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저번에 약속드린대로 [24시 시즌1] 미국드라마의 마지막 부분 영어대본을 올려드리겠습니다.
[21화 영어자막]
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted...
...and people that l work with
may be involved in both.
l'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m...
...on the day of the
California Presidential Primary.
[Cheering on television]
lt's official.
The polls have just closed...
...minutes ago in California,
and the big story:
Senator David Palmer
seems to have swept California...
...and every other state...
...that held a primary
this super Tuesday.
lt looks like he may have gotten a boost
in the late vote...
...based on the roller coaster events
of his day.
This evening, the Senator
held an emergency press conference...
...to disclose the details of the scandal
involving both his son...
...and his primary financial backers.
Palmer claims to have been unaware
of any wrongdoing until recently.
[lndistinct catcalls]
You're in my seat.
[Prison door clangs shut]
l said that's my seat.
[Crazed moaning]
DAVlD: How about you?
WOMAN: Well--
DAVlD: How about you?
WOMAN: Well--
MlKE: Would you excuse us for a moment?
DAVlD: Thanks a lot. l'll see you soon.
1 1 for 1 1, my friend.
-Congratulations. You did it.
-We did it.
MlKE: That's not the best part.
Fox News just did an instant poll.
83% approve of the way
you handled the Ferragamo situation.
DAVlD: That is great.
Have we heard from Ames or his people?
They're all too busy running for cover
and we don't want to get cocky...
...but so far, it couldn't
have turned out better.
DAVlD: Everyone, listen up.
ln a bit, l'm going to give a speech
to the country.
We have a number of primaries
in the coming months...
...so technically
it's not a victory speech.
DAVlD: But l'm going to make it
sound like one anyway.
[Crowd cheering]
Yeah! All right!
As you know...
...in many ways, this has been
a difficult day for my family...
...and l'm confident that being open
and honest was the right thing to do.
And that things will be resolved fairly
for everyone concerned...
...and in the meantime...
...l want to thank everyone
in this room for their support.
[Murmurs of agreement]
DAVlD: This is our victory.
[Crowd cheers]
This is our night!
[Crowd applauds]
And l just want to give one last order...
...which will be obeyed,
with no exceptions whatsoever.
Enjoy the rest of the evening!
Division wants an update on the Palmer
threat-assessment in a half hour.
With Alexis under control
that threat may be minimal.
Nina, that's your line.
-Go ahead.
-Try to get everyone together on it.
AGENT: Nina Myers's line. lt's Bauer.
l got it.
-What the hell's going on?
-George, listen up.
That field that we were standing in...
...is hiding
an underground detention facility.
lt's being used as a prison
to house Victor Drazen.
MASON: What?
You said you took him out two years ago.
JACK: Apparently not. l'm staring at him.
There's a team in place.
They're ready to attack.
They've cut off the power.
l need you to send in a field unit now.
JACK: What are you going to do?
-l'll call Division.
-Forget it. By the time you get approval...
...this whole thing will be over.
lf Drazen escapes, it'll be our fault.
You know what this man can do.
[Gunfire outside]
You decide.
What's going on?
Dispatch a field unit...
...to the location in Saugus.
l'll clear it from my end.
Get a hold of Chappelle immediately.
George, what is going on?
ls Jack all right?
MASON: lt's a shame.
You're wasting the best years...
...of your life on a married man.
Picking up Almeida
on the rebound. What's that about?
NlNA: That is out of line.
MASON: You're out of line. Think about it.
l'm just trying to be a friend here.
NlNA: George.
NlNA: Just tell me if he--
TONY: Nina!
Where's Jack?
Teri, thank God, you're okay.
-Any word on Kim?
-No, not yet, but we're working on it.
TERl: l need to talk to Jack.
NlNA: You can't.
NlNA: He's on assignment.
TERl: Has he been told
what happened at the safe house?
NlNA: Not yet.
TERl: Why not?
-Because we can't get a hold of him.
-Get a hold of him now.
-l'm sorry, it's just not possible.
-Nina, l want to talk to Jack.
Jack's in a situation
where he needs our support.
We're doing everything
we can to give it to him.
-What kind of situation?
-That's all l can tell you right now.
l need you to come to the conference room,
tell me what happened before Tony arrived.
TERl: l told Tony everything in the car.
NlNA: lt won't hurt to go over it again.
Any details you can give us will help us
and they will help Jack.
All right, but l need to know
what's going on with my family.
l know, and l promise l'll give you
an update as soon as l have one.
NlNA: All right?
JACK: Stand against the door.
Lawrence, what's going on out there?
Lawrence, do you copy?
Ray, this is DeSalvo. Come in.
JACK: We got to leave. Which way?
The flood egress is to the right.
Open the door slowly.
[Door creaks open]
Step out into the middle of the hall.
JACK: Turn to your right.
JACK: Keep moving.
Lawrence, where are you?
DESALVO: Do you copy?
JACK: We have to get out of here.
We're too exposed.
All right. What's the plan?
How are they going to break you out
of here?
You son of a bitch, if any of my men die....
What area of this building
is most defendable?
[Louder explosion]
JACK: Let's get out of here, move.
Fall back. Defender retreat!
JACK: Turn around.
l've been trying to get a hold of Chappelle
for 10 minutes.
Whatever he's doing this is more important,
trust me.
MAN: lmportant? How?
MASON: For starters...
...l sent a CTU field unit to a D.O.D. facility.
MASON: l need some unity of command.
MAN: All l can do is give him the message.
MASON: Get him to call me soon.
MAN: l'll work on it.
Mrs. Bauer.
George Mason.
l thought you were being debriefed.
You're busy,
but Nina won't tell me anything.
l need to know what's going on with Kim.
l don't know any more than Nina,
but l'm sure Kim's safe.
l wish l could believe that,
but based on what?
l'm not fully informed,
but according to Tony...
...the man that attacked you
asked where she was, right?
That means they're looking for her, too.
As time passes,
it gets harder for them, easier for us.
There's only a few of them...
...whereas we can cover the whole city
and believe me, we are.
l want you to know
Jack is extremely important to us here.
Nobody's going to rest easy
until your daughter's back, safe and sound.
Thank you.
Just doing my job.
[Phone rings]
MASON: Mason.
NlNA: George, it's Nina.
Our unit will be
on-site in about 15 minutes.
They want to know who's in command,
us or D.O.D.?
We are. Let me know
as soon as they're on-site.
All right.
Was that about Jack?
We've got a lot going on right now.
Soon as we get word from Jack,
we'll let you know.
You've been very kind.
My assistant will look after you.
You let her know
if you need anything, okay?
Do me a favor. Keep your chin up.
MASON: Rebecca.
REBECCA: Yes, George?
l'm sending Jack's wife down.
Babysit her for me.
REBECCA: Sure, but what do l do with her?
MASON: l don't care what you do with her,
just keep her out of my face.
REBECCA: Got it.
[Lively party chatter]
Where's Patty?
MlKE: She's finishing up the speech.
Hold that for me? Be right back.
[Party chatter]
Looks like you're moving
to the White House.
You know what?
We'll know by the end of the day.
DAVlD: We missed you out there.
PATTY: l'm just going through it
one last time.
l made the changes you asked for.
DAVlD: Yeah, that's much better.
l'm glad you like it.
l can't believe you won all 1 1 primaries.
You and your family must be so happy.
Yeah, we are.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, it's just all catching up with me.
lt's been a long day.
You know what, Patty?
Why don't we move
the second paragraph to the end?
l'll close with the note about party unity.
That's a good idea.
Yes, Patty.
There's something
l've been wanting to tell you, but...
...every time l start
it just seems inappropriate.
What is it?
lt's just that...
...l wanted to tell you
how much l admire you.
l don't see very many people
who stand by their principles...
...the way that you do,
and l truly believe...
...our country would be a better place
with you leading it.
-What is it?
-Nothing. l'm just a little flustered.
What a wonderful
and unexpected compliment.
l'll just switch those paragraphs.
All right.
[Lively party chatter]
[Helicopters flying]
MASON: This is Mason.
What's your 20?
AGENT: We're approaching the site!
MASON: What's going on down there?
AGENT: Looks like the door
has been blown in!
MASON: Are the hostiles inside?
AGENT: They must be.
There's no activity here.
We're preparing to go in.
AGENT: Take cover!
ANDRE: Father!
VlCTOR: Andre!
JACK: Get down or l'll shoot him!
ANDRE: Let him go.
ANDRE: Let my father go!
JACK: Drop your weapons!
JACK: Stay back or l will shoot him!
JACK: Drop it or he's dead!
ANDRE: Drop it now, you're surrounded!
JACK: Back off!
Drop your weapons or l will shoot!
ANDRE: Let my father go right now
or this man dies.
JACK: Drop your weapons!
ANDRE: l'll kill him.
DESALVO: Don't do it!
JACK: Back off!
DESALVO: Don't release that prisoner.
JACK: Drop them or l'll shoot him!
DESALVO: Don't do it, Bauer!
JACK: Drop it!
ANDRE: l'll give you three seconds.
JACK: My weapon's up.
[Heavy breathing]
ANDRE: Father.
VlCTOR: Andre.
VlCTOR: Where is Alexis?
ANDRE: He's been out of touch for a while.
We have to assume the worst.
[Walkie-talkie chatter]
[Speaking Serbian]
ANDRE: Hostiles outside the main entrance.
VlCTOR: How many?
ANDRE: At least a dozen, all well-armed.
Collapse the corridor immediately.
ANDRE: Let's hustle, men.
MAN: Down here.
ANDRE: Take him.
We may need him as a bargaining chip.
[Speaking Serbian]
That was a mistake.
Now you're trapped.
We will see.
LUCY: l told you, don't mess with me.
