting a cold.''
JACK: Yes.
Then I'll be here in a few seconds...
...with at least half a dozen other agents.
But that would ruin the plan.
JACK: That doesn't matter.
Right now, all we're concerned with
is your safety. Do you understand?
I understand.
You don't have to do this.
If you're uncomfortable in any way,
no one here will think any less of you.
I'm fine.
And, thank you...
...for giving me this chance
to redeem myself.
You're going to be fine.
Let's go.
Mrs. Bauer? How good to see you.
You know me?
Of course. Will Dr. Parslow be joining you?
Dr. Parslow?
I'm sorry, what's your name?
Mrs. Bauer, are you feeling all right?
Actually, no.
I must have been
in an accident or something.
I seem to have lost my memory.
But I was driving by
and this place looked familiar, so....
-You say my name is Bauer?
Does that sound familiar?
Yes, it does,
but this man you mentioned....
HENRY: Dr. Parslow.
You two used to come here together
quite often.
But he's not my husband?
He's a doctor, and he's a friend,
maybe he can help.
I happen to know the hospital
that he works at. Shall I give him a call?
Yes, please.
JACK: We're set.
JACK: ls everything up and running?
NINA: Yep.
-How's Elizabeth?
-She's in her room, waiting for Alexis' call.
She said she wanted to be alone.
You want to tell me what's going on?
What do you mean?
You've been holding something back...
...since you got back from
the safe house early.
...since you got back from
the safe house early.
This isn't the time.
Let's not get distracted.
If you don't tell me,
I'll be distracted. So spit it out.
All right.
Teri knows about us.
She guessed it.
I don't know how she did, but she did.
She asked me point-blank.
I couldn't deny it, she would have known.
Did you tell her that it was over?
Of course I did.
I think she was just shocked
that it was me...
...someone she knows.
When Teri and I got back together...
...I tried to talk to her about this, but...
...she said she didn't want to know,
so I just let it go.
Look, you asked me
to go to the safe house, so I did.
NINA: I was just trying to help.
JACK: I know.
JACK: This is my fault. This is all my fault.
PIERCE: Agent Bauer, come in.
JACK: Bauer.
PIERCE: We're a go.
PIERCE: Drazen dropped off the car
with the valet.
Should be upstairs
in about two and a half minutes.
Copy. All personnel in the lobby
and on the floors...
...we are a go.
He's in the room.
Copy. Advise when you are green to go.
There's no wallet here.
JACK: Let Elizabeth Nash know
that the wallet is either in his pants...
...or the jacket on the bed.
PIERCE: Copy that.
Give me a sitrep in one minute.
ALEXIS: It's so good to see you.
I can't believe how much I've missed you.
Oh, me too.
-Even though it's only been two hours.
-It seems like two years.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Why?
ALEXIS: You seem a little tense.
NASH: No, not at all.
Maybe a little.
The polls back East
close in less than an hour.
We're alI just on pins and needles.
You must have some idea
about the outcome.
-Don't you, take--
-Exit polls.
-But they're not official.
What can we do...
...to help you...
NASH: It's a little early,
but a vodka might be nice.
ALEXIS: Nothing else?
NASH: lf you insist.
-You feeling any better?
You stilI don't seem like yourself.
NASH: I'll feel better,
after I splash some water on my face.
JACK: She's going for the jacket.
I want SWATpersonnel
ready at the door, quietly.
NINA: She's got the wallet.
God, Jack, she's dropped it.
Come on.
Come on, Elizabeth, you can do it.
ALEXIS: To the future.
NINA: She's put it in her coat.
SWAT team at the door, stand down.
Stand down at the door.
Sorry that this campaign
is giving you so much stress.
Goes with the territory.
Maybe when the election is over,
the two of us can go somewhere together.
Maybe when the election is over,
the two of us can go somewhere together.
NASH: Like where?
ALEXIS: Doesn't matter to me.
As long as we're together.
So, who do I have to thank
for keeping you in town?
He's going to feel the wallet.
Give her a second, she's all right.
What made the Senator
decide to change his plans?
I don't know.
Is he going to stay in town for long?
NASH: It's hard to say.
ALEXIS: What about his victory speech?
Will he be delivering it here at the hotel?
Why are you so interested
in the campaign all of a sudden?
I have no interest in the campaign.
My interest is in you...
...and I know
that you go wherever he goes.
I don't know where that is yet.
Well then, I won't let you out of my sight.
I must say I do find it a little strange
that the Senator wouldn't...
...include someone as smart and capable
as you in his...
...inner circle.
How would you know how smart I am?
We've spent, what, 15 hours together?
And most of that has been in bed.
That wasn't smart.
Was that a complaint or a compliment?
Both, I think.
[Elizabeth laughs]
I just realized that I haven't eaten all day.
Which may explain
why I'm in such a foul mood.
You think you could order something up?
-What are you hungry for?
-Where's the menu?
ALEXIS: I was hoping you would be hungry
for something...
ALEXIS: ...other than food.
JACK: There you go. Good girl.
NINA: It's in the jacket.
She made the plant, clear the hallway.
Copy. Clear the hallway.
I know this might seem a little soon.
I've fallen in love with you.
PIERCE: The hallway's clear.
Copy. I'm making the call.
I thought all women can sense these things.
Pick up the phone.
Aren't you going to answer it?
-It's just someone from the campaign.
-No, it could be important.
They can call back.
Say it again, Alexis.
She hung up on me.
NASH: Say that you love me.
-What is she doing?
-She's baiting him.
I love you.
If I'm not very much mistaken...
...it seems that you
are falling in love with me, too.
I got her voice mail.
Would you order me a hamburger?
ALEXIS: Of course.
JACK: What is she doing?
NINA: I don't know.
NINA: Why did she take off her jacket?
JACK: What is going on, here?
She has no intention of leaving that room.
Room Service, how may I help you?
Hello, a hamburger please.
WOMAN: All right, everything on that?
ALEXIS: Yes everything.
WOMAN: We'll send it right up.
What's that in her hand?
ALEXIS: So now...
...is there anything else?
Oh, my God, she's got a knife.
SWAT team, hit the room!
Hit the room, now!
NASH: You son of a bitch!
JACK: Hold your fire!
Get me some towels from the bathroom.
Nina, call in a medevac. We're losing him.
We cannot let him die.
Damn it!
KIM: Just a minute.
DRlVER: Yeah, sure.
I'm looking for Rick.
-Who are you?
-A friend.
Are you the one who keeps calling?
-He said I could come over.
-Not to me, he didn't.
KIM: Maybe you should ask him, then.
RICK: I was about to tell you.
I just didn't think she'd get here so fast.
What's going on, Rick?
RICK: I'll explain everything.
MELANIE: I'm listening.
RICK: First let her come in.
RICK: It's okay, baby.
MELANIE: What does she want?