You got something that belongs to me,
better give it right now.
lNMATE 2: l ain't got nothing.
LUCY: We cool. lt's all good.
We cool if you and your girls back off.
LUCY: Get her feet!
You holding out on me?
You're a bad girl.
You holding out on me?
You're a bad girl.
When we get out of here
maybe l'll mess you up just like that.
-What is your problem?
Me? The only reason l'm here
is because you told the cops...
...l was a part of the deal.
You were a part of the deal.
l didn't even know it was happening.
Nobody told you to come over.
KlM: lf this is about Rick--
MELANlE: You think l care about that loser?
KlM: He's not a loser.
MELANlE: He kidnaps you...
...almost gets you killed,
and you defend him?
-He didn't know what was going on.
-Like l said, he's a loser.
What are you shaking your head for?
You're daddy's little girl.
-You get everything handed to you.
-Shut up!
l have been listening to this crap all day
about how l get everything l want...
...how my life is great
and everyone else's sucks.
You want to know something?
You don't know anything about me.
Last night l was kidnapped,
tied up in the back of a trunk...
...and then l got to see your
friend Dan get shot in the head.
Take all the bad luck you've had,
it wouldn't fit into half...
...of what's happened to me
in 24 hours.
So messing me up may not be
as easy as you think...
...but if you want to try, bring it on.
Here, outside, any place you like.
[Bars rattling]
[lndistinct walkie-talkie chatter]
VlCTOR: You think l am a monster...
...because l want revenge...
...on your wife and daughter
as well as on you.
You were a monster
long before you ever heard of me.
VlCTOR: l see.
You consider yourself informed.
You have read magazines.
You've studied intelligence reports...
...filed by people who tell their superiors
only what they want to hear.
And you have the audacity to judge me?
So when does your suffering end, Victor?
After you've killed me
and Senator Palmer...
...and all the thousands
of other enemies you have?
Simple, is it not?
You're insane.
lt's a psychotic fantasy.
VlCTOR: A fantasy which is coming closer
and closer to a reality.
This is Victor Drazen.
Whom am l speaking to?
This is George Mason.
The district director
of the Counter Terrorist Unit in LA.
You will be the person
l will be negotiating with?
We do not negotiate with terrorists.
l'm willing to listen to your concerns.
My main concern is Jack Bauer.
-Do you know him?
-Yes, l know him.
Do you want to see him alive again?
How do l know he's alive?
-Yeah, it's me.
l've counted six of them,
heavily armed with assault rifles--
VlCTOR: As you hear, he is alive.
l'll be speaking with my superiors
and l'll get back to you.
Drazen's taken over command
of the facility. He's got Jack.
There's at least six,
they've got assault weapons, explosives.
Get that information to the field unit.
MASON: Bring up the layout of the facility.
-How did Jack sound?
MASON: lt'll be a long, drawn-out process.
l know the drill.
You know it may not turn out well.
lf you want me to put somebody else that's
less emotionally involved on this, l will.
l can do my job, George.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
-Any word from Chappelle?
-l still can't get a hold of him.
l hope that bastard doesn't plan
on blaming me if things go wrong.
-Take it.
-No way.
-l said take it!
-Who's smoking pot?
-That one over there.
MELANlE: No. She threw it at me.
LUCY: Bitch, why you lying?
OFFlCER: Give it to me.
Give it to me!
OFFlCER: And who are you?
MELANlE: l swear, it wasn't me.
You're coming with me.
She's telling the truth.
-Don't make a liar out of me, blondie.
-No need, you are one.
lNMATE: Stop it!
OFFlCER: Stop it now!
LUCY: Wait, l didn't do nothing!
LUCY: Get off of me! l didn't do nothing!
l'm going to get you back, blondie,
don't you worry!
MELANlE: Officer.
l want to talk to the cop
that busted me today.
MELANlE: l think his name is Krugman.
-You want to talk to him about what?
-What happened today.
He wants to know about it,
so tell him l'm ready to talk.
OFFlCER: Come on.
JACK: Two years ago in Kosovo...
...the man that went into the building
before the explosion...
...obviously wasn't you.
-You were using a double.
-A common technique.
l am surprised your people
were fooled by it.
That's not my point, Victor.
What is your point, Jack?
JACK: You were using a double.
lt means you thought you were a target.
You let that man get near your family,
you put your family in danger.
You're responsible for their deaths.
They were away on a trip.
My daughter was ill.
They returned one day earlier
than expected.
But yes...
...l should have been more careful.
Father, are you all right?
Over the last two years...
...l have accepted my share of responsibility
for the death of my family.
This is the day...
...you accept...
...your share.
Come, Dad.
Make sure he does not die.
[Knock on door]
DAVlD: Come.
[Newscaster reporting]
PATTY: ls this what you wanted?
[Cell phone rings]
DAVlD: Much better.
-Yeah, Elaine?
Mike says they're ready
for you downstairs anytime.
Okay. Tell them l'll be down in 20 minutes.
DAVlD: You have a copy
for the teleprompter?
lt's this one....
All but the last page.
Okay, thanks.
Would you like to be left alone?
No. You can work in here if you want.
l'm sorry.
What is it?
lt's just that l feel bad that
this day's been tainted for you.
Don't feel bad for me.
lt's Keith and Nicole
who've been suffering.
Excuse me for saying this, Senator,
but you do that too much.
-Do what?
-You worry about everybody else.
You take care of everybody else.
Who takes care of you?
You all take care of me.
We all want to, but...
...planning schedules
and writing speeches...
...isn't taking care of someone.
l'm fine, Patty.
Just relax.
You need this.
That does feel good.
l appreciate it.
l really do.
But if l get too comfortable,
l may not get off this couch.
l'll just go prepare tomorrow's
briefing with Mike. Excuse me.
[Telephone rings]
NlNA: CTU, Myers.
OPERATOR: Chappelle calling for Mason.
Yes, l'll put you through.
[Telephone rings]
MASON: Mason.
NlNA: lt's Chappelle.
l've been trying
to reach you for the past half hour.
While l've been getting reamed
by D.O.D. and the Pentagon.
l think l've managed to untangle
the mess you've made.
The mess l've made?
What are you talking about?
You should've kept Bauer on a tighter leash.
A lot tighter.
l'm not in love with the guy either,
but he delivers.
Come on, let's face it.
lf it wasn't for Jack,
Victor would've escaped.
lt would've been embarrassing
for high-ranking individuals...
MASON: ...if l'm not mistaken.
RYAN: You're very mistaken.
-l beg your pardon?
-Come on, think it through.
Drazen wasn't officially a prisoner, right?
So he couldn't officially escape.
lt wouldn't have embarrassed anyone.
-lt would've been....
-A nonevent.
Exactly. lnstead,
we've got an assault team out there...
...with all kinds of people in the loop.
The cops will get wind of it...
...and then, God forbid, the press.
You want to talk about embarrassing?
Now we have to end this thing.
And l'm not talking hours,
l'm talking minutes.
What about Bauer?
Nobody asked him to go out there tonight.
Get on with it,
or l'll find someone who will.
[Hangs up phone]
[Dials phone]
MASON: l'm going to have
to order a full assault.
Starting in about five minutes.
Team's making their final preparations.
l'm sorry.
TONY: Teri, it's Tony. Can you pick up?
-Look, we found Kim.
TONY: She's fine. She's at a local precinct.
They're bringing her over.
Are you sure she's okay?
Can l talk to her?
Not now, we'll put you through
as soon as we can.
Okay. Patch her through
as soon as she calls.
TERl: Thank you so much.
TONY: Okay.
-They found Kim.
-They did?
-That's great.
l'm so relieved.
Teri, l have some information about Jack.
Why don't you sit down?
He may have been captured by the same
group that was after you and Kim.
Oh, my God.
NlNA: l know that sounds bad,
but we have rescue teams on the site...
...and the people who have Jack
have been completely surrounded.
NlNA: Teri...
...l know Jack.
l know he will get out of this.
l knew you'd want to be told.
[Somber instrumental music]
AGENT: Charges have been placed.
We are good to go.
[Phone rings]
NlNA: Yeah?
MASON: This is it.
-All right.
-What about Bauer?
MASON: Just make sure you get Drazen.
AGENT: Hit it.
KRUGMAN: Kimberly.
KlM: What is it?
-We're releasing you.
-Did you speak to my dad?
No, but l talked to the people
he works with.
Melanie told me she lied.
She admitted you had nothing to do...
...with the drug deal.
l called the number you gave me.
Everything checked out.
Sounds like you had a pretty tough day.
-Yeah. Did you speak to my mom?
-She's waiting for you at CTU.
-Are you serious?
-l'm serious.
KRUGMAN: l'll drive you there myself.
[TV chatter]
[Background chatter]
MlKE: Ready?
DAVlD: l think so.
-Would you do me a favor, David?
-What's that, Mike?
MlKE: Smile.
Not a politician's smile, a real one.
MlKE: You've been through hell today...
...but you've come through it.
And tomorrow morning
the fight starts again.
But tonight you need to celebrate.
l'll be fine, Mike.
Let go of it, just for a little bit.
l can't.
This thing with Keith is just beginning.
As for Sherry and me,
you've had a front-row seat today.
You know it's not good.
Let me explain something to you.
Once you're in the White House,
everything defers to the office.
MlKE: lt's what you need to do the job.
lf it's your marriage that helps you,
that's great.
But if not...
...that's okay, too.
MlKE: You can have whatever you want.
All right, Mike.
Let's go.
AGENT: One dead body.
No hostiles. Sector One secure.
Sector Two secure.
One dead body. Appears to be Warden
DeSalvo. No hostiles.
Drake, this is Mason.
What's going on down there?
DRAKE: The entire staff, including the
warden, is dead. Drazen's gone...