Something got screwed up
with Dan last night.
Big surprise, right?
That's why my arm is messed up.
These guys Dan was with, they shot me--
You said you cut your arm on a fence.
These people Dan knows,
I need to find them.
And I was hoping
that I could go in his room...
...and find something, to lead me to them.
A phone number, an address....
So you just want
to look through Dan's room?
[Horn honking]
I was wondering if I could borrow
some money for the cab.
PHIL: Teri.
You all right?
You don't remember me?
TERI: Are you my doctor?
PHIL: No, not exactly.
Henry, thank you for calling me.
Have you given her anything to eat?
I offered, but she didn't want anything.
PHIL: No, it's....
Unless you want some water?
-Okay, some water.
PHIL: All right, we're going to
figure out what this is all about.
We're going to get you well again,
you understand?
It's going to be fine.
Everything's going to be fine.
I don't know what to say.
We misjudged her emotional state.
No, we didn't. You did.
JACK: It was an unexpected
outcome for everyone.
-It's what I said it would be, a bad idea.
-Fine, maybe.
Right now we need
to figure out our next move.
-What's the status on Alexis?
-They're giving him a 50-50 shot.
But even if he lives,
they don't know how long until he talks.
MASON: Did you find anything in his room?
Phone numbers, documents?
No, nothing yet.
What am I supposed to tell District?
JACK: Anything.
Just keep them off my back.
I need some time before the field reports.
DAVID: Let me in.
JACK: Hold on.
DAVID: Where's Elizabeth?
-I heard about a stabbing.
-She's fine.
-Where is she?
-She's across the hall, she's in custody.
DAVID: What! Why?
JACK: She stabbed Drazen.
DAVID: It must have been in defense.
JACK: No, sir, that's not how it went down.
She broke from the plan, she attacked him.
You should have never let her
go through with it.
I got to call you back.
MASON: What's going on over there?
DAVID: Let me in.
GUARD: Certainly.
Don't say anything
until you speak to a lawyer.
I'm sorry, I don't know what happened.
It's all right, we're gonna work this out.
JACK: Please, step away, let us handle this.
DAVID: I let you take care of it before,
and look where we are.
Sir, you are not helping matters right now.
NINA: Jack!
Excuse me for one second. What?
NINA: It's Alexis' phone. What do we do?
We got to take a chance.
MAN: You have the money?
JACK: Yeah.
Okay. We'll meet in 45 minutes.
-I already told you.
MAN: At Connie's, downtown.
How will I recognize you?
I'll wear a red baseball cap.
24. [ 1x17 ]
- 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM -
[24시 시즌1 18화]
24. [ 1x18 ]
- 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM -
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidentiaI candidate.
My wife and daughter
have been targeted...
...and people that I work with
may be involved in both.
I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today
is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m...
...on the day of
the California Presidential Primary.
Listen up, people. Listen up.
Alexis Drazen was leaving here
for a meeting.
At this meeting,
he was going to make a payoff.
Somewhere in this room, there is money.
I want it found. I want it found now.
Elizabeth cannot be
held responsible for this.
Senator, I don't disagree with you.
But unfortunately we have a video tape of her
plunging a letter opener into a man's stomach.
DAVID: You got her into this.
JACK: No, sir, I did not.
I did not ask her to stab Alexis Drazen.
I misjudged her ability
to handle this stressed operation...
...and, as I said before, sir,
I will do everything I can to help her.
I know you're just trying to protect me.
Senator, I understand
the situation that you're in...
...but I do not need to remind you that
there are at least 2 suspects at large.
Sir, please, I implore you...
...have as much security around you
as you can tolerate and let us do our job.
-Keep me posted.
-Yes, sir. I promise I will.
AGENT: Bingo.
NINA: Found it!
JACK: What?
Bearer bonds.
As good as cash and easier to move.
You got the address of the restaurant yet?
California Plaza.
It's about 20 minutes from here.
JACK: Good.
How are you going to pull this off, Jack,
pretending to be Alexis?
I don't know yet.
Hey, Jay.
Jay, come here. Give me your shirt.
NINA: I'm going with you,
coordinate your backup.
What's your update on
Bauer's wife and daughter?
TONY: Still missing.
Anything back from forensics yet?
Well, based on preliminary reports looks like...
...the agents were killed
protecting the women.
One way or another, we have to
find the wife and daughter.
I alerted the task force at District.
Why don't you call over there and see if
they need anything from us, alright?
All right.
Tony, still no word to Jack
on any of this, understand?
What do you want me to tell him
if he calls and asks?
Tell him you're working on something else...
...and put him through to me, okay?
What are you guys looking for, anyway?
Whoever Dan was working for
might have information about my mom.
It's the guy who was in charge, Gaines...
...I never met him before.
Dan knew him.
Maybe his number is here.
What are you going to do,
call him and ask for your mom back?
Any information I find,
I'm going to give it to the police.
You hear that, Rick?
She's going to call the police.
That's okay with you?
I thought you said you didn't trust the police.
Whatever. I'll give it to my dad.
Dan'll go ballistic when he finds out
you guys've been going through his stuff.
You didn't tell her Dan is dead?
Not yet. I didn't want to freak her out.
Besides, Dan's brother Frank
is on his way here...
...and I don't want him to know.
Don't say anything, okay?
This is such a waste of time.
We're never going to find anything.
I don't even know why I came.
PHIL: You're married...
...and you have a daughter named Kimberly.
TERI: I have a daughter?
PHIL: Yes.
A teenage daughter.
You and Jack, you were separated
about six months ago...
...and that's when we met.
[Somber instrumental music]
Who are you?
I'm a friend.
A very good friend...
...who wanted to be a lot more.
PHIL: You were afraid to start
a relationship, so we didn't.
Then you decided
to go back with your husband.
PHIL: Maybe it was because of Kimberly.
I don't know.
But you asked me not to call,
and I haven't.
But I don't remember any of this.
We need to get you
to a hospital, have you looked at.
TERI: Why do we have to go anyway?
You said you were a doctor.
I'm a surgeon.
PHIL: You need to see a neurologist.
You've suffered some kind of trauma.
TERI: I don't want to go to a hospital.
PHIL: Why not?
I don't know, I just don't want to.
What if I examined you here?
CARL: There is some physical evidence
in George Ferragamo's office...
...that leads directly to you.
Subtle enough so the fire marshals
didn't find it the first time around.
But with a little help, they'll find it.
KEITH: So I'll be framed
for Ferragamo's murder?
CARL: Like I said, whatever it takes.
I don't know what you think
you've got here, David.
What we've got is a tape of Carl Webb...
...admitting that he set
my son up for murder.
It might have been a while
since I've practiced law...
...but I know that unless Keith
was sanctioned by a court order...
...and prepped by an authority,
this is not evidence.
I've been in politics long enough to know...
...that if the media gets a hold
of this tape...
...the truth will come out.
Today can't be about two things a day, but...
It's either about...
...winning the primary,
securing the party nomination.
Or it's about...
...a political scandal,
but it can't be about both.
Destroy the tape.
If you don't, not only
will you bring down yourself...
...but you'll bring the entire party down with you.
How do I do that?
Because you're gonna win today.
You'll have enough delegates by 8:00 o'clock.
You are the Democratic Party's
candidate for president...
...whether you like it or not...
...and if you decide to self-destruct...
...it will take years
for the party's platform to recover.
Why don't we let the electorate
decide on that?
and I don't consider telling the truth
And how bad will it be for the Democrats...
...if somebody else comes out
with this first...
...and I have to go on the defensive?
What do you think, Mike?
I've seen much uglier stories
kept under wraps.
The only people
who know about this tape...
...are the people in this room and Keith.
This wouldn't be a difficult item to shelve.
And besides, this is currency.
Once you get into the White House,
this could protect you.
MIKE: Think about it.
You'll have evidence against some of
the most powerful men in the country.
MIKE: They won't be able to control you, David.
JACK: Tony, it's Jack.
How's everything going over there?
JACK: I need to speak to Mason.
He's not in his office.
He's down on the floor.
Let me transfer you.
Okay, wait, before you do....
Have you spoken to Teri yet?
No, I haven't.
JACK: Why don't you give me the number
of the safe house. I'll call over there myself.
Look, let me see if I can get that for you.
Hang on a second.
MASON: What's up?
TONY: Jack's on the phone. He wants to talk to you.
Also he wants the number of the safe house.
Of course he does.
Look! Why don't you just
tell him what happened?
Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend?
The man is neck-deep in an investigation.
He has a job to do. Let's let him do it.
When we get him back in a controlled
environment, we can tell him the truth.
Meanwhile, we have a job to do.
I got to say, I just think it's wrong.
It's not about right and wrong.
It's about the fact that we have
a priority to protect Palmer.
He's on Line 2.
Jack, it's me. Where are you?
JACK: We're on our way to a meet.
MASON: What kind of meet?
Alexis was supposed to make a payoff.
-Payoff to who?
-I'm not sure yet.
So what are you going to do?
Pretend to be Alexis.
Jack, you're never going to pull that off.
Alexis was supposed to pay this guy
$50,000 in bearer bonds.
George, you're gonna have to
work with me on this.
I need backup. Milo's got the address.
We should be there
in about 15 minutes.
George, you keep this guy in play, we got a
chance of bringing these guys down.
Otherwise you can wait
for Alexis to come to if he comes to.
By then, this thing could be over.
All right, I'll go along.
I'll send you a team.
Thank you.
Can you pass me back to Tony?
He was going to give me
the number for the safe house.
Yeah. I just spoke to Paulson over there.
He said the girls are sleeping.
Okay, get them to call me back
at my cell when they wake up.
Thank you.
Mason's on board.
That's good.
So what else did Teri say?
She didn't say much.
When she guessed that you'd been seeing me,
she didn't want to talk to me.
Not that I blame her.
But I couldn't finish the debrief,
so I left and let Paulson do it.
Maybe that was a mistake.
No, you did the right thing.
This is my fault, I should've told her.
Seems like she didn't want to talk about it.
Doesn't matter, I still should've told her.
Jack, from what I could see...
...she really loves you
and wants to work it out.
Maybe you want to call her now
and see how she is doing.
I tried, Mason said they were sleeping.
Y'know, why don't you call Paulson,
see if they're up yet?
It's not going through.
Might be the area.
Try again when we get to the plaza.
Look, I'm really sorry about all this.
Yeah, me, too.
[Eerie instrumental music]
MASON: Yo, Hanlin. No.
Come on, guys, do what you can.
At least try to find somebody else. Huh?
I need some extra bodies
to help track Teri and Kim Bauer.
I don't know. Tell me I don't see anyone
doing crossword puzzles down there.
Look, hu... My hands are a little
tied without Nina here. Alright?
Because Nina's with Jack, right?
She says it's over between them.
What do you think?
No. I'm just asking.
I mean, you got to be
wondering yourself, right?
MASON: Hey, Almeida, I'm on your side.
Nina ought to be here right now.
What does Jack need her for?
You're busting your ass without any resource
...because she saw I'd taken a ride with him.
If that works for you, great.
You know what works for me?
You keeping out of my personal business.
Y'know what? There's entirely too much
personal business going on around here.
I want to get this place back on track.
It seems to me Nina Myers
is a big part of the problem.
How do you figure that?
She covers for everyone
that doesn't follow code.
And everyone who doesn't
follow code covers for her.
She's with Jack, she's with you.
You don't think that's relevant?
You don't think that's a distraction?
No, I don't.
No, you don't. Well, I do.
Patty said you want to talk to me, daddy?
Yeah, sit down. Close the door.
KEITH: What's up?
Before I make my decision
about giving this tape to the DA...
...I wanted to talk to you.
DAVID: I wanted you to understand
what you're up against.
I understand, dad. I'm ready to go.
No. Listen to me.
We're going to the press...
...with a story about some
bad men committing murder...
...and trying to frame you.
But these men are going
to shift the attention to you...
...and your involvement
with Lyle Gibson's death.
Ultimately, they're going
to make this about you.
On television, in the press,
everywhere you go...
...you're going to be accused
of a crime you did not commit.
-Can you live through that?
-Yes, I can.
Don't just say it.
Think about it.
...what do you think
I've been living through?
Not just today, but for years.
I made a mistake.
I was wrong to go to Mom and Carl.
I should've come forward right away...
...taken my hits right then and there.
But I was scared.
Well, that's what you learn.
It's okay to be scared.
What I said last night...
...about you not being there...
...it's not true.
It's what I told myself...
...so I can blame you for my screw-up.
Doesn't matter why you said it.
Fact is, there's some truth to it.
l haven't always been there.
But I'm here now.
[Sentimental instrumental music]
ANDRE: Jovan.
JOVAN: Yes, Andre?
I can't find Alexis.
Have you heard from him?
He's meeting Morgan in 20 minutes.
I need to talk to you and...
JOVAN: I don't know, Andre...
...I've got my own situation to deal with.
ANDRE: Still no sign of the women?
JOVAN: I'll find them.
You checked the hospitals?
I checked everywhere.
I don't need you looking over my shoulder.
I'll find them and kill them.
Don't worry about it.
Calm down, Jovan.
And don't tell me not to worry.
Just tell me how you plan to find them.
I'm going to the Bauer house.
Eventually someone will show.
KIM: My aunt isn't there.
RICK: ls there anyone else?
I've tried everyone I can think of.
No one's heard from my mom.
Rick, we got things to do.
She's got to go.
What kind of things?