...and so is anyone else who was here.
They broke through one of the walls.
Some sort of tunnel.
Maybe an old sewer system.
Follow them.
DRAKE: lt's booby-trapped.
Laser mines.
MASON: Can you disarm?
DRAKE: Given time.
How much?
About a half-hour.
MASON: Do what you can.
ANDRE: Get your hands up on your head.
Well done.
ANDRE: We have less than three hours left.
Get down.
JACK: Wait!
VlCTOR: l will offer you one consolation.
Your family will be joining you soon.
Your son Alexis,
do you want to see him again?
-Alexis is dead.
-No, he's not. We've got him.
You are lying.
How else would l know
that he was to have a meeting...
...with one of Senator Palmer's staff?.
A woman named Elizabeth Nash.
ln Room 1243 at 4:30 this afternoon.
-That much is true.
-We captured him. l know where he is.
VlCTOR: Get him in!
-Can l borrow your phone?
[Phone rings]
TERl: Hello?
KlM: Mom, it's me.
TERl: Hi, honey.
KlM: l can't wait to see you.
l can't wait to see you.
l'm so glad you're okay. l thought--
l know. l thought they had you again.
How did you end up in jail?
l'll tell you everything when l get there.
Where's Dad?
He's not here. He's working.
l'm hoping he'll call in very soon.
l love you so much, Mom.
l'm going to be there
in a few minutes.
l love you, too, honey.
KlM: Thanks.
-l'm sorry about not believing you at first.
-Don't worry about it.
l'm not sure if l believe it myself.
Watch out!
[Cars smashing]
[Crunching metal]
[Speaking Serbian]
KlM: No!
KlM: Get off of me!
KlM: No! Get off me!
KlM: No!
[22화 영어대본]
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate...
...a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted...
...and people that l work with
may be involved in both.
l'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m...
...on the day of the
California Presidential Primary.
KlM: No!
KlM: No!
[Speaking Serbian]
[Tape ripping]
[Muffled screams]
[Speaking Serbian]
[Speaking Serbian]
MAN: And now, l'm proud to present
the future President of the United States...
...Senator David Palmer!
[Applauding and cheering]
MAN: Congratulations, David.
DAVlD: Hey, we did it.
[Applauding and cheering continue]
You know, this is our victory.
And when we started out...
...they said the country wasn't ready.
They said it couldn't be done.
That it would never happen.
Well, here we are.
Still standing tall.
And when we look back
at this amazing time...
...we can all say
that we were a part of history.
We can all say that we did our part...
...to make this world a better place.
And, God willing, our children
and our children's children...
...will reap the benefits
of the seeds we sow right now.
[Applauding and cheering]
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
[Phone rings]
NlNA: CTU. Myers.
JACK: Nina, it's me.
Jack, where are you?
l'm with Andre and Victor Drazen.
What do you mean? Where?
JACK: Nina, just listen to me.
l'm being held hostage.
The reason l'm calling...
...is Victor wants confirmation...
...that his son Alexis is still alive.
Well, he's in the hospital.
l can try to get through to his room.
Okay, do it.
Okay, hold on.
Tony, get me the hospital.
l need Alexis Drazen on line 2.
MASON: Just spoke to the backup team.
Drazen escaped.
l want a net over that entire area.
MASON: l want 1-mile, 3-mile and
5-mile mobile barriers.
We know. We got Jack on the line.
He's with Victor Drazen now.
TONY: Nina, got Alexis Drazen.
NlNA: Transfer it.
Who is this?
Hold on.
Where are you? Did you get out?
Alexie, what happened?
What have they done to you?
You always said that
l would get in trouble with women.
You were right.
Forgive me, Father...
...l have failed you.
You have not failed.
You are alive, l am free.
Hold on, Alexie.
We will be together soon.
No, Papa, you go without me.
l'm not going to make it.
You will make it! Be strong!
Tell me you could do this!
Yeah, Papa.
l have something to say to the rest of you.
l am willing to trade the life of Jack Bauer...
...for that of my son.
MASON: Mr. Drazen, this is George Mason.
l'm the acting head of the CTU...
...but l don't have the authority
to make that trade.
lf you do not have the authority,
you are not the head of anything.
Talk to your superiors.
We will call back in 15 minutes.
Be ready to respond...
...without qualification.
And let me remind you...
...that when l was 10 points
behind in the polls...
...l told you l had a plan. That on this date...
...we were going to celebrate,
party nomination in hand.
Well, promise delivered.
[Applauding and cheering]
This campaign has been an uphill battle--
l'm not going to be able
to go to Dallas with David tomorrow.
Why not?
l committed to a National Youth Service
Day event here in LA.
That's okay, l can reschedule--
No, Patty, l don't want you to reschedule.
David and l could use
a couple of days apart...
...but l don't want him to feel alone, okay?
Whatever you want.
Because for us, doing the right thing
is the only thing to do.
[Crowd cheering]
You talked to Chappelle?
Yeah. No trade.
This whole Victor Drazen thing
is a big embarrassment for them.
MASON: lf they do a trade,
it's an admission he's alive.
That the D.O.D.'s been
keeping him here secretly...
...and on top of that, they let him escape.
So they're just going to sacrifice Jack?
He's like all the rest of us, expendable.
ls that what you think?
Doesn't matter what l think.
l don't think he walks on water
the way you do...
...but l don't want to see him
hung out to dry either.
Nina, l tried.
Without the trade,
how are they going to locate Drazen?
My guess is they won't even try.
They'll let him out of the country
and pick him up in Europe.
lf we do the trade,
then we know where he is.
You're preaching to the choir.
That's what l just said to Chappelle.
They don't want to draw attention
to the situation.
End of story.
So, that's it?
We just go back to work and let Jack die?
What can l say?
[Somber instrumental music]
Nina, shouldn't Kim be here by now?
They just left the police station.
l mean, she should be here soon.
l never did hear what happened with her.
She was arrested by mistake.
Listen, Teri, Kim's fine.
That's not the problem.
What do you mean? What's going on?
lt's confirmed.
Jack's been captured.
He's being held hostage.
We're doing everything we can
to bring him back, but--
What do they want?
NlNA: lt's hard to say.
Well, tell me what you know.
This guy Drazen wants to trade Jack
for his son, Alexis, who we have.
Then, he'll be okay, right?
No. The government won't make the trade.
What do you mean they won't trade?
How are they going to get Jack back?
They're not.
Jack's on his own.
l'm sorry.
There can be no flaws,
and it must be done soon.
ANDRE: l don't care how much it costs,
how many men you need.
We're out of here by midnight.
ANDRE: Call me back. Let me know.
ANDRE: There!
VlCTOR: My good, good friend.
NlKOLA: l never thought
l would see you again.
VlCTOR: How is your family?
NlKOLA: Eager to see you.
Soon. ls everything prepared?
Yes. Please come in.
Victor, l would like you
to meet my daughter, Mila.
VlCTOR: Mila, right.
MlLA: Hello.
VlCTOR: How beautiful.
MlLA: Thank you.
VlCTOR: Just like your mother.
NlKOLA: Yeah, but she got my temper.
VlCTOR: No good. That is no good.
We have some fresh clothes for you
whenever you are ready.
VlCTOR: To you and your family.
[Speaking Serbian]
Would you like something to eat, Jack?
[Speaking Serbian]
lt doesn't make any sense.
How does letting a senior CTU agent die...
...help keep Victor Drazen out of the news?
MASON: l'm busy. Can Nina help you now?
No. l'm talking to you right now.
Yeah. l'll call you right back, all right?
You are not going to let my husband die.
No one is going to let Jack die.
We just can't go through
with the trade right now.
There's no difference. Without your help,
he doesn't have a chance.
With an ordinary agent, l'd agree with you.
Jack has a Special Forces background.
l've seen him do the impossible.
Stop patronizing me.
You've been doing it all night.
Just tell me what you are prepared
to do to help my husband.
Fine. l'll stop patronizing you.
l'll tell you what l'm going to do.
l'm going to call up Division and
ask them to reconsider one more time.
And they're going to say no.
MASON: And that'll be the end of it.
Anything else?
[Dialing phone]
Nina, l'm asking you,
as someone who cares about Jack...
...we cannot just stand by
and watch him die.
l know. l agree.
l'm already doing something about it.
What do you mean? What are you doing?
l think there's someone
who could help Jack.
lt's not exactly procedure,
so l can't talk about it.
You're just going to have to trust me.
[Dance music playing]
This is the lady
you should be complimenting.
We were just talking about you.
Oh, really?
Yes. They loved the speech tonight.
Among other things,
Patty's the brain trust...
...behind most of my public addresses.
WOMAN: Excuse me. Nina Myers at CTU.
-Excuse me. l have to take this.
WOMAN: Nice to meet you.
This is David Palmer.
Senator, thank you for taking my call.
What can l do for you, Ms. Myers?
Jack's in trouble. He needs your help.
What kind of trouble?
There's no time to tell you everything.
Let me just give you the headline.
Victor Drazen is alive.
What do you mean, he's alive?
That's all we know.
The U.S. government held him prisoner
until about an hour ago.
Okay. What happened an hour ago?
NlNA: He escaped.
He's taken Jack hostage.
He's willing to trade Jack
for his son Alexis.
DAVlD: What's the D.O.D. 's response?
They're refusing to get directly involved.
Who knows you contacted me?
NlNA: No one.
Who's actually talking to Drazen?
NlNA: George Mason.
Tell me about him.
Normally, he's by the book,
but he's very ambitious and political.
Okay. Look, l'm going
to make a few calls first.
Where can l reach Mason?
Here at CTU. He's in Jack's office.
All right.
Thank you, Senator.
Are you sure?