You'll find out when Frank gets here.
What's that supposed to mean?
Look! Kim's in trouble. I got to help her.
Yeah, and we'll be in trouble, too.
Look, she has to leave.
That's fine.
RICK: Kim, wait.
I just need to talk to her for a second
and then she'll go.
RICK: Where're you gonna go?
KIM: I don't know. There's...
... a park where my mom and dad said to go
in case of an emergency like an earghquake.
Maybe she's there.
Why don't you just go to your house?
No. The people that are after us
probably know where I live.
If she's safe, she's not gonna go there.
RICK: So, this park... how are you going to get there?
I don't know.
Can I borrow your car?
It's not mine, it's Melanie's.
Wait a minute.
RICK: Here. Take this.
You can usually catch a cab on fourth.
It's a couple of blocks this way.
Are you sure you can't come with me?
After last night, I got to lay low.
They're gonna be looking for me.
I stilI think you should turn yourself in.
It's not that bad.
You helped us escape.
I'm on probation.
They catch me, I'm going to prison.
It doesn't matter what you
or your folks say.
I wish we would've met before this.
So do l.
Are you going to be okay?
RICK: Yeah.
I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you.
You wouldn't be in trouble
if it wasn't for me.
That's not true.
Dan would've found someone else.
Hey, Rick.
FRANK: So, how did it go last night?
RICK: Went fine.
FRANK: Yeah?
Doesn't look fine.
What happened to you?
Nothing, I'm okay.
FRANK: Hey, Dan!
Go, just get out of here.
RICK: Grab a cab on 4th.
KIM: I know.
-Where's my brother?
-He's out.
FRANK: Out where?
RICK: We got separated.
FRANK: Uh-huh. So where's the money?
RICK: He's got it.
KIM: I'm sorry, I should get going.
FRANK: Where are you going?
KIM: What do you mean?
FRANK: I don't know you.
-My name's Kim.
-Hi, Kim, how do you know Rick?
RICK: She's a friend of mine, from San Diego.
She's got to get back home.
FRANK: She's not going anywhere.
RICK: What's that suppose to mean?
My brother's not here and my money is not here
and I don't know her.
RICK: Mmm, I told you she's a friend of mine--
FRANK: I understand...
...but I got business here
in half an hour.
Until Dan gets back
with the money, nobody leaves.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
NINA: OK. The teams will be
in hidden positions...
...here, here, here and here.
JACK: What about communications?
NINA: I'll be on the same channel. There's everyone else.
JACK: Exits?
NINA: They'll be covered by the teams,
but I'lI double up with one here...
-...at the widest exit.
-Okay, good.
Jack, you all set up?
Yeah. Are the teams in place?
MASON: Yeah. That's what I wanted
to call you about.
Teddy Hanlin's running backup.
-Hang on. Don't freak out.
I'm sure it will be fine.
Just avoid a confrontation.
Damn it, George, how could you let this happen?
Look, Jack, I'm sorry.
I just found out about it.
Division made the assignment.
JACK: I understand. Fine. I'll deal with it.
-I don't believe this.
Teddy Hanlin's in charge of backup.
Seth Campbell's old partner?
JACK: Yeah.
NINA: Great.
NINA: Who are you calling?
Safe house. I wanna make sure
Teri and Kim are alright before they get started.
No one's picking up.
You sure this is the right number?
NINA: It's the number that Paulson gave me.
JACK: Why can't I get through?
NINA: Jack.
Hey, Jack. I haven't seen you
since you put my partner away.
NINA: Teddy, don't start.
JACK: Teddy, is your team in place?
Yeah, we're not up here
shopping for Dockers.
I heard you really screwed up today.
I guess some people have connections...
...and don't get spanked
when they break the law. Huh?
The guy we're looking for
is wearing a red cap.
That's all we know about him.
I'm going to stay visible,
hopefully draw him to me.
No one makes a move
until I give the word, is that clear?
Yeah. It's your show.
Just make sure you stay put when you do.
I always get a little bit nervous
about target confusion,
and I'd hate to see one of
the good guys go down by mistake.
NINA: Teddy, let's get started, okay?
JACK: Hey.
I don't want a problem on this.
Hey, I got a call from the Rampart Division.
They got a report that a woman
matching Teri Bauer's description...
...was seen wandering around in Griffith Park.
Y'know it's not far from the safe house.
MASON: Where is she?
TONY: She disappeared.
MASON: Alright. I'll get on the satellite uplink.
I want you to get someone posted
at the Bauer house.
Already did. Williams should be
there in a couple of minutes.
Good work.
PHIL: I don't like what I'm seeing.
Looks like you've been roughed up
by someone.
Do you think maybe that I hit my head?
That that's why I can't remember?
That's just it.
There's no evidence of a head injury.
Except for your memory loss,
you're coherent.
Beside the bruises,
do you have any other pain?
Something's been bothering me,
sort of here.
Oh, my God.
What do you think happened to me?
I don't know.
But I think you have a condition.
It's called disassociative amnesia,
and it can happen to someone
when they suffer
an intense emotional trauma.
Now, we need to get you to a hospital...
...so they can figure out what's going on.
No, I don't want to do that.
I can't explain it,
but for some reason I just....
I don't want to go to a hospital.
I just have this gut feeling
that it would be dangerous--
PHIL: How could it be dangerous?
I'd be with you all by your side the entire time.
Come on, it'll be fine.
No, I don't want to go.
Teri. We can't stay here.
You need to get checked out.
Neural damage.
It could become permanent...
...if it's not treated right away.
No, I don't want to go.
Come on.
I don't want to go.
I don't want to go to the hospital.
Please don't make me go. I just don't.
I can't do it.
I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
-I don't want to go to the hospital.
I can't go.
TERI: Please, Phil, just take me home.
PHIL: Okay, it's okay.
SHERRY: Right. I heard.
No, we did much better
in New York than we thought.
Oh, yeah, definitely.
Oh, yeah, that'll make him very happy.
Oh, I think so, too.
The DNC, they'll really milk it.
Well, l....
I'm not sure, but....
Well, that's good, though.
No, I spoke to Chris. I told him we'd be
in Baltimore if we won New York.
SHERRY: Right.
Yeah. Jerry?
Jerry, listen. I got to run.
We'll touch base
in a couple of hours, okay?
Well, how are Beth and the girls?
That's terrific.
All righty. Bye-bye.
Do you know where David went?
Just down to the conference room.
He and Mike are meeting
with the publicist for tonight.
Did he say how long he'd be?
He didn't say.
It shouldn't be more than 15 to 20 minutes.
Did you hear about New York?
PATTY: Yeah. lsn't it great?
There you are.
-Jerry's on the line.
-I'm busy.
-He said he just wanted to--
-Well, I'm busy, Patty.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Come on, Dan.
-Where's Keith?
-I don't know.
I heard you two had a talk.
Yes, we did.
You should talk to him, too.
Really? Well, about what?
We're putting him in a tough place.
He's going to need both our support.
No, David.
You're the one
who's put him in a tough place.
And as for needing us...
...our baby left the nest a long time ago.
I don't think he cares
to hear what I have to say.
That's ridiculous.
Speak to him, Sherry.
I destroyed it.
You destroyed the tape?
And I know you're going to be angry...
...but it had to be done.
You have blinders on.
You're not seeing this thing very clearly.
It's for the best.
It breaks my heart...
...that I was right.
...about what, David?
That wasn't the real tape, Sherry.
I've learned that I don't know you
as well as I thought I did.
I had to see just how far
you were willing to go.
I will do anything...
...to protect my family, David.
Does that make me a bad person?
I want you to set up a press conference.
MIKE: When?
We've got one coming up
in less than three hours.
DAVID: I want this one within the hour.
MIKE: Where?
DAVID: Downstairs.
I don't want anyone or anything
to interfere with what I have to say.
JACK: I'm on Channel 1 . Do you copy?
NINA: I hear you, Jack. The signal's good.
JACK: Where are you posted?
Just under the east entrance,
right under the bridge.
JACK: Good.
How about you, Teddy?
TEDDY: My teams are in position.
Okay, I got you.
TEDDY: You're blocking my view, Jack.
Take a couple of steps back.
JACK: How's that?
There you go. Perfect shot.
JACK: Okay.
There you go, ma'am.
WOMAN: Thank you.
You're welcome.
You're a very sensitive guy, Jack.
I've never seen that side of you.
Drop it, Teddy. We're working.
Jack can walk and chew gum
at the same time.
Can't you, Jack?
What do you want, Teddy?
Nothing. It's just that
we're both so busy...
...we never really get a chance to talk.
Did you hear
about Seth Campbell's wife, Judy?
No. What about her?
TEDDY: She hung herself.
Yeah. Happened a couple of weeks ago.
I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?
It was a real tragedy.
She didn't even bother leaving a note.
I guess she thought
it was kind of obvious...
...trying to raise four kids
with a husband in prison...
...and no pension. Because why, Jack?
You busted him for lining his pocket
with a few extra dollars?
Look, Terry. I am sorry about Judy...
...and I'm sorry about his kids,
but this is not the time.
That's right, you're busy.
Can this wait, Teddy?
TEDDY: Of course.
I just thought it would be nice...
...to, you know, catch up
while we're hanging.
Teddy, I understand why you're upset.
If you want, when this is over, I'll be
more that happy to sit down and talk with you...
...and tell you my side of the story.
Oh, good. I really like to hear your side
of the story, Jack.
I tell you what, why don't we go to a Starbucks...
...get a couple of cappuccinos
and we can have a little chin-wag?
MASON: CTU. Mason.
-George, we have a problem.
-What's that?
Teddy's on the open channel hassling Jack.
He's got a rifle
and this place is crawling with people.
It's too late to swap him out.
This is going down in any minute, right?
We have to do something.
MASON: What channel are you on?
NINA: Channel 1 .
MASON: Hang on.
TONY: Yeah.
MASON: Tony, I want to conference me in
on Channel 1?
TONY: Sure.
MASON: Hanlin, it's Mason.
What the hell's matter with you?
You got a problem with Jack, bury it.
You realize how many agents
we've lost today?
You're in an uncontained viman(??) over there.
We don't know what we're dealing with.
So let's get on the same page now. Huh?
Yes, sir.
MASON: Jack, you okay?
JACK: Yeah.
Okay. Let's get back to work.
FRANK: Hello?
Yeah, man, it's cool. He'll be here.
WILLIAMS: CTU, this is Williams.
I've arrived at the Bauer house.
Checking perimeter.
Is this my neighborhood?
Not quite.
We'll be there soon.
FRANK: Rick says
he and Dan got separated.
You sure you're right?
No, he'll be here soon.
He knows we need the cash by 7:00.
-What happens when Dan doesn't show up?
-I don't know.
I'm sure that I'm not going to
tell him his brother's dead.
KIM: Why not? You didn't do it.
He's going to find out.
Not from me.
I don't understand.
Neither do l. Doing this deal is suicide.
I'm not talking about the deal.
I'm talking about you.
What do you mean?
You have so much going for you, Rick.
You're smart, you're good-looking,
you're funny.
How did you end up like this?
RICK: I'm doing all right.
KIM: All right?
You're wanted by the police.
You got shot in the arm.
Your friends you hang out with
are criminals.
Do you really want to end up here?
I do the best I can.
I didn't grow up like you did.
That's just an excuse.
I have a friend named Todd.
He went through two foster homes.
He got a scholarship to Stanford now.
Good for Todd.
Why didn't you go to his house?
Because he can't help me find my mom.
RICK: Neither can l.
Look, I know you're right.
If I get the chance,
I'll try to turn myself around.
But right now, this thing is what it is.
We've got to try to find a way to get through it.
Get through it? This is crazy.
You can't let Frank make a drug deal
without any money.
We're not going to get through this.
We're gonna get stuck in the middle of it.
You've got to talk to him, Rick.
Hey, stud. Think fast.
RICK: Thanks.
So, what deal?
We're going to take the $20,000
you made last night and buy some ecstasy.
FRANK: Dan didn't tell you?
I'm gonna flip it to these guys from
Redondo. They'll pay $50,000 for it.
What happens if Dan doesn't show up?
If Dan says he'll be here, he'll be here.
Someone get these kids out of here.
Station 1, that's you.
AGENT: Roger. I'm on it.
Hold up. I think I got him.
JACK: Hey.
MORGAN: Alexis?
JACK: Yeah.
I told you, inside the restaurant.
We're doing it out here.
Because there's a cop inside the restaurant.
Come on, let's get this over with.
Where's the money?
First, let's go over it again.
MORGAN: Over what?
What you're supposed to do for me.
At 7:20 tonight, I'm going to shut down
the power on Grid 26, GG.
Five minutes later, it comes back up.
What else?
MORGAN: What do you mean, ''what else''?
What happened to your accent?
MORGAN: You're not Alexis.
JACK: He's moving!
Station 2, what do you see?
TEDDY: I got him.
I can take him.
No. He's not a threat. I can get him.
All teams, hold your fire.
He's going for the east bridge.
Cover the exits.
TEDDY: I'm just gonna slow him down for you.
JACK: Don't shoot!
I'm going to put him down.
JACK: No, I repeat, do not shoot.
Nobody shoot!
Relax, Jack.
I'lI just wing him.
Do not shoot!
JACK: Teddy, stand down!
NINA: Stay back!
Get me a medic down here now!
Hanlin, you son of a bitch,
I said, don't shoot!
DAVID: Take care of this.