[Hangs up phone]
What's up?
Kim's car was hit.
Two cops are down. She was taken.
Was there any communication?
TONY: Any witnesses?
They're working it up now.
All right, let me know
what you find.
Tony, l'm going to need
to talk to you in a few minutes.
NlNA: Tony?
TONY: What?
Are you all right?
TONY: No. We've got a problem.
Any word on Kim?
-l was just about to check.
-She should be here any minute, right?
Teri, l'm sorry.
Do you mind waiting
in the conference room?
What's going on?
They grabbed Kim again.
lt must have been Drazen.
The patrol car she was riding in was hit.
l don't believe this.
Are you going to tell her?
[Phone ringing]
OPERATOR: l have Senator Palmer
on the line for you.
Put him through.
Senator Palmer, this is George Mason.
lt's an honor to speak to you.
l want you to reverse your orders
on the Bauer-for-Drazen trade.
l'm not sure how much information
you have about this...
...but this is agency business.
With all due respect,
it doesn't fall under the Senate's purview.
As you know, your entire agency falls
under Presidential purview.
And in nine months, l will be in that office.
l'm not sure if that's meant
to tempt or threaten me.
lt doesn't matter either way.
l don't have the authority
to pull the trigger on this one.
From what l'm told, Mr. Mason...
...that authority is something
you'd like to have.
What's that supposed to mean?
Act on your own prerogative,
go through with the trade.
You'll be reprimanded,
possibly even demoted.
So far it sounds great.
Within the first month of my term...
...l will instate you
in a high-level position in Washington.
You'll bypass five years
of middle management.
And if you don't get elected?
DAVlD: That won't happen.
Think about it, George.
Transportation's been arranged.
VlCTOR: There were problems
with last-minute changes?
lt's going to cost more.
lt's going to cost more.
How much?
ANDRE: $200,000.
You should try, Jack, the borek.
lt is wonderful.
Do you need anything else?
No. Everything is perfect.
My father told me to take good care of you.
VlCTOR: The service was impeccable.
And my compliments to the chef.
Thank you. lt was my mother's recipe.
JACK: Drop the weapons!
Drop the weapons!
JACK: Put your weapons down!
Put your weapons down,
or l'll cut her throat!
Drop the weapons!
Put them down.
You, too, Victor!
Of course.
Drop the weapon!
You son of a bitch!
VlCTOR: One more death for you
to atone for, Jack.
JACK: How could you do this?
What happened?
Call CTU now.
Tell them l want
your brother Alexis here now!
ANDRE: Cuff his hands behind his back.
Keep her father away from here!
You're supposed to be watching him!
What am l paying you for?
Where's Teri?
She's in the conference room.
[Phone rings]
Mr. Mason, what have you decided?
Mr. Mason?
We're going to do the swap on our terms.
That's an interesting dream.
The swap will take place
exactly 30 minutes from now.
The address is 2127 Grand Avenue.
A green SUV will be waiting.
Place my brother inside the vehicle.
What about Jack?
When my brother's in position,
l'll direct you to Bauer.
You have 29 minutes.
l got it. 2127 Grand Avenue.
lt's a repair garage.
Tell Chris Porterfield at LAPD...
...we'll be taking over the streets
in that area for the next two hours.
Where are you going?
To the hospital to get Alexis.
He just got stabbed in the stomach today.
They won't let him out.
They're going to have to.
No, don't worry.
My name's not going
to be even close to this.
MAN: This conversation has to end
right here between us.
l agree.
MAN: Okay, then.
DAVlD: Look, l've got to get back.
MAN: We're clear?
DAVlD: Yeah.
There you are.
David, where have you been?
l had to make some calls.
Just in case you haven't noticed,
everyone is here to see you.
You need to make an impression,
not phone calls.
l know what l have to do.
Do you really?
Don't talk down to me, Sherry,
l don't like it.
l hope this weakness you've shown today
is because you missed a night's sleep...
...and you'll be back
on your game tomorrow.
Otherwise, we will be buried
before this election even happens.
Steven! No, stay. l'll be over.
Get to work.
Senator, the Wall Street Journal had
a couple of questions for you.
PATTY: l put together some
of your past quotes, to help you with it.
l hope that's all right.
Don't you look gorgeous tonight.
You've seen this before.
lt's not just the dress.
Thank you.
Patty, l've been thinking.
Since this incident with Keith
is out in the open...
...it's going to shift the focus
of every interview, every press conference.
l've already started a Q-and-A
of all the questions...
...to expect over the next few of days.
Did you talk to Mike about this?
Not yet. l need a little bit
more time to prepare.
l'd really like to see
whatever you have so far.
Sure. Whenever you want.
How about now?
Yeah. Everybody seems
to be having a good time.
There's an open bar, and l doubt anyone
will even notice that l'm gone.
l doubt that that's true.
ln any event, l could use some quiet time.
You stay here.
Just tell me where your notes are.
lf you don't mind,
l'd rather walk you through it.
lt would make more sense to you.
Why don't you meet me upstairs in, say,
five minutes?
My dear friend, it's not what you think.
l have lost my wife and daughter.
And you, both of your brothers...
...and now Mila.
This is what our enemies have done to us.
He would have killed her,
and not in a merciful way.
How could you do this?
You killed my daughter.
You killed my daughter!
You murderer!
ANDRE: We have to get out of here.
Get him in the van.
[Speaking Serbian]
[Muffled screams]
Get this place cleaned out!
Nina, what's happening?
Will they help Jack?
Yes. They're going to make the trade.
That's good, isn't it?
Do you think he'll be safe?
l think so.
Victor wants his son back,
so l don't think he'll pull anything.
Thank God.
And when's this going to happen?
10, 15 minutes.
Mason's already left to pick up Alexis.
That's so good.
l can hardly wait for this to be over.
l think when Jack and Kim arrive
l'm just about to collapse in a big heap.
Do you need anything else?
Actually, there is one thing.
l know Kim's on her way here...
...but it would make me feel better
to speak to her on the phone.
ls there any way that you could
patch me through to the police car?
We were so busy tracking Jack,
l didn't have a chance to check on them.
Let me see if that's possible.
Thank you. Nina...
...l know it's been a really long day
for you, too...
...and l guess l want you
to know how much l appreciate...
...your being up-front with me
about everything.
l couldn't tell her.
l just couldn't,
after everything she's been through.
l understand.
You okay?
l just feel like l'm not doing my job.
There's nothing wrong
with the way you're doing your job, okay?
l mean, ultimately, we're here
to try to help people, right?
l don't know anybody
who does that better than you.
You're welcome.
JACK: You have to let my daughter go.
She's got nothing to do with this.
You want me to do something for you,
l'll do it, but let my daughter go.
JACK: l'm not--
ANDRE: After what you've done...
...l should kill you both right now!
Don't test me!
You're not thinking this through, Andre.
You have a chance to escape
with your brother and your father alive.
-You start killing innocents, they'll never--
Your best tactic right now,
Mr. Bauer, is to be quiet...
...and let my father rest!
All l care about with Ferragamo
is that the public knows...
...in no uncertain terms,
that Carl and the Latham Group...
...were acting outside of our influence.
No. They will. Mike has already started
setting up interviews with major papers.
He's clearing up some points
with your attorney...
...and by the morning you should be able
to speak freely.
When did you have time to do all this?
ln the last couple of hours.
You wrote two speeches for me today.
lf l don't help you get
into the White House, l'm out of a job.
-Would you care for a glass of champagne?
When do you find time for a life?
This is my life.
Oh, no. l mean a boyfriend. Friends.
l know, l should get out more.
Yeah, you should.
Here you go.
-You're welcome.
What are we drinking to?
To taking five minutes off, starting now.
Hear, hear.
Hear, hear.
So, you and Sherry
were childhood sweethearts?
That's right.
There's never been anyone else?
l'm running for President, Patty.
l can't answer that.
Come on.
Are you flirting with me?
l don't know. l think l might be.
This is good.
Tell Mike l want to meet with him
on this first thing in the morning.
l want you there. Call Everly.
Someone from legal should be there.
And, it wouldn't hurt...
...to put in a little more face time
l think you might be right.
Shall we?
ANDRE: Wait here, Father.
lf your people deliver my brother
as promised, you'll live.
lf not, then you'll die here.
A sniper rifle is currently aiming at you.
They await my instructions.
What about my daughter?
You'll hear from us
when this is over, if you make it that far.
And to dissuade you from wasting
valuable time trying to trace...
...l've prepared a scrambled phone.
What do you want me to do?
What do you want me to do?
Not yet.
What do you want me to do?
[Dance music playing]
JOHN: Senator!
DAVlD: Hey, John, thanks for coming.
DAVlD: Hey, Michael, thanks for coming.
DAVlD: Look at you! Don't you look nice.
-Hey, how are you?
There you are.
l'd like for you to meet
Doctors Bryan Chasin...
...and Darrell Maines from UCLA.
Yes, of course.
You're the gentlemen doing
such wonderful work in AlDS research.
Sweetheart, l need to look after something.
-That'll be fine.
-Excuse me.
So, what isn't the government
doing for you...
...that we could fix next term?
You were upstairs with David, weren't you?
What happened?
-l did what you told me.
l think it's working.
Mrs. Palmer,
l'm not sure where all this is going.
All you need to know
is that this is for his own good...
...and for the good of his campaign.
What's the problem, Patty?
l thought you liked David.
-This shouldn't be a tough assignment.
-l do like him.
lt's just hard for me to deceive him like this.
l understand your hesitation.
But l know my husband
better than anybody...
...and he needs someone
like you right now.
But it's going to lead
to other things, Mrs. Palmer.
We'll just deal with that
when the time comes.
Everyone in position.
Okay, we're here.
Stay outside the perimeter.
Let's just get in and get out.
Here's Alexis. Where's Jack?
-What's wrong with him?
-Nothing. He'll be fine.
Alexis, are you all right?
[Phone dialing]
[Phone ringing]
-Alexis is hurt.
-How badly?
-Worse than we thought.
He's fine.
He'll need a doctor.
l'll have one there when you arrive. Go.
What are we doing here?
lf you don't follow us,
we'll give you Jack's location.
That's unacceptable.
We need to know where Jack is now.
MASON: Hold it right there!
Move to second position.
We have a problem.
Are you going to shoot me?
Maybe you should have
taken a few more English lessons.
''Trade'' means we get something, too.
l want Jack now,
or you're all coming back with us.
We have Jack's daughter.
You must know that by now.
So, what are you saying?
We get Jack and his daughter?
My English is clear.
You're going to get back Jack as discussed.
-What about the daughter?
-lt's not my concern.
l need to talk to Drazen.
lf you keep holding me here,
l can't return Alexis to his father.
We're on a schedule, remember?
All right, move back to the perimeter.
We're going to have to let them go.
We'll be waiting to hear from you.
[Car engine starting]
[Engine starts]
MASON: Nina, do you copy?
Yeah. l have him.
As soon as we get Jack,
we'll take them down.
MASON: Okay, we're standing by.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
[Device beeping]
Damn it!
What's wrong?
They found the tracker. We lost them.
[Raspy breathing]
[Phone ringing]
ANDRE: Just south of the platform,
there's a parked car.
lf you want to see Kim alive,
talk to no one...
...get into it and head towards Century City.
Wait, wait!
[23화 영어대본]
[23화 영어자막]
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted...
...and people that l work with
may be involved in both.
l'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 10:00 p.m. and 1 1:00 p.m...
...on the day of
the California Presidential Primary.
[Dialing phone]
[Phone ringing]
ANDRE: Proceed to Palmer's hotel.
What do you want me to do?
ANDRE: When your government
abducted my father...
...they also froze $200 million of our assets.
Palmer has the necessary clearance
to unfreeze them.
So in the end, everything that happened
today was because of money?
l wouldn't say that.
That money is ours.
We'll call Palmer at this number
at exactly 10:45.
Once l receive confirmation
of the transfer...
...l'll give you further instructions.
JACK: What kind of instructions?
You want me to take out Palmer?
Of course.
That's why we let you go.
That's why we have your daughter.
l'm still here.
Remember, we'll call at exactly 10:45.
l trust l don't have to tell you
what will happen if Palmer doesn't answer.
DAVlD: Hello, Patty.
You left the party early.
l wasn't in the mood.
What's up?
l was just wondering if you had a chance
to look at the Dallas schedule.
lt's fine.
PATTY: Good.
Do you need anything else from me?
[Door closes]
Sit down.
A little while ago, we started down a road...
...that was going to take us
to a dangerous place.
l know, and l'm sorry.
Are you?
l'm attracted to you, Senator.
l always have been.
Meet me in 20 minutes...
...in Room 907.
l'll be waiting for you.
[Door opening]
Oh, David! Good, l....
l need to talk to you for a second.
PATTY: l'll just go make those
changes to the schedule.
DAVlD: Thanks, Patty.
[Door opens]
[Door closes]
l told...
...Keith and Nicole that...
...we're going to stump it separately
for the next couple of days.
What did they say?
They know we're not getting along, David.
DAVlD: Fine.
What are they going to do?
They'll stay with me.
Unless, of course, you want them with you.
l could use a couple of days alone.
All right, we got to work
under a couple of assumptions.
The only way to find Jack
is through Drazen.
The only way to get to Drazen
is if Alexis takes us there.
So, we've got to devote all of our
resources to finding Alexis.
-Yeah, but he shed the trackers.
-l know.
So we use the satellite
and run computer simulators.
[Phone ringing]
JACK: George, it's me.
Jack, are you all right?
Drazen let me go, but l can't come in yet.
What do you mean?
JACK: Listen to me. Tell Teri l'm out.
l know she's worried about me.
lf Drazen calls,
don't tell him that we talked.
lt'll put Kim in danger.
MASON: Fine, but Jack, let us help you.
JACK: George, l got to go.
[Dial tone]
l don't like the sound of that.
What do you think he's doing?
MASON: Drazen let him go for a reason.
Jack won't let us help him.
He won't tell us what he's doing.
Whatever he's doing,
he's trying to protect Kim.
What's the one thing we know
for sure that Drazen wants?
Palmer dead.
Connect me with the Palmer suite,
Secret Service.
ANDRE: What's wrong?
DOCTOR: l can't stop the internal bleeding.
VlCTOR: Do not let him die.
Do something!
DOCTOR: l'm sorry.
There's nothing more l can do.
Leave us.
We're family.
ANDRE: First Mother and Martina...
...now Alexis.
And it's Bauer!
VlCTOR: Andre! Not yet, we still need her!
ANDRE: Let him hear her die!
[Kim whimpering]
[Uncocks gun]
[Kim whimpering]
Could you wait for me, please?
He wants to see me.
He didn't waste much time.
He didn't waste much time.
How are you doing?
l told you before, l feel uncomfortable--
SHERRY: No, no, Patty, please.
Don't patronize me.
You feel uncomfortable...
...but not because you're ready
to be with my husband.
You feel uncomfortable...
...because you're doing it
with my knowledge and consent.
Why are you doing this, Mrs. Palmer?
lt's important for David's career
that l have his full confidence.
And l no longer have that.
And you want me to get it?
Yes, and report back to me.
-We both know what it's going to--
-Yes, we do.
-And you're okay with that?
-No, l never said l was okay with it.
But l'm willing to accept it,
because it's necessary.
[Elevator dings]
Your elevator's waiting.
Yes, just make sure that Palmer
has an extra layer of security.
lt's going to be difficult--
Yes, l know.
TONY: Hey, Nina, got a minute?
NlNA: Hold on.
This is important.
Paul, we're done. Okay.
The plans of the facility
where they were holding Victor Drazen?
NlNA: Yeah?
TONY: They've been tampered with.
-Who has access to these archives?
-Division and District.
Can you find out who's had
access to these in the last month?
-Well, do it.
The sooner the better.
You think we're dealing
with a second dirty agent?
What'd Tony want?
He was just telling me why it was so hard
to pick up a thread on Drazen.
Listen, l need your help.
Teri Bauer's a basket case.
l don't know what you think l can do.
MASON: You're good with her.
You calm her down. Come on.
l've got to deal with Chappelle.
D.O.D. is still trying--
All right.
She's in the conference room.
l know.
TERl: ls it over? Did they make the trade?
NlNA: Jack's safe.
He's no longer a hostage.
ls he on his way?
We don't know where he is.
He called in to tell us he was okay,
but he didn't say anything else.
Why not?
l think it's because Drazen wants him
to do something.
That doesn't make any sense.
Why would he do anything for that man?
l think it's to protect Kim.
What are you talking about?
Teri, the reason that Kim isn't back
is because--
TERl: No, no, no.
NlNA: No, just listen to me.
We think that's where Jack is now.
He's trying to bring Kim back.
He's not communicating with us...
...to protect her.
l'm sorry.
The task we have given your father
is a simple one.
And if he does it...
...will you let me go?
We will see.
DAVlD: Jack, l just got your message.
Senator, l need to see you right away.
Your office said you might be coming here.
l am coming there.
DAVlD: Why?
JACK: l have a message from Victor Drazen.
Yeah, they also said that Drazen
has your daughter...
...and that you could be a threat.
They've added to my security...
...and Secret Service has been told
not to let you near me.
Senator, they do have my daughter,
but l'm not coming there to harm you.
What does Drazen want you to do?
He wants to speak to you
on the phone at 10:45.
He's given me a scrambled phone.
lt can't be traced.
-What does he want to talk about?
l'll explain everything when l get there.
Just tell your people to let me through.
Drazen's people, who are holding
your daughter hostage, want me dead.
You're asking a lot, Jack.
JACK: They had my wife and daughter this
morning and l managed to save your life.
l'm not coming there to harm you
in any way. l give you my word, sir.
Did anyone see you come up?
No, l was careful.
Why don't you sit down?
How much time do we have?
Don't worry about that.
l have something l want to tell you, Patty.
You're fired.
Pack up. Get out.
And don't bother to ask me or anyone
else on my staff for a reference.
Prospective employers won't like
what l'll have to say.
l don't understand.
l know what you're doing.
You're working with my wife against me.
Senator, l'm sorry.
l didn't mean to deceive you like this.
lt's just that your wife insisted,
and l didn't know what to say.
-''No,'' would have done it.
-l know.
l know l should have.
lt's just that...
...she can be pretty scary sometimes.
So can l.
PATTY: Senator, obviously, l have made
a terrible mistake in judgment.
lf l can earn a second chance--
l want you out of this hotel in 30 minutes.
You've got to take a look at this.
These are the six people that have accessed
the detention facility archives, right?
The first five were just doing
scheduled backups.
Here's the sixth.
NlNA: George?
George is the mole?
TONY: lt's possible.
l mean, he accessed that file four days ago.
Why would he have done that
if he wasn't involved?
You got to call Chappelle.
NlNA: No, you need to shut down
his network access.
You can't let anything go in or out.
Okay, l just got to figure out
how l'm going to do it.
Where were you?
Yeah, in Room 907...
...with Patty.
Save your energy, Sherry.
No need to act surprised.
l fired her.
SHERRY: You know your problem, David?
You think everyone's conspiring
against you...
...when in fact we're just trying to help.
By putting another woman in my bed?
DAVlD: Do you realize how sick that is?
SHERRY: Come on.
We chose a certain life.