NINA: Stay back!
NINA: Suspect's down.
I repeat, suspect is down.
We need EMTs at the east end of the plaza.
PHIL: This is your house.
24. [ 1x18 ]
- 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM -
[24시 시즌1 19화]
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted...
...and people that l work with may be
involved in both.
l'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m...
...on the day of the
California Presidential Primary.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
First time you invited me back here,
you left your keys in my car.
lt was pouring rain.
We didn't want to run back, so...
...we used your hide-a-key.
[Door lock clicks]
[Alarm blaring]
TERl: What do l do?
l don't know what to do.
-l don't know what the code is.
-Just take your time. lt'll come to you.
[Alarm continues blaring]
Just make this stop!
[Phone ringing]
OPERATOR: This is Superior Alarm.
Could you please turn this off?.
OPERATOR: l need your password.
Ma'am, what is your password?
TERl: l don't know the password.
OPERATOR: Are you having an emergency?
NlNA: Alan Morgan, Saugus.
[lndistinct dialogue]
NlNA: Got it. All right, thanks.
NlNA: Jack.
His name was Alan Morgan.
He works for Pacific Electric in Saugus.
He was paid off by Alexis to kill
the power in part of the grid.
-Did you get the coordinates? 26, GG.
-GG, yes.
We need to know where that is.
Okay. Should l stick around?
No. Get a hold of me
when you have something.
NlNA: See you back at the office.
JACK: Thank you.
[Alarm still wailing]
None of these are working.
Superior Alarm. Stay where you are.
This woman lives here.
She forgot her code.
[Alarm stops]
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
COP: Teri Bauer?
TERl: Yes.
COP: Do you have any lD?
lt's probably in my purse. l'll go check.
No lD necessary.
You obviously live here.
She just couldn't remember her code.
l don't usually set it.
-My daughter must have.
-lt's all right. Just sign this.
Okay. l'm going to reset the alarm...
...and check the contacts
outside the house.
-That should take about 15 minutes.
-Thank you.
PHlL: Thank you.
[Door closes]
[lndistinct dialogue]
MASON: Nice. Have you noticed...
...how there's always a body count
everywhere you go?
l gave Hanlin clear orders not to shoot.
-Where'd he go?
-He's over there.
[Cell phone ringing]
-Jack, it's David Palmer.
JACK: Yes, Senator?
l just heard back from my source
at the Pentagon.
lt wasn't easy to get a hold
of the missing Drazen file.
-What was in it?
-Dates and locations.
lt seems to relate to the last months
of Victor Drazen's life.
-Anything we can use?
The last entry is an address unrelated
to everything else.
JACK: What is it?
DAVlD: 2191 1 Kipling...
...in a city called Saugus.
l don't know where that is.
JACK: l'm sorry, Senator.
Did you just say ''Saugus''?
Does that mean anything?
Yes. l'll get back to you.
JACK: Thank you. This is going to help.
All right.
[Speed dialing]
[Phone ringing]
CTU. Almeida.
-Tony, take down this address for me.
-Go ahead.
2191 1 Kipling Avenue in Saugus.
lt should be in the grid coordinates
Nina just gave you.
All right, hang on.
[Keyboard keys clacking]
TONY: Yes, you're right.
lt's right in the middle of Sector 26, GG.
JACK: Find out what's there.
Get back to me on my cell.
All right.
MASON: Where you headed?
l'm going to Saugus.
Alexis paid this guy to knock the power out
at one address there.
-l want to know why.
-Slow down, Jack.
l'm on your side. Fill me in.
Two and a half hours ago...
...Robert Ellis was killed in New Orleans...
...because he almost learned this address.
We got the address from the Drazen file.
The Senator just gave it to me.
MASON: Let's go.
JACK: What do you mean, ''let's''?
lf you want to go, l'm your chaperone.
You want a ride?
MASON: Hop in.
[Dog barks]
FRANK: Where's my brother?
RlCK: l don't know.
lf l don't have that money in 20 minutes....
RlCK: l told you, we split up.
He said he'd meet me here
with the payoff from Gaines.
lf l was ripping you off,
why would l come back here?
FRANK: Damn it!
RlCK: Where you going?
FRANK: Don't worry.
-What are you doing?
-l'm not waiting to get killed.
-You're not leaving.
She'll tell the police about the deal.
l don't care about the deal.
l thought you'd help me find my mom.
-But obviously that was dumb.
-You came here for Rick.
-l did not.
-Kim, don't worry about her. Just leave.
MELANlE: What do you mean
don't worry about me?
-Come with me.
-l can't.
lt'll be better out there than in here.
You heard Frank.
Nobody goes anywhere until Dan gets back.
Dan is not coming back.
What do you mean?
l don't know, l just....
-What do you mean?
-l just....
-Leave her alone.
-Where is he?
He's dead.
FRANK: What are you talking about?
Gaines killed him.
He was going to kill me, too.
l swear to God, Frank.
This guy, Gaines, was out of control.
[Soft rock music playing]
-Who's got the money now?
Gaines never paid us.
These guys are going to be here
in a half an hour.
These are not the kind of guys
you can break a deal with.
-Then call it off.
-lt's too late to call it off!
SHERRY: What are you going to say
down there today?
-He's going to tell the truth.
-Don't you start, Keith.
SHERRY: You've caused enough pain.
DAVlD: Sherry!
l'm sorry, David, but somebody
has to say the words.
This whole thing wouldn't have started
if Keith hadn't decided...
...to take matters into his own hands.
Listen to me.
Nobody's defending what Keith did.
He acted on the moment.
lt wasn't right.
That doesn't make you right
for covering it up.
Doesn't make me right for not being there.
So we're all to blame.
Let's just leave it at that.
That's right, Mom.
l'm willing to pay the price for this.
Even if it means going to jail.
You still think this is just about you,
don't you?
When are you going to get it
through your head...
...that your father is running
for President of the United States?
A black man.
You don't just decide
to ease your conscience...
...at the cost of what might be best
for this country.
-l didn't, Mom.
-Both of you, calm down.
l kept it inside.
l was willing to suck it up
for as long as it took.
But someone murdered Dr. Ferragamo
this morning...
...and you can't tell me to hide that
for the good of the country.
You know what?
l never saw it until just this minute.
You're your father's son.
You cover up your weakness with a bunch
of bleeding-heart sentimentality.
DAVlD: That's enough.
SHERRY: Am l wrong?
When are you going to be man enough
to do what it takes to be President?
Nicole, are you okay?
[Moaning and gasping]
DAVlD: What's wrong? Honey?
SHERRY: Nicole!
DAVlD: Keith, get me some water.
Come on.
SHERRY: We need a doctor in here.
Easy, relax.
Come here. Give me your hands.
l'm so sorry, Daddy.
DAVlD: What? Sorry about what?
DAVlD: Honey, talk to me.