And we chose that a long time ago.
lt's not about a house in the suburbs
and PTA meetings.
And whether you're willing
to accept it or not...
...we serve a higher purpose.
You are not qualified to talk
about higher purposes.
-l'm not?
-No, you're not.
We are about to move
into the White House.
That's right. We.
You and l.
And all the issues, all the politics,
all the hard work...
...that's going to help get us there...
...l'm as much a part of that as you.
So don't even try to deny it.
Please, Sherry.
Don't go there.
l'm not begrudging a single thing, David.
l don't need the limelight.
-You sent her to spy on me.
-That's right.
-And do you want to know why?
-Yes, l do.
Because you need me to look out for you.
And if you cut me out of your inner circle...
...like you threatened earlier today,
you will fail in every way.
You need me, David.
-Jack Bauer just arrived, sir.
-l'll be out in a moment.
[Door closes]
We're not done here.
DAVlD: Jack.
JACK: Senator.
Convincing Secret Service
to allow you to come up here to see me...
...was difficult enough.
-They won't let me out of sight.
-That's fine.
You just need to talk
to Victor Drazen when he calls...
...listen to his demands, and cooperate.
How did he get your daughter?
l thought she was protected.
l did, too. We don't have much time.
He could call any second.
You said this was about money.
Yes, $200 million of his was frozen
after he was abducted.
-He wants it.
He says you have the clearance
to get it back to him.
He's going to give you
instructions when he calls.
That's why Drazen sent you here?
To get me to release his funds?
As soon as he has confirmation
on the wire transfer...
...he's going to ask me
to take action against you.
To kill me.
Yes. Of course, l would never do you
any harm, Senator. You know that.
He has my daughter.
l'm just trying to buy some time.
Jack, l don't have the authority
to transfer those funds...
...and Drazen knows that.
JACK: What do you mean?
DAVlD: He knows our system.
That money's gone.
To be honest with you,
l don't think that's the reason he's calling.
[Phone ringing]
Senator, please. Answer this phone.
[Ringing continues]
Okay, Jack.
l'll do what l can.
l'll tell him what he wants to hear.
l can't guarantee he'll buy it.
Thank you.
This is David Palmer.
Senator Palmer,
it must be nice being reunited...
...with your friend Jack Bauer.
DAVlD: What do you want?
He knows you can't get the money.
KlM: No.
AGENT: Are you all right, sir?
[Helicopter flying]
A detonation of this magnitude
had to be military plastique.
See if you can get a powder residue.
We'll try and trace it.
Yes, sir.
[Sirens blaring]
SHERRY: Where is he?
AGENT: This area's not....
SHERRY: David!
DAVlD: Let her through.
Just calm down.
Where's Keith and Nicole?
They're downstairs. Are you all right?
DAVlD: l'm fine.
SHERRY: Oh, God.
JACK: Senator.
DAVlD: Sherry, this is Jack Bauer,
the man who saved my life twice today.
Mrs. Palmer.
-And the man that put your life in danger.
-Sherry, please.
RADlO: l need a status report
on the Senator.
JACK: Don't answer that yet.
Senator, we need to talk about this.
My daughter....
Tell them you don't know yet.
This is Ron.
We don't have a 20 on the Senator yet.
RADlO: Copy that.
SHERRY: What's going on?
JACK: The man that planned
this explosion...
...needs to believe that it was a success.
Wait a minute, you mean...
...you want the world to think
that David is dead?
Yes, ma'am.
Absolutely not.
David, what's this all about?
His daughter's being held hostage.
But we can't have people thinking...
...that David was assassinated.
lt's preposterous.
lf we don't, my daughter will die.
Then what do you suggest we do,
Mr. Bauer?
We keep him quarantined
for the next few hours.
We leak a story to the press
that he was killed in the explosion.
You've got to be kidding.
l've never been more serious in my life.
No, it's not going to happen.
David, tell him.
We're talking about the life of a young girl.
We cannot keep playing games
with the public...
...and expect to keep their trust.
JACK: lf we're going to do this,
we need to do this now.
Go downstairs.
Bring the children up. Talk to no one.
l mean it.
l need the Secret Service agents
that have seen the Senator.
-Sir, who is your senior Chief of Staff?.
-Mike Novick.
Bring him in.
We'll brief him at the same time.
As soon as Mr. Palmer's family gets here...
...no one is to enter or exit this area.
ls that understood? Good.
DAVlD: Now, Sherry.
JACK: l'm very sorry, Senator.
Don't worry about it.
Are you sure this is going to work?
lt has to.
Almeida, what's going on
with my network access?
What do you mean?
l can't get into archives.
l can't access Palmer's itinerary.
l'll call lTS.
Not enough time for that. Are you up?
TONY: Yeah, l think so.
Yeah, here it is.
Okay, so Palmer's still going
to Dallas tomorrow.
Call Secret Service and find out
what time his plane leaves.
Division's got it covered.
l don't think--
Real simple. Call Secret Service,
find out what time his plane leaves.
And get my network up and running.
[Phone rings]
What happened?
TONY: He found out he's cut off.
He also seems overly interested...
...in what happens to Palmer
after he leaves LA.
NlNA: We should alert Chappelle.
l don't know, not yet.
lf we go to him without evidence,
he'll slice us up.
NlNA: And what about his access?
TONY: l'm going to have to restore it.
All right, but monitor everything
and send it to me.
MASON: Put it up on all the monitors.
Everybody, eyes on monitors.
TV REPORTER: Events are unfolding
by the minute...
...in this tragic and stunning development.
The hotel has been sealed off...
...and only a few authorized personnel
are being allowed inside.
But we have just heard
from a spokesperson...
...from the Palmer camp
who has confirmed...
...that Senator David Palmer
has been killed...
...in an explosion.
There is speculation this may be related...
...to this morning's assassination attempt...
...but at this time,
no one has been arrested.
ANDRE: We did it, Father.
We did it.
VlCTOR: Yes.
ANDRE: l'll take care of the girl.
Then we can leave.
Do not do anything until we know...
...that Jack Bauer is dead. Do nothing.
[Dialing phone]
[Phone ringing]
Sir, we just contacted Mike Novick.
He's on his way.
JACK: Good.
AGENT: Agent Bauer, it's for you.
Thank you.
ANDRE: You're a very lucky man, Mr. Bauer.
l was calling to confirm your death...
...but l see you've survived.
Andre, l have an offer to make you.
You've already killed Senator Palmer...
...l'm the last person on your list.
l'll make you a trade, me for my daughter.
Come to Port of Los Angeles.
Dock 1 1-A.
What assurance do l have
that you'll let her go when l arrive?
Sadly, none.
But we've decided...
...the sins of the father
need not be visited upon her.
Port of Los Angeles, Dock 1 1-A.
l'll be there in 30 minutes.
ANDRE: And, Jack...
...if you bring your colleagues,
or involve them in any way, we'll know.
l understand.
l have to go alone.
Good luck.
Thank you, sir.
Why are you doing this to us?
NlNA: Yeah, Jack, l can tell him.
But you should really let us
help you on this.
JACK: No, l can't. Not yet.
NlNA: At least give us the general
position so we can be nearby.
JACK: l said no.
lf Drazen has someone
else working on the inside...
...it could put Kim in danger.
Let me speak to Teri.
NlNA: Jack.
TERl: Jack?
JACK: Hey, sweetheart,
how you holding up?
TERl: Where are you?
Do you know about Kim?
JACK: Yes. l'm going to pick her up.
She's fine.
TERl: Where is she?
JACK: l can't say right now, sweetheart...
...but l promise you, soon,
she's going to be with you.
Thank God. Look, Jack,
what do you mean ''she''?
What about you?
What about you?
l'm sorry, l meant to say ''both of us.''
TERl: Oh, good.
TERl: l just don't think
l can take much more of this.
l need you both here, Jack.
l know, sweetheart.
Look, it's almost over.
JACK: Just hang in there, okay?
TERl: Okay.
l love you.
l love you, too, Jack.
There's something l have to tell you, l....
l've been waiting for the right time.
What is it?
You're going to be a father. Again.
What are you saying?
That you're pregnant?
Yes, that's generally how it works.
l'm still here.
l'm sorry.
lt was the last thing l thought
you were going to say.
Are you all right with this?
Are you happy about this?
Oh, yes, l am.
l keep thinking that...
...maybe it's the second chance
we've been talking about.
Are you there?
Yeah, l'm still here.
Are you happy about it?
JACK: Yes.
Yes, l'm happy about it.
l'm very, very happy.
Are you sure everything's okay?
Sweetheart, l promise you...
...everything is going to be okay.
lt's just been a really, really long day.
Just get on back here
so we can all go home, okay?
Teri, l love you so much.
l love you, too, Jack.
l'll see you soon.
[Starts engine]
l had a sister once.
She was full of life, like you.
She was a photographer,
took hundreds of pictures.
l used to love looking at them.
l can't do that anymore.
You know how she died?
Has anyone told you?
Your father killed her.
My father would never kill innocent people.
You wanted to know. Now l'm telling you.
l don't believe you.
He says it was an accident.
When a man goes halfway
around the world...
...to set off a bomb...
...he's responsible
for any accidents that result.
Has your father ever talked
about his work?
About where he goes
on those long trips overseas?
Of course not.
He can't.
-Because he's a criminal.
-My father is a good man.
...he's not.
MASON: Palmer's still alive.
The suite at his hotel blew up,
but apparently he got out unscathed.
-Why the news reports?
-l haven't been fully debriefed...
...but l guess it makes sense
as a defensive strategy.
Palmer's safe as long as the hitters
think he's dead.
So this goes no further
than the three of us...
...until the public's been told
that he survived, all right?
What about the perpetrators?
lt's unclear. Our intel is being refreshed
by Secret Service as we speak.
So stay at your stations,
start rebuilding profiles...
...based on the incoming information.
We'll have a new plan
in place within the hour.
Have either of you spoken to Jack
since he first called?
Not me.
MASON: Doesn't matter.
This'll all be over soon anyway.
TONY: Have you talked to Jack?
NlNA: Yeah, he called,
but he won't let us help him.
You know, it's kind of cold.
Do you mind if l have some coffee?
[Yelling in Serbian]
[Speaking Serbian]
[Shouting in Serbian]
[Speaking Serbian]
[Shouting in Serbian]
[Speaking in Serbian]
ANDRE: Stop right there, Kim! Don't move!
Don't be foolish, you'll drown.
[Speaks Serbian]
How are we going to do this
without the girl?
Bauer has no choice but to trust us.
[Phone rings]
Oh, there you are.
We just got some new intel from Langley.
NlNA: Oh, good.
TONY: Yeah, take a look at this.
[24화 마지막회 영어대본]
[24화 영어자막]
JACK: Right now...
...terrorists are plotting to assassinate
a presidential candidate.
My wife and daughter have been targeted...
...and people that l work with
may be involved in both.
l'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer...
...and today is the longest day of my life.
The following takes place
between 1 1:00 p.m. and midnight...
...on the day of the
California Presidential Primary.
[Distant voices]
[Phone ringing]
[Speaking Serbian]
We will.
[Turns off phone]
ANDRE: Maybe you're right.
Maybe she drowned.
lt does not matter...
...as long as Bauer believes
his daughter is here.
[Men chattering in Serbian]
[Fast-paced instrumental music]
[Truck engine rumbling]
[Kim grunting]
[Horn honking]
[Tires screeching]
KlM: Stop! Stop, please!
REPORTER: At this time,
we do not have any information...
...as to the cause of the explosion
that killed Senator David Palmer.
SHERRY: Do you have any idea
what's going on out there?
Since no one has seen a body...
...the media is circulating
all kinds of rumors.
DAVlD: l will tell them
as soon as l have confirmation...
...that Jack Bauer's daughter is safe.
SHERRY: And then what, David?
You're going to play dead...
...and l'm supposed to hide here
and play the grieving widow?
Just how long do you think
we can keep that charade up?
DAVlD: For as long as we have to.
SHERRY: That's crazy!
SHERRY: Mike, tell him how crazy it is.
He listens to you.
Don't put me in the middle.
What, isn't that your job,
to be in the middle?
For crying out loud, Mike.
lt's your career on the line, too.
You came clean on TV today.
You got lucky.
But it could just as easily
have gone the other way.
SHERRY: Testing the public's patience
like that?
You won't be lucky again, David.
Listen to me.
Jack Bauer saved my life today.
DAVlD: Not once, but twice.
l realize that
and l am sympathetic to what he--
-l don't think you are!
-l am. Listen to me--
No! l am going to respect his request
and so are you.
DAVlD: You will not sacrifice his daughter.
-Anything new?
-l'm just going over the intel from Langley.
MASON: l mean about Jack.
CTU, Almeida.
l assume you still haven't heard
anything from him.
Not yet.
TONY: George.
l've got Highway Patrol on Line 7.
They picked up a girl at the port,
says she's Jack's daughter.
MASON: Patch it through.
This is George Mason, CTU.
Who am l speaking with?
DEVLlN: Sergeant Devlin, Highway Patrol.
l hear you have a young woman with you.
Claims she's the daughter of your agent.
MASON: Jack Bauer?
DEVLlN: That's right.
MASON: Can l speak with her, please?
Kim, this is George Mason at CTU.
How are you? Okay?
Yes. Tell my father that l've escaped
or he'll go there and they'll kill him.
Can you tell us
where these people are, Kim?
The port. l don't know exactly.
DEVLlN: May l speak with the Sergeant?
KlM: Okay.
We picked her up near Dock 1 1 Alpha.
Send two tactical teams. Highest priority.
MASON: Have law enforcement
establish a perimeter.
Where are you now, Sergeant?
DEVLlN: North of the harbor.
All right, get Kim over here ASAP,
all right?
MASON: We've got to find Jack
before he walks into a trap.
NlNA: We need to coordinate two....
[Phone ringing]
ANDRE: What's taking so long?
JACK: l just got here.
Where exactly?
JACK: Don't worry. l'm close enough.
Where's my daughter?
ANDRE: She's right here.
JACK: Put her on the phone.
ANDRE: Come to the parking lot of the
freight office.
ANDRE: l'll come out with her.
JACK: Let me speak to her first.
ANDRE: There's been enough talking.
After what's happened today,
you expect me to trust you?
We know you lied
about Palmer being dead...
...so don't talk about trust, all right?
Just get down here now
or l'll kill her myself. Trust that.
l'm not going to show myself
until l speak to my daughter first.
Don't test me.
[Hangs up]
[Dial tone]
He's not coming.
He's coming.
Nina, what's the ETA on the TAC teams?
NlNA: Five on the Alpha,
eight on the Beta.
[Phone ringing]
NlNA: Myers.
JACK: Nina, it's me.
Where are you?
JACK: Listen carefully.
l've just confirmed that someone at CTU
is feeding the Drazens information.
Based on what?
They know that Palmer wasn't killed.
Who at CTU had clearance
for that kind of intel?
Besides me, just Tony,
Mason and Chappelle.
One of those three is working for them.
You need to find out which one.
Okay. But Jack, what are you doing?
Where are you?
JACK: Andre agreed to a trade, me for Kim.
Are you just
going to walk right up to them?
lf l can guarantee Kim's safety, yes.
Nina, there's a chance that l won't be able
to see this thing through.
Until you know who's giving the
Drazens information...
...don't trust anyone. l've got to go.
MlKE: l don't think the situation will
require much spin...
...as long as you do what you've been
doing all along.
-Tell me again what l've been doing, Mike?
-Telling the truth.
And tearing my family apart in the process.
As hard as it's been for everyone...
...l think this last day has been about
finding out who you really are...
...not just as a candidate.
[Phone ringing]
MAN: Mike, turn on the .
[Heavy sigh]
What is it, Mike?
REPORTER: A reliable source from inside
Palmer's campaign...
...confirmed just moments ago
the Senator was unharmed by the blast.
Damn it!
REPORTER: What is still uncertain is
why the Senator has not made a statement.
MlKE: David.
We have to deal with the press, David.
DAVlD: You couldn't wait to leak it
to the press, could you?
-David, l--
-lt was you!
DAVlD: What were you thinking?
SHERRY: They already knew.
Damn it, Sherry!
The way you keep defying me!
SHERRY: l'm not defying you,
l am protecting you!
Protecting me from what?
MlKE: Back off, David. l mean it.
DAVlD: Get off me.
MlKE: l mean it!
DAVlD: Get off me!
Back off! David!
You have to talk to the press, now.
The longer you take to make a statement,
the more control you give up.
Damn it! lf that child dies!
[Grunts angrily]
[Vase shattering]
[Phone ringing]
-lt's me.
ANDRE: l'm busy. What's happening?
They found his daughter.
She'll be here within the hour.
-Does Bauer know?
-No. Not yet.
l'm the only one in contact with him.
l've been ordered by CTU
to send in two teams.
NlNA: They're on their way.
ANDRE: All right, hold on.
They found the girl.
Bauer doesn't know.
The CTU people are already on their way.
We have to get you out of here.
ANDRE: He won't come if we can't
produce the girl. He's not stupid.
Father, we barely have time to get
to international waters.
l can't risk you getting captured again.
Give me the phone.
Can you contact Bauer?
You tell him his daughter is dead.
Her body was found floating in the harbor.
NlNA: You think he'll come after you?
VlCTOR: Yes.
You'll have to kill him. No mistakes.
lf he finds out l've lied to him,
my cover will be blown.
Of course we will kill him.
That is the point.
[Turns off phone]
He's coming.
[Cell phone rings]
No. lt's me.
-Come back to CTU.
-l can't. l'm running out of time.
l'm going to get Kim now.
NlNA: l don't know how to tell you this.
JACK: What is it, Nina?
Coast Guard Cutter answered the APB
we put out on Kim.
-They found her body, Jack.
l'm sorry.
NlNA: She's dead.
NlNA: l'm so sorry. Jack?
[Sad instrumental music]
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Loads gun]
[Metallic clatter]
[Window shattering]
[Warehouse doors rattling]
What if Bauer doesn't come?
He may be too crushed by
the thought of his daughter's death.
VlCTOR: That is exactly why he will come.
Believe me. l know.
[Loud crash]
[Glass shattering]
[Automatic gun firing]
Hurry, Father, get to the boat.
[Gun clicking]
[Gun clicking]
[Sad instrumental music]
DAVlD: lt has come to my attention
that misinformation was given to the press.
And again, l apologize
for the misunderstanding.
As you can imagine,
this has been a very chaotic situation.
But l appreciate the confidence the voters
have continued to show for our campaign.
DAVlD: We regret that false information
has been broadcast regarding this incident.
But, thankfully, no one was hurt.
My family and l are safe,
and we have no intention...
...of letting this slow us down in any way.
Are you coming here to lecture me, Mike?
Lecture you on what?
About how l'm not being
supportive enough for David.
Actually, l'm on your side this time.
MlKE: l think David was hurting
himself with this charade.
Maybe it's good you leaked
the truth to the press.
l want to know what this entire day
has done to his campaign.
l think we should run some focus groups
first thing in the morning.
MlKE: l've already called Robin over at ASl.
SHERRY: Okay, good.
Do you think David should cancel
his trip to Dallas, go back to Washington?
MlKE: l don't know, Sherry.
l think...
...David should make that call.
No, l don't.