This is all my fault.
Don't you ever say that.
No, sweetheart, don't you say that.
Everything's going to be fine.
NlCOLE: l'm sorry, Daddy.
DAVlD: No, honey.
l'm sorry.
NlNA: l just got in.
l've got some more info
on that location in Saugus.
Okay, hold on.
Okay, go.
Comes up as a wildlife preserve.
Great, we're going to
a Sierra Club meeting.
Who's with you?
Mason. A wildlife preserve in Saugus?
That doesn't make sense. Saugus is
industrial. What about GPS maps?
l've got three on the way.
JACK: Good work. We'll call you
when we find out what's out there.
Yeah, okay.
Correct me if l'm wrong...
...but what this day
boils down to is a personal vendetta...
...against you and Palmer
by the family of Victor Drazen?
Yes. Palmer authorized the mission.
l carried it out.
Today is the second anniversary
of Victor Drazen's death.
Happy anniversary.
What is it we're expecting to find
out here in Saugus?
l don't know yet.
l got to tell you, Jack,
it never gets dull with you.
Look, for what it's worth,
l'm sorry about last night.
What, shooting me in the leg with a tranq?
Don't give it a second thought.
Needless to say, l was pretty wound up.
l feel a lot better now though,
knowing my family is safe.
[Eerie instrumental music]
What's the matter?
l'm just beat, you know?
l could use a little sleep.
Tell me about it.
How you doing?
l don't know.
Everything looks familiar,
but l don't understand any of it.
l don't feel anything and l should,
shouldn't l?
No, not yet.
PHlL: Sometimes music
can help unlock memories.
[Soft rock song plays]
-Did you ever meet Kim?
You didn't want her to know
you were seeing anyone.
You said she was taking Jack's side
in the separation...
...and you didn't want her
to be angrier with you.
Why did my husband, Jack....
Why did Jack leave me?
You asked him to.
You told me he was too removed.
There was no connection
between you two anymore.
How about you and l?
l thought there was one.
But what, l didn't?
Truth is, l think you did.
PHlL: But you were scared.
You didn't want to lose your family.
When Jack asked to move back in,
you let him.
TERl: lt's funny.
PHlL: What?
l don't remember you at all.
...being with you makes me feel good,
and maybe l don't feel so scared.
Thank you for doing this, Phil.
[Rock music playing]
FRANK: The truck come through?
FRANK: The truck come through?
FRANK: l hope not.
No, just park in the back.
Just sit tight.
l can't stay here. l need to find my mom.
l don't know how to get you out.
-l'll make a run for it.
-l wouldn't. Frank's a psycho.
You don't want to cross him.
KlM: l'm going to go.
RlCK: No.
[Knock at door]
Hey! No. Get in the kitchen.
FRANK: Come on in, man.
You, be careful.
FRANK: No, he's cool.
Come on. lt's all right.
Let's see it.
FRANK: Yes. That's what l'm talking about.
-Are these the guys with the ecstasy?
-No, they're friends of mine.
-What are you going to do?
-What does it look like?
Can't pay the dealer without money.
-You're going to rip them off?.
Thank you.
DAVlD: Are you all right, honey?
NlCOLE: l'm absolutely fine.
Go ahead. They're waiting for you.
l'm going to head down now.
This is a test for us.
lf we love each other...
...support each other...
...nothing else will matter.
l need you now more than ever.
l've always liked this tie on you, David.
[Door opening]
WOMAN: Senator?
lt's time.
[Dramatic instrumental music]
Anything look familiar?
lt's weird looking at what l did
for the last couple of months.
lt doesn't mean anything to me.
''Yvonne's birthday.
''Kim in Cambria for the weekend.
''Dinner with Phil.
''lvy at the shore.''
Was it nice?
Well, the wait was over an hour, so...
...we decided to walk down the pier
and have some hot dogs.
And you beat me in air hockey.
Air hockey?
What's in there for today?
Yesterday, l had a conference call
with Kitty, whoever that is.
She's a friend of yours.
You work with her sometimes.
You do commercial interior design.
lt's just freelance right now...
...but you want to expand
when Kim goes to college.
Why do l sort of remember air hockey...
...but l can't remember what l do
for a living?
[Doorbell rings]
Maybe that's Jack.
No, he wouldn't ring the bell.
lt's probably my friend Chris, remember?
l told you l wanted someone here,
to be on the safe side.
Stay here just in case.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
-Teri, this is Chris.
-Why does he have a gun?
-He's here to protect us.
TERl: l don't care.
Get that gun out of the house.
Chris, will you just give us
a minute, okay?
Chris is a friend of mine. l called him.
That doesn't mean anything to me.
l don't know who you are.
l don't know who he is.
-l don't want any guns.
-Okay, l'll tell him to stay outside.
ls that okay?
But we need him here, just in case.
Your husband could have been
the one who roughed you up.
l want you safe.
Teri, look at me.
Look at me.
l'm your friend.
You trust me.
You told me so yourself.
PHlL: You're going to have
to trust my judgment.
ANDRE: What's going on over there?
JOVAN: The wife is here.
ANDRE: And the daughter?
What are you waiting for?
There's a little interference,
but it will pass soon.
JOVAN: Did you find Alexis?
ANDRE: Not yet.
ANDRE: Call me when it's done.
[lndistinct chatter]
ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen of the
press, please take your seats now.
Senator Palmer is just about here.
We will begin.
MAN: Senator Palmer?
Last night, l received a phone call
regarding my son, Keith...
Last night, l received a phone call
regarding my son, Keith...
...and my daughter, Nicole.
That call has unfortunately set off
a chain of events...
...that has culminated in a terrible tragedy.
Whether or not what l have to say
jeopardizes my campaign...
...is for the voters to decide.
l'm doing this for my family.
A large portion of the financial
support for my campaign...
...comes from a group of businessmen
right here in Los Angeles.
Every presidential campaign relies on
these monetary....
l'll take care of it.
Too late, Carl.
DAVlD: l have apparently misjudged
these local businessmen.
More importantly,
they have misjudged me.
DAVlD: How it was acquired,
l am not at liberty to say.
l've already handed this incriminating tape
over to the Justice Department.
Whether or not it's admissible in court...
...it will still implicate the men
who have been supporting my campaign.
l'll emphasize again...
...that these men acted
without my consent or my knowledge.
As for my son, Keith...
...he is prepared to turn himself in
and face whatever consequences...
...a grand jury deems necessary.
He is my son, and l love him...
...and l will stand by him.
l am confident that
when presented with the facts...
...it will be clear that there was
no criminal intent or wrongdoing.
He will only be guilty
of not reporting an accident.
As for my daughter, Nicole...
...it is important
for everyone to remember...
...she was a victim of a horrible crime.
A physical and psychological crime.
She is not a source of information.