David's in no frame of mind to make
critical decisions right now.
lt's going to take you and l to steer
this thing by ourselves, okay...
...until he gets his head screwed on right.
Listen, Sherry...
...David wanted to meet with you privately
when he finished his statement.
David doesn't need
to make an appointment to see me.
l'm right here.
MlKE: He'll be in the ballroom
in five minutes.
l've already called the Secret Service.
What's this all about?
MlKE: He didn't say.
lf l were you...
...l'd take it as an opportunity...
...to make the first move.
Patch things up.
Make things right.
Fine, Mike.
[Door closes]
MASON: That's too much. Tony, get this.
Okay, l'll call you back.
The TAC team got there,
but Jack went in without them.
TONY: By himself?.
MASON: Evidently.
TONY: ls he all right?
MASON: He's alive.
TONY: What about the Drazens?
TERl: What are you talking about?
Congratulations, Teri. Your family's fine.
They're on their way over here now.
Anyway, Karris counts seven down.
Jack's the last man standing.
Want to contact Secret Service.
l'll update Division?
TERl: l talked to Jack an hour ago.
He said--
MASON: Teri, l told you everybody's fine.
Now go in there and celebrate. Relax.
WOMAN: Can l help you?
[Silenced gun shots]
[Nina speaking German]
NlNA: Call me when it's time.
WOMAN: Someone is there?
NlNA: Yes.
WOMAN: l understand.
TERl: You speak German?
NlNA: Frankfurt Division.
-Something wrong?
l just heard there was some big shoot-out.
No one will tell me what's going on.
Teri, calm down. Jack and Kim are fine.
They're on their way here right now.
-Are you sure?
TERl: What about the men
that were after Kim and me?
They're dead. You and Kim are safe.
And so is Jack.
l just want us all to be
back together again, l guess.
NlNA: lt won't be long.
Thank God.
[Phone ringing]
This is Myers.
WOMAN: You're still not alone?
NlNA: That's right.
WOMAN: Listen carefully. Procedures are
in place. Collect all of your information.
WOMAN: Listen carefully. Procedures are
in place. Collect all of your information.
-We have arranged for your extraction.
The usual pickup point. Northwest corner.
ls there anything else?
That's all right, l know you're busy.
l'll let you get back to work.
l can't let you go.
[Slams door]
Not yet.
Move back into the room, slowly.
l said move!
NlNA: Against the wall. On your knees.
Do it!
JACK: Officer!
The body that you pulled out of the harbor.
That was my daughter.
l'd like to claim the body.
l'm not sure who you mean.
The Coast Guard, they pulled a body
out of the harbor. ln the last hour.
l didn't hear anything,
but l just got on duty.
lf you'd like, l can call the harbor master.
Hold on one second. Give me your phone.
Could you call him now, please?
OFFlCER: Yes, sure.
MAN: Harbor Master's office.
OFFlCER: Frank.
OFFlCER: Did you guys pull a body
out of the harbor?
MAN: No, nothing on our patrol.
OFFlCER: You sure?
MAN: No reports anywhere.
OFFlCER: All right, roger that.
What'd he say?
OFFlCER: No body's been found
in the harbor or anywhere near it.
-Are you sure?
ls it possible that another unit
picked her up?
We cover 50 miles of coastline.
No body was found tonight.
Thanks. Thank you.
[Suspenseful instrumental music]
[Hard drive whirring]
[Phone rings]
-This is Mason.
-lt's Jack.
l don't know whether to congratulate you
or demand you resign.
Do you know where my daughter is?
Yes, Highway Patrol
picked her up about half an hour ago.
She's heading over here
under heavy escort.
lf you called, l could've told you.
You need to arrest Nina.
l what?
She's working against us.
Don't let her out of the building.
Jack, hold on a second.
What's all this about?
She told me that they
found Kim's body in the harbor.
l confirmed with the Coast Guard.
They never found a body.
She was working with the Drazens
to set a trap for me.
Are you sure
there wasn't a misunderstanding?
About Kim being dead?
No, George. She lied.
There was no misunderstanding.
There's no proof either.
lt's your word against hers.
l'll get you your proof.
Don't let her out of your sight.
[Jack's phone speed-dialing]
Archives. Wilson.
Paul. lt's Jack.
l need a copy of the morning security tape...
...between 8:50 and 9:00 a.m. in the lTS,
when Jamey committed suicide in there.
All right, let me check.
PAUL: That's weird.
JACK: What, you got it?
Yes, sir. Except the tape was erased.
PAUL: This morning.
-What about the digital backup?
-There's no digital backup for lTS.
There is. You just need
the proper clearance code. Try C-2-2-7-1-7.
[Keyboard clacking]
-How long is this going to take?
-Just a few minutes.
Get back to me as soon as you can.
[Honking horn]
Wait a moment, please.
SHERRY: David.
Mike said you wanted to see me.
l know we need to talk, but...
...honestly, David,
we haven't slept in two days.
Can't it wait until the morning?
SHERRY: We've had a rough day.
And, yes, l know that you are
very angry with me.
But when we've put this day
in perspective...
...you'll realize that l've been acting
in your best interest all along.
l'm not angry with you, Sherry.
Good, David.
l feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?
You've lost touch with what it is to be...
...a parent...
...a friend...
...a wife.
After tonight...
...l don't want to see you again.
SHERRY: David, will you just--
DAVlD: Please. l've heard it all before.
And l don't care what this may do
to my candidacy.
And it's not because
l don't want to be President.
l do.
l just don't think you're fit to be
the First Lady.
Do you really think that
you can just leave me?
Don't believe for a second
that it's going to be that easy.
DAVlD: Secret Service will take you back
to Washington whenever you're ready.
SHERRY: David.
You just don't walk away from me!
You can't do this without me!
l'm talking to you!
-Sorry, ma'am.
-Get your hands off of me.
[Cell phone ringing]
JACK: Yes?
PAUL: Jack, it's Paul Wilson.
l got the Jamey
interrogation footage for you.
Good, l've got a monitor in my car.
Send it to me so l can take a look at it.
Sure thing.
[Computer beeping]
Oh, my God.
Send this over to Mason, his eyes only,
and patch me through to him.
[Phone ringing]
-George, are you in front of your screen?
Yes. What is it?
Proof against Nina.
She killed Jamey Farrell.
JACK: Can you see it?
MASON: Yeah.
MASON: This is unbelievable.
-Where are you right now?
-l'm about five minutes out.
Find her, George.
[Police sirens]
[Error sound beeping]
WOMAN: Where are you?
NlNA: l'm leaving now.
WOMAN: You have 16 minutes to reach
the pickup point.
We're routing you through Munich
for three days.
Why Germany?
Why can't l come to you directly?
WOMAN: l don't know.
These are the instructions.
You need to be untraceable
during that time.
Make sure nothing
can connect you to Germany.
[Pulsating alarm]
WOMAN: Did you hear me?
NlNA: All right.
NlNA: l'm leaving now, Teri.
l'm going to lock you in from the outside.
Someone will find you soon.
Everything will be fine.
GUARD 1 : Anything?
GUARD 2: Nothing.
[Pulsating alarm]
[Door closing]
GUARD 1 : Ms. Myers!
[Silenced gunshot]
[Elevator dings]
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Silenced gunshot]
[Second alarm beeping]
[Engine starting]
[Tires screeching]
[Silenced gunshot]
[Tires screeching]
[Panting painfully]
Put your hands where l can see them!
Nina, put your hands on the steering wheel!
lf you kill me,
you won't know who l work for.
You think l work for Drazen, but l don't.
l trusted you, Nina.
-l was just doing my job.
-Your job?
My wife and daughter almost died today.
JACK: How many people that
trusted you lost their life today...
...because you were doing your job?
Jamey? Ellis? How many others?
How many people died
because of you, Jack?
MASON: Jack, take it easy.
We need her alive.
Come on, Jack. Kim just got here.
They're taking her inside right now.
Come on.
TONY: Jack, don't do it.
MASON: Come on, Jack.
Come be with your family.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go inside.
This is no good. Come on, Jack.
[Dramatic instrumental music]
Good job. Come on, now.
MASON: lt's okay. You all right?
MASON: lt's okay. You all right?
AGENT: Vehicle's clear.
MASON: You did the right thing.
AGENT: You want to take her up?
Come on.
AGENT: Come on, let's go.
JACK: Sweetheart.
KlM: Dad!
JACK: Thank God you're all right.
KlM: Sorry. Are you okay?
JACK: Yes, l'm all right.
-How about you?
-l'm fine.
-Are you sure?
-l'm positive.
JACK: Sweetheart.
KlM: l was so worried.
lt's all over, baby.
No one's going to hurt you now, l promise.
JACK: l love you so much.
l love you.
Where's Mom?
l thought she was here with you.
l'll go find her.
-Just stay here with the guards, okay?
REPORTER: ...while eluding two
assassination attempts, just hours apart.
lt may take days, even weeks,
before details become clear.
Sources close to the ClA credit Special
Agent Jack Bauer...
...of the LA Counter Terrorist Unit
as the man responsible for saving Palmer.
[Muffled voices]
GUARD 1 : Still nothing.
JACK: Have you searched the floor yet?
GUARD 2: Not yet, sir.
JACK: Teri?
Oh, my God.
[Blade clicks]
JACK: Come on, sweetheart.
Come on.
JACK: Come on.
Oh, God.
Teri, no.
JACK: Please, no.
Come on, baby.
JACK: Come on.
l'm glad you moved back in, Daddy.
Me, too, sweetie.
l really appreciate that.
OLD JACK: Really, really appreciate it?
Or really appreciate it?
OLD JACK: How much?
OLD TERl: l'll tell you.
JACK: l'm so sorry.
So sorry.
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