This is about a cover-up
of an accidental death.
This is not about rape.
So, l am asking you now as a father,
please find your humanity...
...and spare Nicole the indignity
of having to relive this nightmare.
[Somber instrumental music]
MAN: After that,
we lost track of both of them.
NlNA: How long have you known this?
-Why didn't you tell me? Does Jack know?
MAN: Not that l'm aware of.
NlNA: Did you know the safe house was hit?
TONY: Relax, okay?
Tony, answer me.
-Yes, l knew.
-Why didn't you tell me?
Mason didn't want you to know
because he didn't want you to tell Jack.
NlNA: His family is missing.
Shouldn't he know that?
Yes. l'm with you on this.
Mason gave the order, all right?
He's deployed resources.
He's called locals to help find them.
You should have told me.
You work for me.
And you work for Mason.
This is my fault.
l should never have left Teri and Kim.
Nina, you're not a field agent, all right?
TONY: What could you have done?
NlNA: Jack needs to know.
[Cell phone ringing]
MASON: Mason.
George, have you told Jack
about his family yet?
No. We're not there yet.
You can't do this. You have to tell him.
Why not let him know so he can help us
find them?
They're exposed.
lf Drazen's people find them first--
That's a good idea.
Listen to me, George.
lf anything happens,
he's going to hold you responsible.
You better think about that.
MASON: l will. Let me know
if you have any progress.
Jack, my battery just died.
Can l use your phone for a second?
Yes, sure.
MASON: Thanks.
[Cell phone ringing]
Yes, it's me.
All l want to say is keep the backup units
on standby, all right?
OPERATOR: The customer you are trying
to call is unavailable.
-l've got a signal.
-What did Nina have to say?
-She was just checking our location.
What does the GPS say?
lt's saying the address is right up ahead.
l know the whole thing was hush-hush,
but who exactly was Victor Drazen?
Victor Drazen was Milosevic's shadow.
He was in charge
of all of his covert operations.
He was responsible for organizing
all the ethnic cleansing campaigns...
...in Kosovo, Sarajevo and Bosnia.
-Your unit took him out?
-That's right.
-You rolled the whole deal up?
Who do you think
would have the influence...
...to be able to run an operation like this?
JACK: My guess would be Serbian military
exiles. They could pull this off.
Somehow, Alexis and Andre pulled together
a cell without us knowing.
MASON: lt's a hell of a cell...
...being able to infiltrate the CTU,
turn Jamey.
Yes, it's hard to believe
that Jamey could move so freely...
...to work against us
without some kind of umbrella.
Any ideas on why the Serbs would want
to spend this much money...
...to turn the power off
in the middle of the woods?
JACK: Look, a power transformer.
The lock on it's new.
Why would this be designated
as a wildlife sanctuary?
l mean, think about it.
There's no water. No water, no wetlands.
No wetlands, no birds, no animals.
No nothing as far as l can make out.
[Rock music playing]
[Knock at door]
Here they are, man.
Let's get ready.
Right on time. l like that.
Who the hell is this?
FRANK: Just some friends of mine.
Don't worry about it.
How do you know Frankie?
l'm a friend of Rick's.
Who's Rick?
l am.
What happened to you?
Are we going to play ''20 questions''
or do some business?
l just want to know who's in the room.
ls that a problem?
No, man. Knock yourself out.
Get a medical history and a urine sample
for all l care.
Let's just get on with it, come on.
Fine, let's do this. You got cash, Frankie?
l got what you need. Don't worry.
Let's see the E first.
Pure MDMA. No caffeine.
-Want to check it?
-No, man, l trust you.
All right, homey.
Where's the money?
Did you hear that?
This guy called me ''homey.''
l got your money.
FRANK: lt's right here.
Stand down!
Come on, homey.
FRANK: Stand down, or you're eating one.
Pull that trigger
and you're going down, too.
Just do him!
Everybody chill out, man.
lt's all cool. Put the guns down, all right?
Put them down nice and easy.
Going down. Let's go.
See what else they got on them, man.
All this because you couldn't keep
my brother alive?
They might not have registered
with their real names.
No. Just use the description
that we sent you, okay?
RECEPTlONlST: We'll do our best.
-You checking the hospitals?
l don't understand
how Teri and Kim just disappeared.
lt might be a good thing, you know?
lf Drazen's people had them,
we would have heard about it by now.
After all, Jack and Palmer
are the primary targets.
What about Jack's house?
l sent Williams over, but l'll call and check.
-And Kim's phone call?
-We traced it to a phone booth.
We're checking the whole area.
Nina, we're doing everything we can,
all right?
Are you?
What are you going to do now, man?
You're going to kill us?
l'll kill you...
...if l ever see you again.
You should get that stitched.
How's that for a nose job?
FRlEND: lt's pretty good. Yes, l like that.
What's that, homey?
Speak up.
You have the right to remain silent.
[Doors bursting open]
Put them down!
COP 1 : Put them down!
COP 1 : Right now! Drop the gun now!
DEALER: Arrest all of them.
Please, don't do this.
We didn't do anything.
We're not a part of this.
COP 2: Arms up.
COP 3: Up against the wall.
DEALER: Let me have your handy.
This is Krugman. We got a code four.
One suspect down. Five being booked.
l think l got a broken nose.
[Radio transmissions]
Look, l'll say it again.
l bear full responsibility
for not knowing about it.
A senator's duty, a president's duty...
...an elected representative's duty
is not only to his country...
...but also to his family.
lf he cannot manage the interactions of
the people close to him...
...then he can't expect the electorate
to believe in his ability to lead a nation.
l don't deny l made a mistake.
A serious one.
l only ask you to consider...
...that l am not the first person
in public office to make one.
Thank you.
[Reporters clamoring]
REPORTER 1 : Senator Palmer?
REPORTER 2: Senator?
l love you, Dad.
l love you, son.
PHlL: This is Emily. She's 1 1 .
And this is Jennifer. She just turned 9.
-l didn't meet them?
We decided to leave everyone else out of it
until you were sure what you wanted.
[Teapot whistling]
l'll get it.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
She made this for me.
PHlL: You want milk or sugar in it?
Phil, l think l'm remembering something.
Really? l'll be right there.
[Door opening]
CHRlS: Restroom?
PHlL: Right down the hall.
TERl: Oh, my God.
Where's the girl?
Your daughter, where is she?
l don't know.
Tell me where she is...
...and l'll make this painless
for both of you, l promise.
l don't know.
TERl: Oh, my God.
Teri? Step away. Move away, Teri.
Oh, my God.
Teri, step away, please.
The car. Oh, my God. The car.
l lost Kimmy. No....
Teri? Teri, it's okay. You're safe.
l lost my baby, Kim.
Oh, my God.
GPS says this is it.
[Helicopter whirring]
What is that, reconnaissance?
Someone knows we're here.
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